WOODWORKING Beginning Wood Tom Russo & Geoff Stiles Build something for your home or a friend while learning power tool use & safety. Instruction in' eludes project design, wood properties, power & hand tool use, joinery, and finishing. Allow for extra shop time & materials cost 21 hours of instruction. Term pass required. 2 Sections. Mon, Oct 6'Not 17 3:00p'6:00p $63 Russo PLU#6o72 Mon, Oct 6'Nov 17 6:30p'9:30p $63 Stiles PLU#6o73 Cutting Boards Diane Hoffman Do you need a beautiful & handy kitchen item, or perhaps a gift to grace a new home? We will assemble a simple strip cutting board from a variety of woods. This workshop is a fun and easy introduction to a few woodworking tools. Materials included. 4 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Fit, Oct 17 & 24 10:15a'12:15p $26 PLU#6o74 Continuing Wood Garner Britt Have you taken a woodworking class before & never finished your project or maybe you have an unfin' ished item that has been relegated to the garage? Well now you can finally finish things up with expert help. Bring woodworking problems & your instructor will help you solve them. Demonstrations include join' ery methods and finishing techniques. 15 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Tues, Oct 7' Nov 4 3:00p'6:00p $49 PLU#6o76 Shaker Tables Pat Greenwell Make a timeless Shaker table while learning begin ning woodworking skills. We'll cover Shaker design, wood properties, joinery, plus hand and power tool use. Build a hall table, a night stand, or a very small dining table. Please allow for extra shop time & $20 $70 for materials. 21 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Sun, Oct 12'Nov 23 $63 5:00'8:00pm PLU# 6075 Chip Carved Box Geoff Ginther Learn the basic techniques of this ancient European carving style while creating a useful adorned wooden box. Using one simple carving knife, students will learn to carve beautiful patterns that can be used to decorate nearly any wooden object. All materials provided. 9 hours of instruction. Term pass re quired. Tues, Oct 21 - Nov 4 6:30p-9:30p $34 PLU#6o79 Japanese Style Hand Planes Garner Britt Build your own Japanese style (cuts on the pull) hand plane that will be one of the most beautiful and functional tools you’ll own. We’ll build a wooden body, forge an iron out of spring steel then sharpen, tune, & finish. All materials provided. Prior wood working experience helpful but not necessary. 6 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Fri, Nov 7 - 21 lO:30a-12:3Op $32 PLU#6o8o bikf, repair Whole Bike Health Riley Holmes & David Roth Overhaul bearing sets, adjust gears and brakes, true your wheels. Bring bicycle & wear grubby clothes to each class. Please allow $ for replacement parts as needed. 15 hours of instruction. 2 Sections: A. Mon, Oct 13-Nov 17 6:30p-9:O0p Holmes $47 W/TERM PASS PLU#6o84 $52 W/OUT TERM PASS PLU#6o85 B. Tues, Oct 14-Nov 18 6:30p-9:00p Roth $47 W/TERM PASS PLU#6o86 $52 W/OUT TERM PASS PLU#6o87 WebSite: http://craftcenter. uoregon.edu Our website features updated information about current workshops, studio hours, and special events throughout the term. GLASS Stained Glass Kristine Nelson Design and fabricate a stained glass panel in the Tiffany copper foil method. Dem onstrations stress proper use of tools and safety precautions. Allow extra money for glass. 18 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Tues, Oct 7"Nov 18 6:00p-9:00p (No Class Oct 28) $55 PLU# 6092 Flint Knapping Bonnie Plant This class introduces the stoneworking methods for creating knife blades and arrow points from obsidian. We’ll fo cus on percussion techniques with ham mer stones and pressure flaking with antler tines and copper rods. Most materials provided. 10 hours of in struction. Thurs, Oct 23-Nov 13 6:30p-9:00p $39 W/ TERM PASS PLU#6o93 $44 w/out TERM PASS PLU#6og4 f The EMU Craft Center is sponsored in part by University of Oregon student fees, and generous donations of Craft Center users. Thank you for your continued support. Diane Hoffman, EMU Craft Center Coordinator Gamer Britt, EMU Craft Center Assistant Coordinator J Silkscreen Kathy Sohlman Learn the basics of silkscreen printing, from cut paper stencils to photo emul - sion techniques. Continuing or advanced students may wish to pursue multiple registration of screens. Allow extra $ if you want a new screen. Some materials provided. 18 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Mon, Oct 13'Nov 17 6:30p-9:30p $65 PLU#6o48 Papermaking Denise Gosar Here is a hands-in-the-pulp survey of papermaking using recycled papers, plant pulps, blossoms & more. We'll learn styles of papermaking from Eastern & Western traditions. Materials provided. 8 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Tues, Oct 21^Nov 11 6:30p-8:30p $28 PLU#6o46 Drawing Mika Holtzinger Drawing can be fun! Expand your aware ness and visual understanding of the world through drawing. We’ll explore tradi tional methods and materials while en hancing self expression. Materials pro vided. 