Porn is one vice students rely on less as they mature Some students reveal they reduce porn viewing in favor of emotional relationships By Sean Hanson Copy Editor As freshman Peter Lytle got older, he viewed Internet pornography with declining frequency. At his peak, he was watching porn once every other day to once every three days, but now Lytle only views it approximately once a week. Although he attributes this de crease to emotional maturity, Lytle said he was never addicted to porn. The Web site, devoted to helping pom ad dicts overcome their addictions, offers a quiz for site visitors to determine whether they too might be hooked. Adapted from Hazelden Publish ing's "Hope and Recovery: A Twelve Step Guide for Healing from Com pulsive Sexual Behavior," the quiz asserts that addicts exhibit some of the following symptoms: They let their porn-viewing habits interfere with work or school, they "feel emp ty or shameful after viewing or mas turbating using pornography," they "use pornography to deal with, deny, or avoid problems in (their lives)," or they have "replaced a col lection of pornographic material af ter destroying one collection and vowing never to purchase pornogra phy again." "I don't believe it was ever a prob lem, and 1 don't believe it was ever a vice," Lytle said. "Pornography is not a vice when it's used for sort of a quick sexual gratification, but it defi nitely can become one when you start to create personal gender norms and sexual stereotypes based on this false constructed reality that centers on sexual gratification. "Pornography definitely does not represent reality," he added. Lytle's viewing habits are incon gruent with those who frequent's online forums — pom addicts who consid er it a point of pride when they can "go for long periods of time — hours or up to two days — without wanting porn." Another anti-porn Web site, http://www.victimsofpornogra, catalogs testimonials from porn addicts, spouses of porn ad dicts and sex industry workers who said their lives have been ruined by porn. But the University Counseling and Testing Center makes no mention of porn addiction in its list of "impor tant times for men to seek help." Lytle said in his experience, once men reach college, their porn view ing should decrease naturally. "Guys in college are around girls more often, they're getting into rela tionships and they really should be beginning to mature," he said. However, Lytle isn't ashamed that he still looks at pom on a weekly basis. "I'm not embarrassed about my use of pornography because it's some thing that happens that I do personal ly. It's a personal habit; it's not some thing I share with the world," Lytle said. "It's a definite sexual release that I think, without, most men would go stark raving insane." Despite his assertion, Lyfie said he is uncomfortable with the negative light cast on males because of their porn habits. "It's easy to perceive men in general as 'sex fiends,' and definitely our sexual beings are a huge part of us, but there is a lot more to man than just that," he said. "While it seems like the Internet pornography phenomenon is mostly relegated to men, I would hate for the stereotype to develop that that's all men can think about. "We have psychological complex ities. We're more than just sex machines." But, Lytle said, he's also aware porn can exert a negative influence on some men's lives. "It really depends on the person because for some people, pornogra phy can become a very harmful as pect of their life, and for some peo ple it's a normal, safe avenue for sexual experience and release," he said. One of those harmful aspects, Ly tle said, is the effect it can have on a relationship. "Internet sates a sexual drive, but when you have a partner, there's a deeper emotional stake," he said. "If you love them there really is no need to look at pom, even if you're not in volved sexually because you're ... with someone on a deeper, almost spiritual level, and it seems to super sede the more juvenile need for sex ual gratification — for instant, emo tionless sexual gratification." That's the reason Lytle, for one, moved on from porn. "I won't deny when I was younger I looked at a lot of porn," he said. "But — and I believe this is true for a lot of guys — as I became older I be gan to desire a constructive relation ship more than a hand job ." 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"I have cigars that would make you wonder why you ever smoked pot," Fine Cigars Northwest owner Steve Colbert said. "They will roll your eyes back in your head and re lax you completely." Colbert has been a cigar smoker since he was 17 years old, and he said he started with the big green cigars that were sold in restaurants. He said his favorite part of cigar-smoking is the flavor. He added that he enjoys owning the two-year-old cigar store because he gets to try all the cigars. "I smoke everything that goes in (the store)," he said. "If I don't like it, it doesn't get to go in." He hopes to bring in some better brands of cigars and plans on starting a cigar club soon. "We try to keep our prices down," he said. "One of the reasons we opened the shop was because there's some places in town that charge way too much for cigars." Out of all the brands he carries, Drew Estate is one of the most popu lar because it has reverted to more tra ditional cigars. One of the more interesting cigars that Drew Estate makes is the Medusa. According to a Drew Estate brochure, the Medusa is spawned from an old cigar-maker tradition. At the end of each day, the cigar-makers were given one cigar as a treat for their day's work. In order to maximize on their boss es' generosity, the cigar-makers learned to roll several cigars together to create one massive cigar. Drew Estate took this idea and now rolls three cigars together to cre ate the Medusa. Another one of its interesting cigars is the Egg. litis cigar boasts a full two hours of smoking. It starts out small like a normal cigar on each end, then it climaxes in the middle in the shape of an egg. Colbert warned that even with the best brands, most boxes will have a bad cigar in them. He said when cigars are being rolled, a leaf sometimes gets turned backward. When a leaf is turned the correct way, the smoke runs against the grain of the leaf and it prevents the smoke from escaping. When the leaf gets turned around, smoke can es cape, causing a bad cigar. University senior Derrick Lau, an occasional cigar-smoker, smoked his first cigar in high school and contin ues to do so for certain celebrations such as birthdays. "There's kind of a novelty in it," Lau said. His first smoke was a Cuban cigar that his sister's boyfriend brought back Turn to CIGAR, page 7$ You choose: 1 pack of cigar* (the stimulant nicotine | even if it will kill me iri an hour at a j (bronze skin is still in, i| liposuction $ (cant we just vacuum u accepting am fat?): g yourself just as you are $0 EATING DISORDERS AWARENESS AND PREVENTION WEEK February 22-29 Eliminating eating disorders by promoting positive body image and self esteem and discouraging unhealthy dieting behaviors. Find out more at or contact the UO Health Center’s Health Ed program at 346-4456