Local Target and Smith Family Bookstore use marketing and word of mouth to attract college students By Caron Aiarab News Reporter When freshman Alex Cole first ar rived at the Hamilton Complex last week he thought he had brought all the college essentials — bedding, toiletries, clothes. However, after seeing his "not that big* room, he realized he needed to go on yet an other shopping trip. Tve bought everything 1 didn't think I needed," he said, while wheel ing a shopping cart through a local store. "Now I've got more stuff than I can handle* With students getting back to school, many Eugene businesses are working to attract young shoppers. And while some businesses use con venient location and long-standing reputation to their advantage others see new products, different sale tactics and a younger image as the hooks to lure the college-niche market. In the midst of the fall-term rush for housing must-haves, local Target stores are stocked and ready to help Turn to page8 CAMPUS Tuesday PERS Update, EMU Fir Room, 9:30 a.m.-ll:30 a.m., must pre-register. This session explains how recent legislation will impact members of PERS - ► including the impact of retiring before or after March 1,2004 - and benefit calculator. Art exhibit LaVeme Krause Gallery in Lawrence Hall, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., runs through Oct. 2. Fea tures Master of Fine Arts printmaking by Kristie Johnson and Chad ToHey, along with MFA visual design by Mayela Gardenas. Academic English for International Students placement testing, EMU Walnut Room, 9 a.m. noon. Road Trip Nation video, 100 Willamette Hall, 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Bike repair meeting, EMU Walnut Room, 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. CORRECTION In the graphic text box accompanying the Sept. 22 article "Faith groups offer students a spiritual community," Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship’s phone number and Web page were misidentified. Students interested in the faith group can contact Director Jack Hammond at 913-1293 or visit http://www.uochialpha.com. The Emerald regrets the error. 0170811 Welcome Back Students HMfll {** *1*4 LOW fvC.se> • New/used furniture and re-built beds starting at $99 a set • Name brand and vintage clothes • Major appliances with 90-day warranties starting at $99 g| dePaul’s nPI St Vincent dePaui Society 6 locations in Eugons to ^ 555 High St, 344*2115 (our newest location across from Sth St Market) • 2345 West Broadway, 284-5024 (huge warehouse of used furniture) • 705 S. Seneca, 345-8036 (lots of clothes and mist household items) • 1880 W. II th, 683-8284 (peat selection of appliances and new furniture) • 201 Division Ave, 762-7837 (clothes, books, furniture, beds, appliances) • 450 Highway 99,607-4541 (our hup car lot) Natural selection. How smart is this: All the textbooks you need for up to 60% off retail prices. And all you have to do is go to half.com and type in the book titles, or ISBN numbers.Then let nature take its course. llQlf.conr hvefiflY Same textbooks. Smarter prices. "Average retail price of a new college textbook: $73 based on 2002 data from Follett Corp., Associated Press. 1/27/03. Average Half.com college textbook price: $26 based on site statistics, January 2003. tFirst time buyers only. Limited time offer; excludes shipping and handling; offer subject to change or termination without prior notice. Copyright 2003 Half.com, Inc. All rights reserved Half.com and the Half.com logo are trademarks of Half.com, Inc. eBay and the eBay logo are registered trademarks of eBay, Inc.