Commentary Bush administration's removal of Hussein has paid dividends The failure to find stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and weapons inspector David Kay's recent admission that such stockpiles likely don't exist, has Democrats in creasingly insinuating that President Bush lied to take the nation to war. For example, at a campaign stop in New Hampshire recently, Wesley Clark ventured that "We don't know what the motivation was," and that Mr. Bush is "misleading the Ameri can people." Here's a theory: The President knew there were no weapons of But because he had an ulterior motive for going to war, he sent Dick Cheney over to Lan gley to coerce the CIA into saying that there were. Tony Blair likewise "sexed up" the British intelligence estimates. And Messrs. Bush and Blair thought it would be a great idea to invade the country, and then have the British and American people find out that the claims they made about weapons of mass destruction were false, which they knew them to be all along. The theories you hear about this are all nonsense! Before the war, the intelligence agencies of the world GUEST COMMENTARY mass destruction in Iraq. agreed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. David Kay has cit ed German and Russian intelligence reports that "painted a picture of Iraq armed with weapons of mass destruction." Even Jacques Chirac warned last February about "the probable possession of weapons of mass destruction by an uncontrol lable country, Iraq." And you can go down through the list of statements by Democrats from Bill Clinton to John Kerry to Wesley Clark to the whole lot of them — who all saw the same intelligence — and not one of them doubted that Saddam had these weapons and that his regime was a growing threat. Throughout all of this ridiculous, partisan, election-year rhetoric, let's not lose sight of the nightmare sce nario, all too plausible after Sept. 11: A murderous dictator gives terrorists a nuclear weapon, and they use it to in cinerate an American city. There are always deeper, often un stated but nonetheless widely under stood reasons to go to war besides the simple, lowest common denomi nator arguments given by politicians and diplomats. While the threat of weapons of mass destruction was the centerpiece of the Bush administra tion's arguments for the invasion of Iraq, the far more profound and geopolitically important reason for war with Saddam Hussein was to es tablish the precedent of the United States acting preemptively and deci sively against a tyrannical regime suspected of pursuing weapons of mass destruction. That precedent has already paid big dividends: Witness Moammar Gad hafi's decision last year to admit in spectors and come clean about Ubya's weapons programs, Iran's newly pro fessed interest in international proto cols, Pakistan's investigation of its weapons-proliferating nuclear scien tists, and Kim Jong Il's invitation for a U.S. delegation — which included former Los Alamos National Labora tory director Siegfried Hecker— to tour their nuclear reactor complex at Yongbyon. One of the most important out comes of the war in Iraq is that the burden of proof is no longer on us to establish that a dictator has weapons of mass destruction, but rather on the dictator to prove to the world that he does not. The tyrants of the world are now on notice that even being sus pected of having weapons of mass de struction can prematurely end their lifetime tenures. Sean Waltson is a graduate student studying physics. LETTERS continued from page 2 Rudin proves to be skilled puppet for the left It's comforting to know that even in today's times of global uncertainty, this campus has a force that's solid as a rock. That force is Aimee Rudin. Standing strong against the evils of the right-wing media, we can always count on Rudin to spout off the Left's War on Terror talking points. Remi niscent of cultural obstetrician Joe Bechard, who had his Ph.D. in Eu gene liberal groupthink, Rudin re mains unwavering in her quest not to let rational thought get in the way of her arguments. Saddam Hussein had to be taken out of power for the sake of his own people, and for the sake of the rest of the world. He violated more than 17 United Na tions mandates, invaded Kuwait, abused and tortured his own people, used weapons of mass destruction and harbored members of al Qaida. But ac cording to Rudin, "It's about oil. * And in a paragraph that would make Michael Moore and Al Franken proud, Rudin manages to debunk the right-wing media, opine that the war in Iraq is about oil and oil alone, play the race card and en gage in class warfare! Somebody at please hire this woman! I urge the Emerald to print commentary from original thinkers, not from those who are overcome with groupthink and rewrite the talking points. Christopher Looney junior economic CAMPUS KmP VmJP Mmml£■ Friday Zero Waste Workshop entitled "Strategies for Zero Waste: A Workshop in the Principles and Practices of Strategies to Reduce and Eliminate All Forms of Waste," Room 130, Baker Downtown Center South Building, 8:30a.m.-4:30 p.m. Register online. Humanities Work-in-Progress Talk entitled "Charismatic Authority in Oregon's Chicano Movement," 159 PLC, noon-1 p.m. Brown bag lunches welcome. Administrative Rule public hearing for the campus community to submit comments on proposed amendments to OAR 571-060-0005, Special Fees, Fines, Penalties and Service Charges, 214 Friendly Hall, 3 p.m. Film screening and discussion featuring a presentation by filmmaker Maureen Gosling on her awardwinning documentary film, "Blossoms of Fire," 100 Willamette Hall, 5 p.m. International Resource Center Winter Film Festival entitled "Venus Beauty Institute," International Lounge, EMU, 7-9 p.m. Oregon ballroom dance, 220 Gerlinger Hall, 7:30-11:30 p.m. Battle of the Bands featuring five local bands, Vet’s Club, 1626 Willamette St., 8 p.m. CUSTODIAL* CARPENTRY-PAINTING positions available beginning June 12 wage range $7.05 to $8.05 per hour application deadline march 31 at 5 p.m. must meet minimum age and student status requirements preference given to UO students applications available at the University Housing Office or online EO/AA/ADA institution committed to cultural diversity. 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