Republican Party lies, tries to impede justice I have never witnessed such an abuse of power in my life! The political agenda of the Republi can Party, in attempting _ _ fl Krc^_ to manipu- ^J> UP KZL m!!> I Ia.e fa? COMMENTARY and impede _ the paths of justice inherent within our democrat ic institutions, will not succeed! Within the cover story of a war against terrorism rests one enormous single truth. The Republican Party is caught red-handed and directly respon sible in shifting massive amounts of U S. tax dollars into the private coffers that fund the political agenda of the Re publican Party, its financial backers and those who profit from war. Under cover of war, a successful re volving door of subversion is the en trance to the Bush administration, Iran/Contra style. "International and Domestic Pira cy" is the agenda of neoconservative Republicans now in office. The neoconservative agents within the Republican Party are known by name They are the authors of "The Pro ject for a New American Century," they are the presidential cabinet of advisors. This administration is a threat to the safety and survival of society around the world. The political agenda is war and it would be prudent to view the Repub lican Party as the political force that has unseated America's honor. The Republican Party, in attempting to "privatize* their hold on public office and control allocation of U S. tax dollars for the benefit of the financial backers of the Republican Party, have taken this country into a debacle of destruction. The results of which continue with the subversion of our democratic in stitutions and the politicizing of com mand of our U.S. military in murder, war and mayhem. This administration will face a grand jury investigation, just like the Iran/Con tra investigation of the Reagan/Bush era. Of this there can be no doubt Gary Witherspoon lives in North Shore Lake Tahoe, Calif. Back to School BIRKENSTOCK Plus lots of socks and these cool brands... Simple. ■EOOTWISE THE BIRKENSTOCK STORE 181 E Broadway Downtown Eugene • 342-6107 Mon-Sat 10-6 and Sun 11-5 Get the Oregon Daily Emerald/NEWS University Health Center Health Promotion Opportunities Tim & RENEW Free six week series designed to develop and strengthen your meditation practice for relaxation and mental clarity. Wednesdays 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm, October 15th - November 19th. Call 346-4456 to register. ^ . 1 .'-ns 2h» ARE WHAT YOU EAT...FREE NUTRmONAL ANALYSIS Too many calories? Not enough calcium or iron? Let us help you find the answers. If you are concerned and/or curious about the nutrient breakdown of your diet then NAP is for you. The Health Education Program now offers a FREE Nutrition Analysis Program to all registered students. Simply pick up an application at the Health Education room. tom CHOLESTEROL SCREENIN Every Tuesday from 9:30-11:30 a.m. you can get free total cholesterol screening. Simply check in at the Health Education room on the first floor of the Health Center. Excellent books are available for loan to UO students from the Health Education room in the Health Center. There you will also find health related newsletters, articles, and pamphlets. Just stop by. J7uest SPEAKERS AND PRESENTATIONS Peer Health Educators and Health Center Staff are available to speak to your organization on any of the listed health issues as well as others. Call us for details. Meet with a peer health educator to discuss strategies to become tobacco free. Nicotine gum, patches and Quit Kits free to all registered students. Call 346-4456 to set up an appointment with a peer educator to discuss options. 009931 PRESSURE REDUCTION PROGRAM New blood pressure standards warrant students taking a closer look at diet and exercise. Meet with a peer educator to learn more. Call 346-4456 for an appointment. Topics Addressed: HIV/AIDS, Nutrition, Alcohol, Sexuality, Tobacco, Cholesterol, Eating Disorders, Fitness, Stress, Relationships, Weight Management Health Education Program 346-4456 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON HEALTH CENTER Visit our calendar for program offerings: or call 346-4456 MPfmviirniiii 'iiftiiiif 'in1 to « : <%%> --—iwrmrramiiiiM —nimr