Ludacris said the top three influences on his sound and style are LL Cool J, Scarface and Jay-Z. Courtesy LUDACRIS continued from page 12 time to stay a part of it. Some people hate that and they want it to just stay a certain way — the only way that they know it — I love the change be cause it means that as an individual you don't have to change but you have to change (musically). Q: How do you think your expe - rience at Georgia State affected you? Did you learn about the record industry? A: To be real with you, I didn't graduate. I had to leave college be cause of my career. 1 learned a lot about music management so far as marketing and things like that. But I think college is important in helping you to think like yourself and as an individual. Q: Did you get your internship at the radio station (Hot 97 in Atlanta) through college? A: That had nothing to do with it. But being at a radio station taught me more about the industry than Geor gia State, because experience is the best teacher. It was a lot of hands-on and learning a lot of political stuff about the business, because there are so many record executives and artists coming through there everyday. Q: Your new album is called "Chicken & Beer." So how do you like your chicken and beer? A: (laughs) I like my chicken pretty much fried. But I eat two meals of chicken a day, man. Rotisserie, fried, Turn to LUDACRIS, page 14 r for more information contact media services in the knight library or go to: