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She said that law student Colin Andries, a member of the ASUO Stu dent Senate and the ASUO Programs Finance Committee, reminded her that an election may not be scheduled during Finals Week, but said he didn't mention Dead Week. Day said a grievance was filed last year because the election was scheduled during the law school's Finals Week. Day added that while she understands that law students need time to study for finals, she was disappointed at the de cision because it forced the board to move the election forward, giving can didates less time to campaign. The court also had other objections to the election packet, including a rule that the court felt was confusing. The court said the packet's word ing of ASUO Election Rule 2.5, which prohibits candidates from promising gifts or benefits in ex change for votes, is too confusing. The court deemed it "void for vague ness" because it "presents an incom prehensible morass of text from which no reasonable person could derive meaning." "Should the Elections Board desire to preserve the substance of the rule, they must do so by redrafting it in Eng lish simple enough that a person of or dinary intelligence could glean mean ing from it," Harris wrote. Day said the court has approved the same language in past years. The rule reads: "For purposes of this section, 'service, opportunity, or other thing of value' are defined to exclude benefits which would insure to an elec tor or electors as a direct result of an election or ballot measure outcome provisions or withholding of a partic ular service, opportunity, or other thing of value." A section of the packet also implies that it is merely "traditional" to have proposed ballot measures contain sep arate question-and-answer sections, when in reality it is a rule that ballot measures must have separate sections, Harris wrote. An Elections Recruitment Fair will take place today in the EMU Am phitheater. Students are invited to at tend the fair, which starts at 11 a.m. and lasts until 3 p.m., to get more informa tion about running for office and to meet the ASUO Elections Board. The deadline to submit an election appli cation is March 10. Contact the people/culture/ faith reporter atjaredpaben@dailyemerald.com. KERRY continued from page 1 "Boy, wait till they see the fire in my belly," he said. "I didn't win 18 out of 20 caucuses and primaries so far because I don't have the fire in the belly. And people who know me well know that fire is raging." Speaking to the American Urban Ra dio Network, Kerry said Monday that he hoped to emulate former President Clinton in the eyes of blacks, the par ty's most loyal constituency and a sol id source of support during his stretch of primary wins. "President Clinton was often known as the first black president," Kerry said. "I wouldn't be upset if I could earn the right to be the second." The University of Pennsylvania's National Annenberg Election Survey had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points. (c) 2004, Knight Ridder/Tribune Information Services. Contributing were Tim Funk with Edwards and James Kuhnhenn with Kerry. ■ IT’S NOTHING PERSONAL. IT’S JUST BUSINESS. MAKE ASUO YOUR BUSINESS. FOR ASUO ELECTIONS * * 1 it s our ®^S!SS aisi i 'actions p, in AS uoregon.edu ||p:aaii:5 ; lay, March 4th OSITION ON Oregon Daily Emerald P.O. Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald is pub lished daily Monday through Friday during the school year by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co. Inc., at the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.The Emerald operates inde pendently of the University with of fices in Suite 300 of the Erb Memorial Union. The Emerald is private prop erty. The unlawful removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law. 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