The UO Bookstore and the UO Outdoor Program present Author Joe Kurmaskie’s “Riding Outside the Lines” The Metal Cowboy is back with humor and insight inspired by the beauty and optimism of the characters in this world. A heading and Book Signing , 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 25 «» FREE University of Oregon ■■ 100 Willamette Hall K UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BOOKSTORE North Campus 579 E. Broadway 686-1166 South Campus 2870 E. Willamette STUDENT ID SPECIALS Show Your Student ID • Order by Number X-LARGE 1-TOPPING The Big New Yorker MEDIUM 3-TOPPING $999 Pan, Thin 'N Crispy or Hand Tossed STICKS 'N WINGS $999 10 Breadsticks, 12 Wings X-LARGE 3-TOPPING 9999 The Big New Yorker £ MEDIUM 1-TOPPINGS $1199 Pan, Thin ’N Crispy or Hand Tossed STICKS N WINGS $1199 10 Breadsticks, 24 Wings $1199 FREE 2-Liter of Soda with Any Above Order! Delivery charges may apply hRERON DAIIY FMFRflTh your independent student newspaper NEWS BRIEF Condom art contest takes submissions Registration begins today for the condom art contest, sponsored by Students for Choice. The group will use the money raised from the contest to help send 15 to 20 University students to the March for Women's Lives in Washing ton, D.C., on April 25. Students for Choice will be in the EMU main floor from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for signups. Registration is $5 per entry. The competition's theme is "Faking It: Everyday Myths About Sex'" said Amanda Mabry, co-director of Stu dents for Choice. "They can use any medium or do anything with the condoms," Mabry said. Finished works will be displayed in the EMU Fir Room on March 11 at Students for Choice's "Rubber" Ball. Students will vote for their favorites all day, and a reception will take place that evening where the winners will receive gift certificates. The April march, sponsored by seven national women's rights groups, is in support of abortion rights and birth control, according to the march's Web site, which can be found at http://www.marchfor litis year's Students for Choice con test is the first one for the group, but it hopes to continue doing it every year, Mabry said, adding that officials are hoping to get about 50 contest en tries this year. "We wanted to get started with a bang," she said. — Jared Paben CAMPUS R1 Tuesday Judaic Studies Brown Bag lunch featuring a talk by his torian and author Sharan Newman about ‘'Hidden Identities: Adding Jewish Themes to the Medieval Mys tery Newel,” Alumni Lounge, Geriinger Hall, noon. Human Resources Workshop entitled “Seven Stages of Creative Problem Solving," Walnut Room, EMU, 1 p.m.to4p.m. Student composition concert, Beall Concert Hall, 8 p.m. F«b 27, 28 March 4, % 8,. 12, 13 at #:« prrt St< sjdrt jf M$thi: M*»r Chambers I monday - Saturday 431-1717 Pnom Cheap Fanes? Budget Hotels? Advisors Who Get It? This ain’t your parents’ travel agency... it’s yours. London......$533 Brussels.$596 Frankfurt.$639 Madrid.$563 Pari/ » 8 nights fl.V. Pnom $471 » 5 nights Fare it round trip from Eugene and prices are per person. Subject to change and availability. Paris package is based on double occupancy New York package is based on quad occupancy. Tax not included Restrictions and blackouts apply. Fares are valid for students and youth under 26. BOOK IT BEFORE THE THRILL IS GONE. STA TRAVEL | www.statravel.corrr 877 1/2 East 13th St. (541) 344.2263