Fraternity put on probation for damaging house Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon must perform 150 hours of community service and write apologies By Jared Paben Senior News Reporter The University has put Sigma Al pha Epsilon on probation after mem bers of the fraternity admitted to damaging a house near Bend in mid November, Student Judicial Affairs Director Chris Loschiavo said. A fraternity member rented the house from Nov. 14 through Nov. 16, 2003, for a weekend party with other members. Because members of the fraternity violated their own "social code" and the University's student conduct code, the fraternity must complete 150 hours of community service, write let ters of apology to neighbors of the house and examine their own chapter and national bylaws to ensure that no similar incidents occur in the future, Loschiavo said. The probation period will last through the end of the school year. If Adam Amato Senior Photographer After members admitted to damaging a house in Bend, University fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon was put on probation until the end of the year. another incident occurs during that time, the University would consider not recognizing the fraternity, Loschi avo said. I he owner of the house, Les Brock, told The Register-Guard that damage included two cut-down trees, a de stroyed footbridge, ruined carpeting, extensive smoke damage from an out side bonfire and water damage from a broken water pipe. In the article, he said damage totaled about $20,000. Emerald efforts to contact Brock were unsuccessful. Robert DeMarco, assistant execu tive director for SAE Region IV, said fraternity members elected to under go the community service for the damage they caused. However, he said much of the damage Brock complained of — such as damage to a footbridge, the cutting down of two trees and the bursting of a water pipe — were not caused by fraternity members. DeMarco added that, despite re quests, Brock has not provided a com plete list of damage. "It doesn't appear that all of Mr. Brock's claims are well-founded," he said. DeMarco said Brock's contract was not with the international fraternity organization, and the fraternity would not be responsible or pay any amount to him. DeMarco said the fraternity's inves tigation of the incident is "relatively complete," but he would not com ment on whether the University chap ter of SAE will be punished. "I'm not going to comment to the newspaper about what sanctions, if any, will be imposed," DeMarco said. "Whatever action the (interna tional organization) is going to take will be kept confidential. We have an ongoing investigation until we have our final conversation with the University." Greek Life Coordinator Shelley Sutherland said fraternities or mem bers of fraternities occasionally make mistakes when they're partici pating in events. "It's appropriate that they be held reasonably accountable for their mis takes," she said. "And in this case, the chapter is cooperating with concerned parties and doing just that." Loschiavo said there were problems with SAE in the past, but after some reorganizing it has been a "pretty good chapter." "The University doesn't condone any kind of damage to someone's property, and we believe that student organizations should take care of that property as if it were there own," Loschiavo said. "I think all of those things hopefully will teach the chap ter that when we go away that's not permission to go wild." Contact the people/culture/ faith reporter at ORIIX/IE Thefts and recoveries The Department of Public Safety received one report of burglary from Hamilton Complex, three found property reports, one report of a bike impound at Hamilton Complex and three reports of larceny: one at the EMU, one at Klamath Hall and one at Bean Complex. Disorderly conduct DPS received four reports of disorderly conduct, three reports of skateboard stunting, three reports of arrests, nine reports of a suspicious condition, four reports of a suspicious subject and six reports of vandalism. Saturday, Feb. 7, 7:17 a.m.: DPS received a report from a female staff member of a vehicle parked in the breezeway area of the EMU. Alcohol and drugs DPS received five reports of drug law violations, three reports of liquor law violations, one report of public drinking and one report of a minor in possession of alcohol. Miscellaneous DPS received one emergency call report, one report of a vehicle running into a bike rack, one report of public indecency, four alarm reports and nine tow requests: one from the University Annex parking lot, two from Straub Hall, one from the Quonset parking lot next to the Riverfront Research Park, two from H.P. Barnhart Hall, one from the Knight Law Center and two from the Prince Lucien Campbell Hall parking lot. Friday, Feb. 6,10:01 p.m.: DPS received a report of a male in McKenzie Hall sitting at a computer masturbating. A+ Wireless Limited Time Offer Free Unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile I .V iw III Samsung x426 Polyphonic Ringtones Vibrant Color Display Get $10 Cash Back! Better than Free! Ask about our other free phone offers. 841 E 13* Ave Eugene. OR 97401 541-465*8877 Certain re.stnciiam apply, me store jar detail*. Yoga Supplied Videod & Bookd For Body, Mind, & Spirit • Rare Video Rental • Crydtala • CD'd • Poster.) S 1374 Willamette • 34^-8348 h>A Mia Ma^e ^ tra.n.'yla.t icJk Dellcn CcXthi^cj /KfeiAJX 'Tl\e(Xt/'e Peb i~? I &.OOy)Us\ (J Of O T\ ctet*> mO 3>16~ilGl UT Bo* Office £Veyvi»\P^ of ?ef('cM~'\(X^Ce o hREGON DAIIY FMFRAFh »txtd.ent jwspaper CAMPUS BUZZ Wednesday University Senate meeting, Room 100, Willamette Hall, 3-5 p.m. Presidential lecture featuring Seoul National Uni versity history Professor Emerita In-ho Lee, enti tled “Korea in Search of a New Identity," Room 282, Lillis Hall, 6 p.m. Law lecture featuring Human Rights Watch Execu tive Director and former federal prosecutor Kenneth Roth, entitled “Human Rights as a Response to Ter rorism,” Room 175, Knight Law Center, 7:30 p.m. Community conversations, entitled "Frankenfood, or One Seed Feeds the World?," Dyment Hall lounge, Walton Complex, 7:30 p.m. Kritikos Lecture featuring classics Professor Victor Davis Hanson, entitled “War and the West, Then and Now,” Alumni Lounge, Gerlinger Hall, 8 p.m. FEBRUARY 9-15 $3.00 OFF PHOTO CD Only $5.99 For Fitji ordri's dl 33m,ni ■0-41' to hr mint iilrh < >rit% otpn . < )