Welcome frosh: leam the 10 rules of being a duck Jesse Thomas Go the distance Ah yes, the glory days of being a freshman. I remember them as if they were yesterday. Wait, actually, I don't, because that was three years ago. And as you will soon learn, dear freshmen, nights consist of staying up until 2 a.m. on AOL Instant Messen ger along with plenty of drunkenness and debauchery to accompany it. You will miss your mommy and daddy at first. It's OK, it happens to everyone. But then you may possibly realize, as in my case, that your RA is damn good-looking and the pain of being away from home leaves. If you live in Bean or Walton com plex, try and get comfy, cause the rooms aren't much bigger than a walk in doset. You will whine and cry about them for nine months, and in two years you will realize some of your best col lege experiences happened there. Trying to fit another person in what they term a bed, bringing a keg into your room, smoking without getting caught and not literally killing your new roommate are all challenges I en courage you to conquer. Two more things before I lay down the rules at Oregon. First, chances are your boyfriend or girlfriend will become your ex by Thanksgiving. Because as soon as you get here, it's not hard to realize the abundance of beauty. Second, the nightmare known as the "freshman 15" is for real. It mildly happened to me and probably will to you as well. Treat your body as you wish, but remember, for some it's known as the "freshman 30." Just trust me on this one. Now for the 10 Commandments of being a freshman at Oregon: 1) Sadly, we can't haze you, unless it's done in secret. 2) Don't take all my football tick ets. Make up a system where you and your dorm buddies are each able to attend ONE home game. Because I've been here for three years and should n't have to wake up at 3 a m. to wait in the line in the rain anymore. You will understand what I mean when you're my age. 3) Don't go to the Rec Center un less you actually plan to work out. All the male ffosh go there in wife beat ers to try and pick up on girls. Go do that at Starbucks or in BA 101, but don't take away my machines. 4) Don't strut around like you're the big man on campus. You're not. 5) When attending your one allo cated football game, wear some Duck gear and show some spirit. It's not a fashion show. 6) Feel free to drink before your one football game, but if you get too obnoxious, you're going to piss off the upperclassmen. And if you sit down, even once, you deserve to be pounded. 7) Learn the "Stick it in! Stick it in! Ooh!" cheer, and enjoy it. 8) Don't bitch about not getting into billiards or yoga or trampoline class, because you're last in line and they fill up fast. 9) Remember the teacher who told you there is no such thing as a stupid question? Well, there is. So don't ask them, because you waste my time. 10) Read the Emerald sports sec tion. Because we tmly have nothing but love for all of you who don't know much about the Ducks yet. Contact the sports reporter at jessethomas@dailyemerald.com. His opinions do not necessarily represent those of the Emerald. Sorority Recruitmentl October 3rd - 8th Orientation begins October 3rd at 5pm in Columbia 1 50. Fraternity Recruitment October 3rd - 8th Recruitment begins at , Splash Waterpark Transportation provided, meet Oct 3rd, 9pm, at the Greek Life Office. Be a part of the largest student group on campus. o UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Get Involved! Friendship - Leadership Scholarship - Community Service For info and to register go to: http://greeklife.uoregon.edu You’re always close to campus. -» www.dailyemerald.com 009813 Come in and get a sub for less at CAMPUS SUBSHOP 1225 ALDER • 345-2434 MON-SAT 11AM-8PM* SUN 11:30-8PM (‘Except small cones and tinies. Expires 12/31/03) Campus SUBSHOP Mon.-Sat. llain-8pm Sun. ll:30am-8pm 1225 Alder 345-2434 Not valid with any other discounts or coupons. One coupon per customer MOMEYhiLL FARMS Stop working so hard, all your lecture notes are online! find out nore at: www.oregonstudybuddy.con r FREE OELIVERY KING KOIL FIRM SUPPORT TWIN SET $19900 FULL SET s269° QUEEN SET $29900 10-Year Warranty -# KING KOIL SUPER PLUSH TWIN SET s25900 FULL SET s29900 QUEEN SET s35900 KING SET *459°° 10-Year Warranty KING KOIL PILLOW TOP TWIN SET $29900 FULL SET $35900 QUEEN SET $39900 KING SET $599°° 10-Year Warranty Bring in this ad for FREE DELIVERY 016893 JM AMtKitAJN MATTRESS MANUFACTURING 4075 w. 1 ith • 343-2690 Monday - Saturday 9-6 • Sunday 11-5