SHAKRA continued from page 3D of this awareness can be taken beyond paper folding and into everyday life. Then of course, each fold for each shape is equally important for the re sult. So even the slightest mistake is compounded over time and will af fect the final product. This is exactly what's going on in our "civilized" na tions. Our mistakes of the past are being compounded, sundering the equilibrium of our planet, perhaps permanently. It will be hard to un fold the mistakes and turn them into different shapes. Also, fold enough shapes and you will eventually mem orize many of the forms. I lowever, it doesn't feel like a mental memoriza tion, but rather one that comes from the body, almost stored directly in the hands. Yes, this is probably a reach for some. Perhaps I've waxed too metaphorical. So, for the cats who want it put more literally: The idea is that it's time to stop separating our selves from the trash heap that civi lization has created and start identi fying with it — the treasure, and the trash — and combine and refashion what already exists to stop producing so much crap. Contact the pulse editor at His opinions do not necessarily represent those of the Emerald. BOOKSTORE continued from page 12D Bibles and every format from rare hardcover editions to $1.50 romance novels. The store also carries books in a variety of languages ranging from the common to the obscure. Kim Kephart has been working at the Smith Family Bookstore informa tion desk since mid-August. "It's been great working here so far, we have a great staff," she said. "The only trouble I've had is learning where everything goes." Steven Neuman is a freelance reporter for the Emerald. Sports Illustrated on campus Every Thursday only in the Oregon Daily Emerald Ife” Virtual Office Systems, Inc. omputers In Partnership with UO Bookstore! "Ultimate"AMD Athlon MP2400+ $829.99 MSI KT4V-L Ultra 2 Board 64 MB GeForce 2 MX 40 GB 7200 RPM Drive 512 MB DDR Memory 17”.27SVGA Monitor AMD3 AMD Athlon ™ XP Processor 2400+ with QuantiSpeed ™ Architecture outperforms* Competitive 2.40 GHz Processors. System includes A TX case, 360 Watt power supply, Windows XP Home, S2X CD, 56K V.90 modem, floppy, mouse, keyboard, sound, and stereo speakers digital DUCK We at VOS Computers are always looking for ways to improve your computing experience, and one of the ways we do this is by writing helpful tips and tricks for your use. So check out this month’s tips at: Microsoft_ OEM System Builder Gold Member 2002 3131 West 11th. Ave. Call us at 343-8633 Open Mon-Sat 10-6 '■'OS. Inc* Systems are also available at the l <) Bookstore. I ■rives good through 10,-15 (15. Trademarks property of then respective companies Prices subject to change 1166 South A » Springfield » 726-6969 • Open 24-7 (Almost) a DE5TAJDAI1T €* t>AR * My' kin Jd p(c Q6-&! r 541547.4141 • 1/4 I fcDOADWA/ ww\*.Arrrrx .udi >i aiipam.coii 4weome L&&J you (l (&V&! ...or oateeoble pritez you [( (ike! 'Try m ZpOffketti olio p&loffn&ze J'f &ib Wednesday, September 24 at 7:00 Tickets: $12 adnl!s/$8yoiilli under I? energy— 35 musicians from Senegal celebrating traditional drumming, dancing and singing. Director Doudou N'Diaye Rose is “...the greatest drummer in the world’ says Le Figaro d Paris Buy Now! Call 682-5000 or UO ticket outlet in ErbMemeorlal Union