PULSE Thursday, February 12, 2004 Israel is bordering genocide And the wall has been erected. It's wintertime, supplies are low As chosen children die from blows Of revenge, revenge, re-venge My frienas I know naught The secret wars fought On foreign Sunday afternoons, Nor which side of the fence to stand on. With hands on my knees I pray Hoping that the golden light Encircling my heart May spread beyond my own confusions. Who is to blame? In the name of Abraham, and Moses Gibran and Mohammed Whose lessons are blessings Broken apart, and re-molded Into deadly weapons Buried beneath trembling temples And gold steeples Where the townspeople remain Outcasts from their own homes. Orphans of modernity, shattered, Running hysterically Through war zones with tattered Torahs and cracked Korans In holy back pockets, Silently longing for a piece of peace Or at least a slice of land Away from the constant destruction. Karmic emptions And who's paying the price For this mechanical device Erected in the name of Democracy, or Faith Or Oil (black gold), or Rights of Ownership Or choose one, or two or three. Turn to POEM, page 11 game review f -zero restaurant review lucky noodle page 10 columns: notes from the underground pages reasoning with madness pages features: forgotten films: fiIm. fest page 6 'bucket of blood' page 7 monologue page 7 dance concert page 6 ospirg brief page i night music page 9