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Goodstein held in his thoughts one of the sins he had committed in the past year — the custom during this Jewish Tashlich ceremony, which is part of the Hebrew new year Rosh Hashana. He then mashed some of the bread into a tightly packed ball and tossed it into the current, repeat ing the spiritual exercise over and over again, each time thinking about an other one of his past sins. For Goodstein, a freshman anthro pology major, and the other members of the Oregon Hillel who gathered at the river for Sunday's ceremony, the casting away of the bread symbolizes the casting away of their sins. But in reality, the ceremony was just the lighter side to the first three days of Rosh Hashana, explained Hal Apple baum, executive director of Oregon Hillel. The 10-day process of introspec tion started on Friday evening when campus Jews opened the holiday with a service that brought together about 75 people to pray, chant and sing some of their most ancient prayers. Hillel board member Jonathan Sei del — who works as a rabbi and teaches in the University Judaic studies pro gram — led the service Friday night. This time is "more serious than a football game," Seidel explained to the crowd. "It's a time of reckoning; a time of renewal. It's really that day of oneness, getting that balance with yourself." Sharon Ungerleider, an ex-director and current board member for Oregon Hillel, also attended the service. She took part in singing the English and We enroll valedictorians and those who aren't. Anyone who is 18 and older can enroll. Lane offers credit transfer courses, career training, noncredit classes, and services to support local businesses and our local economy. Visit us on the web at www.lanecc.edu. i^Lane Community College an equal opportunity/ affirmative action institution i Lauren Wimer Photographer As part of the Rosh Hashana celebration, senior Daniel Gruber blows the shofar as senior Rachael Osofsky intermittently calls for the traditional sound of the shofar. Hebrew songs, some of which are the oldest and most central to Judaism. She also participated in reciting the Sh' ma, which she described as the first prayer to declare the existence of only one god. "Hear O Israel, the Eternal is our God. The Eternal is one," an ex cerpt from the prayer reads. One of the chants has a melody that is 2,000 years old, Ungerleider said. Seidel said Rosh Hashana is the most important time of the year for Jewish people. "It's a time for beginning anew and getting a chance to hear the in ner voice," he said. "That introspec tive part has grown to be the most important part." On Saturday morning, members of the campus Jewish community gathered again at the Hiilel House, located at 1059 Hilyard St, for a smaller, yet equally im portant ceremony. They prayed, sang, and read directly from the Torah. About 8,000 Jewish alumni have passed through the University, Unger leider said. The school's Hiilel House, which is not directly affiliated with the school, has been active for eight years. Information about the Hiilel can be found at www.oregonhillel.org. There are houses just like it on campuses across the United States and in coun tries across the globe. Ironically for Goodstein, who took the Tashlich ceremony especially seri ously, it was a first for him. Goodstein, an Alaska native who was bom and raised Jewish, hadn't heard of the cere mony until recently. Despite that, Rosh Hashana has not only been a time of reflection and prayer, but a time of understanding for Goodstein. "What it used to mean to me is sit ting in a service; bored out of my mind, listening to Hebrew, which I barely un derstood," he said. "It's more just atonement it's understanding — that's what I feel about these holidays now." About 40 students and community members also celebrated the first night of Rosh Hashana with Chabad of Eu gene, rabbi Asi Spiegel said. Services took place at the River Ranch events center in Eugene, and traditional meals followed the celebration. "It's a very strong beginning, the way you start the year," Spiegel said. "By try ing to pray and focus and meditate, it really effects things that will come in the new year." Chabad will also celebrate Yom Kip pur starting Oct. 5 with a free prefast meal at 5:30 p.m. and services at 6:30 pm. The event will also take place at the River Ranch events center. Contact the people/culture/ faith reporter at jaredpaben@daiiyemerald.com. 0144131 942-8730 484-1927 STUDENT SPECIAL GOLF 9 HOLES *10 Stmknts Only. Must show ID. 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