Sheri David Leah (and waxing by) Karen now open for 1745 W. 18th Ave. appointment 18th & Chambers monday - Saturday 431-1717 A Robinson Theatre Production ih Madeleine Olnek's Feb 27, 28 March 4, 5, 6, 12, 13 at 8:00 pm Sunday Matinee: March 7, 2:00 pm Proceeds benefit White Bird Clinic 342-8255 O PORTLAND continued from page 1 Oregon Supreme Court Justice Betty Roberts allowed the couple to say their vows and, after an exchange of rings, declared them legally married. "I must say I am honored to have been asked to officiate these cere monies," Roberts said. "Over the years I've presided at many weddings and I know from talking with these (couples) that they fully understand the commitment, love and flexibility needed for any successful marriage." Following the first wedding, Dr. Stephen Knox, an anesthesiologist, and Dr. Eric Warshaw, a gynecologist, were also married by Roberts. The Portland couple, who have been to gether for 10 years and have three children, expressed elation about joining the ranks of married people. "We're a family, like millions of other families in America," Warshaw said. Basic Rights Oregon Executive Di rector Roey Thorpe and American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon Exec utive Director David Fidanque also made brief statements following the ceremonies expressing support for same-sex marriage. "Marriage is a basic right," Thorpe said. "Basic Rights Oregon strongly believes that state law ... will stand behind this decision." The Multnomah debate As a swarm of people gathered outside the Multnomah County headquarters at 501 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd. on Wednesday morning, four Multnomah County commissioners called a press conference to official ly announce their intention to dis tribute marriage licenses to same sex couples. Multnomah County Attorney Agnes Sowle said that after a review of Article I, Section 20 of the Oregon Constitution, which prohibits fa voritism in the law, she concluded in a published opinion that denying marriage licenses to same-sex couples would violate the constitution. The five-page opinion — which was deemed legally sound by Port land lawyer Charles F. Hinkle and en dorsed by four of the five Multnomah Medium Two-Topping Pizza with one free 22 ol soda FREE DELIVERY Eugene: 686-5808 Not valid with any other offer Expires 3/15/04 "7(<£ gf»izza Pipeline (Jo . Large Two-Topping Pizza