Danielle Hickey Photo Editor Adjunct instructor Carla Meeske interacts with her students in her Value to Customer class Thursday afternoon. Research done by University marketing faculty has been cited more than any other public business institution in social and business publications. MARKETING continued from page 1 Marketing Department Head Peter Wright said the survey brings some much deserved recognition. "As a small department, we some times get overlooked and an objective analysis like this gives a fair compari son of Oregon's marketing depart ment against much bigger depart ments (at other schools)," he said, adding that the department has nine faculty members. The survey examined the median citation rates of a department's facul ty in business and social publica tions from 1975 to 2003, according to the release. Wright said the survey shows both younger and older faculty members in the department are strong researchers. "It indicates we have a strong de partment top to bottom," he said. He added that research is impor tant to the department because it in fluences what will be taught in schools around the country. "Research has an impact on stu dents nationwide because it teaches the teachers," he said, adding that much of what is found in textbooks today came from earlier research. Associate marketing Professor David M. Boush said the survey al lows him and other faculty members to trace how their research has been used by others. "These are hard figures," he said. "You can see what you've done that's had the greatest impact." He said one of his articles pub lished in the Journal of Marketing Re search in 1991 has been cited many times. His research analyzed how con sumers thought about brand names when the names were put on prod ucts usually not associated with the brand, such as Campbell's brand on frozen food items. "Those kind of processes might un derlay the strategy that a marketer might take," he said. He said most of what gets pub lished is usually basic research that ends up in textbooks. "You can most of the time trace it to the academic research," he said. Boush said the study will help the department attract more quality stu dents and faculty by bringing recogni tion to the school. "Mostly I think it's good in practi cal ways for the students and the Uni versity," he said. Marketing graduate student Jeff Stinson said the survey's findings came as no surprise. "The quality of our faculty is the primary thing that attracted me to Oregon," he said. "But it's great to see that public recognition of that." He said working under quality re search faculty members will help him with his own research as he strives for his degree. "You know that you're learning from the best people in your field," he said. "What more could you ask for?" Contact the higher education/ student life/student affairs reporter atchelseaduncan@dailyemerald.com. CLARIFICATION In "Study: Many are skeptical of recovered memories" (ODE, Feb. 26) the article stated that forget ting about a caregiver's abuse is more common than continually remembering the event. It should have said that forgetting sexual or physical abuse is more likely when the perpetrator is a caregiver, such as a parent, than when the perpe trator is not a caregiver, such as a family friend or a stranger. Premier TraveF • Airfare Specials!!! • Los Angeles - $169.00* Frankfurt ± $276.00* San Jose, CR - $410.00* Cancun - $419.00* tax not included, restrictions mn\ apply. Subject to change u itliout notice. Email Passes issued on-site!!! E-mail: fares@luv2travel.com [1011 Harlow \ 747-0909^F<3fp ^Student Travel Experts^ Please RECYCLE this paper. CORRECTIONS In "University student accused of stabbing childhood friend" (ODE, Feb. 24), the victim of the stabbing was misidentified. The Eugene Police Department initial ly reported the victim in the stabbing as 23-year-old Zachary Mahiohao Payne. The Emerald reported this information. However, Zachary William Payne, a 21-year-old computer and information science major, e-mailed the Emerald on Wednesday to make note of the mistake. Zachary William Payne said he is the victim of the crime. EPD acknowledged that it made a mistake "It was an error on our part," EPD spokeswoman Kerry Delf said. EPD now has in its records that the victim's name is Zachary Mari on Payne. In "Study: Many are skeptical of re covered memories" (ODE, Feb. 26), a quote by University psychology Pro fessor Jennifer Freyd should have read: "In our opinion, if people are bi ased against recovered memories, it's kind of like a prejudice." 014248 Pregnant? 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