Lauren Wimer Photographer Michele Taylor, an 18-year-old freshman from Gresham, stacks her belongings while her friend, Tiphani Handy, goes to get another load to take to McClain Hall. --■— Lauren Winter Photographer Jennifer French remains bored in her pre-calculus class and passes the time doodling. She is also enrolled in three chemistry classes during her first term. FRESHMEN continued from page 8A tions anymore. "There was a girl in my social stud ies class last year, she asked if the 13 original colonies ever got out of British control," she says with disgust. Meeting the roommate French and her mother plod up the gray, concrete stairwell in Mc Clain I lall until they reach the fourth floor. They enter the hallway and walk to the fourth door on the right. French slips the key in, turns it and pushes the door open. "Oh," they say. The second bed, earlier empty and cold, is covered in bags of clothes and toiletries. A blue Adidas bag sits on the middle of the bed. French has heard her roommate is athletic and had been a cheerleader in high school. Next to the bag is a purple plastic basket full of lotions, hair products and cleaners. A television sits on the desk. But no roommate. They enter the dark room, sit down, and talk. Soon, two girls come down the hallway chatting. Girls have been coming and going for days, moving in and exploring the complex. But, suddenly, one of the girls sticks her head around the corner. "She's here!" the girl yells, grinning. It is Michele Taylor, the roommate. Taylor enters the room and gives French a hug, introducing herself. She meets French's mom, extending a hand, and then introduces her friend Tiphani Handy, who lives on the third floor. They sit down on the bed and ex change pleasantries, talking about their trips and the process of moving in. Tay lor jokes that her boyfriend was "nowhere to be found" when she moved her belongings upstairs. "Those are cute shoes!" Taylor bursts out. "They'll kill your feet, though," French responds. "Life as a girl," Taylor says. They both grin and nod. Taylor is an 18-year-old from Gre sham. She graduated from Sam Bar low High School last year and de cided to attend the University to study music. "It's so exciting," she says. "I watched my sister go through college. I think a lot of people come here and it's overwhelming. It's not scary; it's exciting." Like French, Taylor plans to find a job at the University — any job. Also, she is thrilled about her classes, and hopes they will be more "sophisticat ed" than they were in high school. Unlike her roommate, Taylor knows people at the University. I ler boyfriend, Aaron Longo, also at tends the University. 1 ler best friend lives downstairs, and she has friends to go out with on weekends. Last weekend they took her to her first Duck game. "I had fun, except that 1 got burnt and we lost," she says. Familiar faces The weekend before classes start ed, French says she began feeling homesick. Saturday night she was in her room, bored, when she says she re ceived a phone call. It was her friend loe Eriksen from Beaverton, asking if she wanted to hang out. French recalls confusion, but she ended up saying she did. "Good, we're ail downstairs," French remembers Eriksen saying. French says she was surprised. "I went downstairs, and it's every body that's ever been to Aloha 1 ligh School. ... I didn't even know they were coming here," French says. "1 knew he was hanging out with a cou ple of people from Aloha. I stepped out the door and there were eight people down there." Contact the people/culture/ faith reporter at OFAM KlUToo nn I ss Friday, Oct. 3 Classical 7:30 pm Saturday, Oct. 4 Cobra 2:30 pm Masada 7:30 pm Masada Tin: 682-5000 Other Tin: 687-6526 The Eye ( enter HOUSING QUIZ Yes No □ □ □ □ □ □ Are you at least 21 years old? Do you have at least one child? Are you a graduate student? If you marked yes to any one of these, you can apply to live in Family Housing and University Apartments! IMMEDIATE VACANCIES at Westmoreland Apartments! 1 BR starting at $328 and 2 BR at $366 No first and last month's rent required! We are also taking applications for other areas. Call University Housing at 346-4277 for more information, or fill out an application online at: UNIVERSITY OF OREGON An EO/AA/ADA institution committed to cultural diversity.