New health director gears up for influx of students Dr. Tom Ryan, the new health center director, cites tailoring services to different groups as key to health care By Ayisha Yahya News Editor As the new school year rolls around, Dr. Tom Ryan will continue his job as the new University health center director, except now he'll have thousands more students to keep healthy. After using the summer to observe the campus, attend meetings and "imitate a sponge," Ryan will have his hands full starting fall term. Ryan has vast experience in uni versity-based health centers and re cently finished a 14-year tenure at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va. Apart from being attracted by the opportunities at the University, Ryan and his wife Kiva wanted to come West, where oceans and mountains are within easy reach. "My wife and 1 like to hike and birdwatch," Ryan said, adding that he has a passion for biking. While he enjoyed the relationships he built with his patients as a family practitioner in private practice, Ryan said he never looked back once he started working at schools, adding that he loves students' inquisitive na ture and willingness to consider dif ferent options. Ryan's responsibilities Health directors have extensive responsibilities. While Ryan will see some patients, his main roles are to provide leadership and support for health center staff, to ensure smooth communication between different departments and with the wider campus, and to be a channel for ideas. He said he must also work to maintain morale and ensure that people are recognized for their work. "(My goal) is really setting a cli mate and environment where peo ple can enjoy coming to work and realize we're here for the same pur pose, which is to take care of stu dents," he said. Ryan has already met with campus departments like the Office of Student Affairs to discuss issues that affect stu dents. He added that the practice of medicine is a cooperative venture. Saying he greatly believes in self care, Ryan wants students to view the health center as a place they can turn to for health-related issues, even when they are not sick. "1 tend to be a big advocate, as I think everyone here is, of health pro motion and wellness," he said. Future projects Ryan said he hopes to continue providing programs that educate stu dents on wellness. One of his goals is to improve the health center's Web site to provide up-to-date information and links to valuable resources. The health center already offers programs in collaboration with oth er campus groups on safe sex, smok ing cessation and alcohol abuse. Ryan said the center could develop other topical programs that target specific groups. "There are a lot of groups that have different needs, and we need to re spond to that," Ryan said, citing inter national students as one example. Ryan will also assist in preparing for the new health center expansion, a 10,000-square-foot addition to the current space, although the details of when the project will begin and where it will go still need to be worked out. When the construction is underway, Ryan said he wants to ensure that the health center is still accessible and comfortable for its staff and users. Staff reactions As for the health center staff, many workers are happy so far with Ryan's performance and demeanor. Assistant Nursing Director Sharon Harbert described Ryan as very profes sional, accessible and self-assured. "1 believe he will cany on with the mission of the health center to im prove the educational experience of the students here," she said, adding that she respected Ryan's efforts to gather as much information as possi ble about the University. Medical Records Supervisor Pat Mc Cormick has similar sentiments. "I le's hearing what we have to say," McCormick said. "He's taking the time to talk to everyone." Ryan's ultimate goal is to serve students. "We're here for students and we want to be sure that they understand that and know we're here," he said. "And we're not only here when they're sick." Contact the news editor at Dr. Tom Ryan, the new University Health Director, works to promote wellness education, and urges students to practice self-care and preventative health. Jessica Waters Photo Editor Workshops Prizes October 14th - 17th For more information contact: Academic Learning Services 68 PLC, 346-3226 r 164 Oregon Hall • 346-3479 • Scholarship & Academic Programs • Employment & Internship Programs • Academic Support • Community Involvement & Resources • Computer Lab Our mission is to respond to self-identified students of color who are U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents so that they may successfully complete their UO education, by providing an honest and caring atmosphere sensitive to students. We also welcome any UO student who desires our assistance. Stop in | and introduce yourself, we'd love to meet you! 016924 u Come check out our resource room. We have self New Hours For Drop In The UCTC has open times for initial drop in counseling appointments from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm every afternoon Fall Term. help library books and tapes, a massage chair, Testing Center Hours Testing hours are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Testing by appointment. seasonal lights and computers for student use! Located on the second floor of the Health & Counseling Building 346-3227 (Counseling) • 346-3230 (Testing) We are proud to be a student supported service!