Person on the street: What is your favorite vice? "Watching trashy tele vision. I love to watch the reality TV shows. Fox always gets me." Allie Major sophomore, pre-journalism "There's just so many to choose from. Smoking cigarettes on the beach because I quit smoking five years ago." Susan Thompson junior, architecture "The Internet. I tend to go online as opposed to doing my home work. I prefer to use instant messenger in stead of the phone to contact people." Katherine Greeley senior, art "My favorite vice is talking about how great I am. It's true." Brandon Kilgore senior, biology "I've got so many, how do I choose? Sleeping — probably too much." Nate Feyma senior, multimedia design Photos by Erik R. Bishoff CIGARS continued from page 3B from his experience in the Army. He said he thought it was "dang good." Although no one specifically taught him how to smoke, Lau said he mostly learned from movies like Scarface. If someone is considering picking up cigar smoking, Colbert said they would be glad to give anyone a les son in cigars at his shop. "One of the things people like about our shop is that we will bring you in here and talk to you," he said. Lau, like Colbert, said he enjoys the flavor of cigars. "There's something about it," Lau said. He said he enjoys the aroma and texture of most cigars, and his fa vorites are the big cigars because they have a fuller flavor. "It is definitely an acquired taste, and some people think it smells like bunghole," he said. He agreed that Adam Amato Senior Photographer Fine Cigars Northwest in Eugene offers a large selection of cigars, all of which are taste-tested by owner Steve Colbert before being sold. the after-smell isn't very appealing. He added that there is a sort of stigma or stereotype associated with smoking cigars. "It makes me feel like I should be playing Texas Hold'em poker or pool with the guys," he said. Colbert said that someone would be "surprised at who smokes cigars." "Everybody has a vice," he said. Contact the crime/health/safety reporter at 018303 HOW DO YOU ju) ■ 3-t.Irj ■■ z * >ft (i ^ ENHANCE YOUR EXPERIENCE THROUGH ASUO. ASUO ELECTIONS It’s not just an el it’s our !±,±t Informational meeting: 7pm Thursday, March 4th 248 Gerlinger Filing Deadline: 5pm Wednesday, March 10th ASUO elections packet available in ASUO Office, EMU Suite 4. For more information contact 346-0629 The ASUO is an affirmative action/equal opportunity/Americans with Disabilities Act employer (AA/EOE/ADA) • Homemade Soups •Fresh Salads • Fresh Pizza • Hamburgers • Fish & Chips • Pastas • Ribs • Microbrewed Beer and full bar TOASTED SUBS • SOUPS • SALADS . J UO Campus at 13th & Alder (Inside Starbucks) \“5th Street Public Market • Gateway Blvd. & Beltline Rd.J YOU PICK IT - WE STICK IT! Hjjjji priestess GodgpiercM OPJENi ssvm WWW.HIGHPRIESTESSPIEPCING.COM APP [EUGENE'S ONLY MEMBERS