.M f/St/i asice HO School of Music & Department of Dance MARCH CONCERTS For more information on School of Music events, call 346-5678. Mon. CHAMBER MUSICALE 3/1 UO Chamber Ensembles 8 p.m., Beall Hall $5 General Admission, $3 students & senior citizens Tue. 10Oth MONKEY ENSEMBLE 3/2 t/O Contemporary Music Ensemble 8 p.m., Beall Hall FREE Admission Wed. OREGON WIND ENSEMBLE and 3/3 UO SYMPHONIC BAND UO Ensembles 8 p.m., Beall Hall $5 General Admission, $3 students & senior citizens Thu. REPERTOIRE SINGERS, CAMPUS BAND 3/4 UO Ensembles 8 p.m., Beall Hall FREE Admission Sat. SUZUKI STRINGS 3/g UO Children's Concert Series 10:30 am, Beall Hall $3 adults, $2 children/students, or $5 for a family Sat. JAVANESE GAMELAN 3/6 Javanese Shadow Puppet Theater 3 p.m., Agate Hall FREE Admission Sat. FUTURE MUSIC OREGON 3/6 UO Music Technology Program 8 p.m., 198 Music $5 General Admission, $3 students & senior citizens Sat. AFRICAN COMMUNITY NIGHT 3/6 UO Department of Dance 8 p.m., Dougherty Dance Theatre ~~S~TY $10 Gen. Admission, $5 students & seniors of oregon For our complete calendar, check: music.uoregon.edu WOMEN continued from page 1 campus, and many agreed the theme should express indusiveness. "It's been a collaborative event," she said. "I don't think it could have been any more inclusive." She said there has been a lot of dis cussion about the conference meeting the needs of students and faculty, and further discussions will take place af ter the event. "I've tried to address the needs of women of color on campus and the women of diverse backgrounds," she said. Tuesday features theatrical perform ances by Erin O'Brien, a Vietnamese Irish American activist who will address issues such as hate crimes, homopho bia and violence against women, ac cording to the release. The performanc es include "Sometimes I feel," Growing up Gay and The Dress. Members of ethnic student unions are sponsoring a women of color open-mic event Thursday that will highlight some of the campus women of color's voices and talents, junior lijin Abraham said. Abraham, who is helping direct the event, said students also are sponsoring a workshop titled "Con solidating the Fractured Image Among Women of Color," which is intended to examine image and identity misconceptions among women of color. "It's going to be kind of a safe space for women of color," she said. Herman said the international theme is meant to speak to a variety of women because people have different perceptions of who women of color are "It's very hard to define what's a woman of color," she said. Abraham said she has been appre hensive about this year's theme while serving as the connection be tween the event's coordinator and the student groups on campus. She said the international theme has the potential to leave out American women of color. WOMEN OF COLOR CONFERENCE FVFNK Tuesday: - Writing Life Stories and Activism Workshop: Noon-1:30 p.m. EMU Alsea and Coquille rooms -Gender, Race, Class and Nation: Women Resisting Militarization: 3 p.m.4:30 p.m. EMU Fir Room -Consolidatingthe Fractured Image among Women of Color: 5 p.m.-7 p.m. Multicultural Center - Theatrical Performances by Erin O’Brien: 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m. EMU Fir Room Wednesday: - Mentoring Women of Color in University Settings: l:30p.m.-3 p.m. EMU Ben Linder Room - Out of Your Head and Into Your Body: 3 p.m.4 p.m. EMU Ben Linder Room VS9iS!B&99!#flf6g8S6&8t&to8Sli8Set9<>SSSt!)9S99SGt&SeimQSim&MmtStafK>aW0V>MQ!nQmei>%mp0pQQtfipmaecf(ftpp(r - Growing up Muslim: 4 p.m.-5 p.m. EMU Fir Room - Women and Disabilities-An International Perspective: 5 p.m.-6 p.m. EMU Fir Room - Theater of the Oppressed: 6 p.m.-9 p.m. EMU Ben Linder Room Thursday: - Women of Color Negotiating the University: Working Toward Empowerment: Noon-1:30 p.m. EMU Ben Linder Room - Support Sovereignty for Indigenous People: 3 p.m.-3:45 p.m. EMU Board Room - Chicana Artists: 1960 to present 4 p.m.-5 p.m. 182 Lillis - Women of Color Open-Mic: 5 p.m.-7 p.m. 182 Lillis - Keynote address by Andy Smith: 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m. 182 Lillis SOURCE: Mtp://darkwing.uoregon.edu/ 'women "It kind of excludes women of col or in the U.S.," she said. "As long as they don't get overlooked and they're included in the international perspec tive, that's great." She said the conference is impor tant for letting people know there are women of color on campus. "They're very underrepresented," she said. Women's Center Director Lisa Foisy said Herman has sought out many viewpoints about the conference throughout the planning process. "On her part, she really worked hard to reach a variety of con stituents," Foisy said. She said the input of campus groups and departments, and the co ordinator's vision determine the theme for the conference. "It can change from year to year," she said. "Really it's open." Andy Smith will wrap up the con ference with the keynote speech Thursday. Smith co-founded Incite! Women of Color Against Violence, a national activist organization of feminists of color that aims to end violence against women of color and their communities, according to its Web site, http://www.incite-na tional.org. Herman said one of the main pur poses of the conference is to motivate people. She said she also hopes the conference will educate people about feminism around the world. "We definitely want to bring aware ness to campus," she said. Contact the higher education/ student life/student affairs reporter atchelseaduncan@daiiyemerald.com. I f/ituottti y^rci/tc Hawai'i Pacific University offers nine graduate programs that emphasize practical applications, providing students with current solutions and innovative strategies needed for success. 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