15 hours of instruction. Mon,Oct 13-'Nov 17 6:00p-8:30p $49 w/term pass PLU#6o44 $54 W/OUT TERM PASS PLU#6o45 Unusual Bookbinding Jill Cardinal Learn several new and interesting styles of making handbound books. Some ex amples include, a skewer book, a stub book with simple Coptic stitching and flowerfold techniques. Some materials provided. 12 hours of instruction. Sat, Oct 11-Nov 1 10:30a-l:30p $50 W/TERM PASS PLU#6o98 $55 W/OUT TERM PASS PLU#(x>99 Comics & Cartooning Steve Baggs Draw your own comics or cartoons! Stu dents will learn basic drawing skills and composition, including; page layout, per spective, inking styles, and story board ing, while exploring the expressive ges tures of the human form. Most materials provided. 8 hours of instruction Thura, Oct 23-Nov 13 6:00p-8:00p $32 W/TERM PASS PLU#6o55 $37 W/OUT TERM PASS PLU#6o56 PAPER, PAINT PENS, ETC Bookbinding (Accordian Variations) Jill Cardinal Learn the basic skills that you need to craft exquisite, one-of-a-kind, hand bound books. We will explore several accordian based book binding techniques including concertina spines, map fold books and hardbound albums. Some materialsincluded. 12 hours of instruc tion. Mon, Oct 13 - Nov 3 6:30p-9:30p $55 W/ TERM PASS PLU#6o51 $Go W/OUT TERM PASS PLU#6052 Oil Painting Jerry Ross Painting with oils is a fascinating St forgiving way to express your ideas in color. This course is a wonderful intro duction to a medium that great artists have used for centuries. We’ll cover mixing St application, while working from a variety of still life arrangements. Some materials provided. 18 hours of instruction. Wed, Oct 15-Nov 19 6:30p-9:30p $6l W/TERM PASS PLU#6o53 $66 W/OUT TERM PASS PLU#6o54 Acrylic Painting Mika Holtzinger Capture and manipulate light with bold, colorful still lifes. Create unusual pat terns, unique textures, explore layering and underpainting techniques to add richness to your work. Some materials provided. 18 hours of instruction. Thurs, Oct 16-Nov 20 6:30p-9:30p $57 W/TERM PASS PLU#6o49 $62 W/OUT TERM PASS PLU#6050 Photolift Marko Mikulich Learn to make extremely accurate ink drawings from photographs. This simple process has endless applications for artists, architects, archeaologists and anyone who makes detailed line draw ings of complex images. Materials in cluded. 3 hours of instruction. Sat, Oct 25 10:30a 1:3 Op $26 W/TERM PASS $31 W/OUT TERM PASS PLU#6042 PLU#6o43 PHOTOGRAPHY Beginning Photography Tina Dworakowski, Michael Sherwin, Shelley Foster Composition, camera use, and black and white darkroom developing and printing techniques will be covered. Bring your empty 35mm camera to class. Film, chemicals and some paper provided. 18 hours of instruc tion. Term pass required. 4 sections: A. Sun, Oct 12-Nov 16 5:00p-8:00p $63 Foster PLU#6o6o B. Mon, Oct 13-Nov 17 3:00p-6:00p $63 Sherwin PLU#6o6i C. Mon, Oct 13-Nov 17 6:30p-9:30p $63 Dworakowski PLU#6o62 D. Tues, Oct 14-Nov 18 6:30p-9:30p $63 Foster PLU#6o63 Toning Madness Jeri Mrazek Explore techniques to alter your black & white photographs by using toners & tech niques to maximize effects. Previous B&W darkroom experience required. Some mate rials provided. 9 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Wed, Nov 2-23 6:00- 9:00p (No Class Nov 16) $36 PLU# 6065 Photo Refresher Michael Sherwin This course is intended to get you back into the darkroom and is for people who have had some darkroom experience but may be rusty on skills. Basic camera use, chemicals, film development, and printing will be covered. Demonstration and lecture based. 6 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Wed, Oct 15 & 22 6:30p-9:30p $26 PLU#6o64 Large Format Photo Tom Caples In this introduction to the 4X5 camera, we’ll go from shooting negatives in the field to developing & printing in the darkroom. Pre vious black and white darkroom experience is required. Large format cameras (available for overnight checkout), some chemicals and film provided. 12 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Fri, Nov 7 & 14 2:00p-5:00p Sat, Nov 8 ft 15 10:30a-l:30p $5° PLU#6o68 Digital Photography George Campbell Learn the basics of digital photography. In this workshop students will learn camera operation and control, then use Adobe Photoshop software to retouch and ma nipulate our photographs for display. Some materials provided. 12 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Sun, Oct 26-Nov 16 5:00p-8:00p $48 PLU#6o59 Printing/ Handcoloring B&W Photos Jeri Mrazek Enhance your black & white photographs by handcoloring them. We’ll print specifically for handcoloring, tone them and apply a variety of paints & pencils to create beauti fully enhanced photographs. Darkroom ex perience is required. Please bring black & white negatives to first class. 9 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Sun, Nov 2-16 12:30p-3:30p $37 PLU#Go66 Can't make it on registration day? Then mail your registration & pay ment or send a friend with your UO I.D. to register for you. Payment must be made when registering to confirm your space in the classes.