Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 22, 2003, SECTION B, Page 7B, Image 27

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    Morse law center
will host scholars
A program honoring late
Oregon Sen. Wayne Morse
will host two professors at
the School of Law this year
By Christopher Houser
Freelance Reporter
The Wayne Morse Center of Law
and Politics will host two scholars
this year, furthering the vision of
Oregon's famous political leader
and former dean of the University's
School of Law.
A giant on the American political
scene from the 1940s through the
1960s, Sen. Wayne Morse is remem
bered for his distinguished career
that included leadership in labor
legislation, civil rights, education
(he was instrumental in establishing
Head Start) and his stance against
the Vietnam War at a time when
Oregonians overwhelmingly sup
ported America's involvement.
He lost his senate seat in 1968 to
Bob Packwood and died in Eugene
in 1974.
The Center will host Richard Falk,
professor emeritus of international
law at Princeton, as this year's Morse
Distinguished Speaker in November.
Author of the book "The Great Terror
War," which considers the American
response to Sept. 11,2001, he has also
served on numerous international hu
man rights commissions.
Neil Smith — an anthropology
and geography professor, and direc
tor of the Center for Place, Culture,
and Politics at the Graduate Center,
City University of New York — will
serve as the Morse Chair Professor
this year, spending five weeks on
campus during winter term. Smith
recently wrote a book, "American
Empire," which describes the war
on terrorism as a masquerade for
what he says "is actually a war de
voted to the completion of the geo
economic globalism of the Ameri
can Empire."
The Wayne Morse Law Center's
2003-04 theme is "The Changing
Geopolitical Order: Implications
for Peace & Stability." Professors Falk
and Smith join an elite group of
distinguished scholars who have
had the honor to participate in
this unique program. Sen. Morse
encouraged young people to get
involved in politics, often telling
them, "I don't think you have any
idea how much power you wield in
your own government."
And Caroline Forell, interim direc
tor of the center, couldn't be more
pleased with this year's agenda.
"1 believe Senator Morse would be
very pleased with the topics and peo
ple that the Center is sponsoring dais
coming academic year," she said.
The Wayne Morse Center for Law
and Politics, which was established
at the University in 1981, brings im
portant political and legal issues to
the forefront and provides a forum
for controversial ideas that may not
get sufficient attention from main
stream media.
For more information on the upcom
ing lectures and events of the Wayne
Morse Center for Law and Politics visit:
Christopher Houser is a freelance
reporter for the Emerald.
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October 3rd
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October 5th
Yom Kippur evening services
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October 6th
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October 6th
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October 6th
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Office of International Programs (OIP)
International Student and Scholar Services is part of the Office of International Programs. The University of Oregon enrolls approximately 1,400 international
students from about 80 countries and sponsors a variety of overseas study programs in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. The university also hosts about 300
visiting scholars each year.
❖ International Student and Scholar Services - International students
and faculty are invited to inquire at this office for information about
admission, housing, U.S. immigration regulations, employment, and
scholarships. OIP offers academic and personal counseling and helps
students adjust to life in the U.S. It also coordinates the Friendship
Foundation Programs, which introduces international students to local
*** AEIS - Academic English for International Students (AEIS) is a program
designed to help international students develop expertise in English for
academic purposes while they are taking other classes at the university. The
AEIS Adviser is available at OIP.
❖ Career Tips for International Students
*♦* Financial Aid, Scholarships and Loans - OIP administers loans,
scholarships and the UO Student Work Fee program for international
❖ Friendship Foundation for International Students (FFIS) - A
local non-profit organization, the FFIS fosters international understanding by
welcoming and providing hospitality and friendship to international students
and scholars. FFIS organizes an international friend program, a homestay
program, and a conversation friend program.
❖ International Alumni - UO alumni live worldwide. The OIP and
Alumni Association keep overseas alumni in touch with the campus through
several mailings a year. International members of the Alumni Association
also receive the Alumni Insider plus all four issues of Oregon Quarterly
❖ International Cultural Service Program (ICSP) - ICSP is a
scholarship program bringing UO international students into Oregon
communities to provide valuable exposure to the world’s cultural diversity.
ICSP students provide cultural and educational service in return for
scholarship assistance.
❖ International Student Orientation (ISO) - OIP hosts orientation
programs for international students prior to the beginning of each academic
term. These orientations are designed to help new students adjust to their
new academic and social environment.
❖ Publications and Newsletter - OIP publishes a twice weekly electronic
news for international students twice a week. This news is sent via e-mail to
all international students. International scholars receive periodic electronic
news updates.
♦** Tax Information - Each year tax workshops are held to inform
international students and scholars about their tax obligations while living in
the U.S.
❖ Visa Matters - OIP is the primary campus resource for information about
non-immigrant visa regulations. International students and scholars should
visit the OIP website and talk to OIP staff for any questions they may have
regarding maintaining their legal immigration status in the U.S.
International Student & Scholar Services ♦♦♦ Office of International Programs ♦♦♦ 330 Oregon Hall ♦♦♦ 346-3206 ♦♦♦ http://oip.uoregon.edu/