LIBEL continued from page 1 David Force, Card's lawyer, said Card had made every effort to avoid taking the matter to court. "Mr. Pipes has no interest in resolv ing the issue," Force said. According to the suit, "defendants' publication of the false and defama tory statements of and concerning the plaintiff... caused injury to plaintiffs reputation and good name, and caused him to suffer extreme emo tional distress." "It still hurts every time when I go online and see those words," Card said, adding that the months follow ing the article's publication were pos sibly the worst in his life. Pipes said via e-mail that he had no comments about the case. Schanz er did not return three phone calls. Card said he has received wide spread support from other students and faculty, the campus and Jewish communities. He said many people approached him when the controver sy began to say they did not believe he had made the statements. Howev er, he said he still worries about the impressions the article may have left on new students and parents who do not know him and therefore may question his teaching methods. He also said he received many negative e mails from people outside Eugene who felt he should be fired. "For a teacher, a reputation is everything," Card said, adding that standing up for his reputation is what inspired him to file the suit. Card, who teaches the University's "Social Inequality" class, said he has always been an ardent advocate for equality and tolerance among all eth nic and economic groups. “1 have hated anti-Semitism all my life," he said. "I couldn't have been hit with a more hurtful charge." Pipes and Schanzer have stood by their statements, saying Card had not fulfilled their requests to war rant a retraction despite many peo ple, including prominent Eugene Jewish leaders, speaking in Card's favor. In a letter published in No vember 2002 in the Jewish Review, a Portland newsletter, Pipes and Schanzer said they asked Card to provide them with names of his stu dents to interview and a copy of his final exam, which students had al legedly complained about, but Card refused. He also refused to publish an essay condemning "bias and po litical activism in the classroom," which they would have exchanged for a retraction, the columnists said. However, the suit states the colum nists asked Card to violate laws since releasing student names is against of ficial school policy. It also claims that although Schanzer and Pipes knew the statements were false, they did not make any corrections to the arti cle until Nov. 1, 2002. The new ver sion of the article on www.campus has the word "reportedly" added to it. Contact the news editor at A campus tradition—over 100 years of publication. 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