JZ49 Alder • 344 -I960 Flying frogs Cafe C freli get rmni! Plus-size burger seeking companions who hunger for all the best life has to offer. Enjoy a thick shake made for two and fries by moonlight? Only serious foodies please. Make a date with me and my vegetarian friends at the Flying Dogs Cafe Over 100 uniquely delicious menu items made fresh I just for you. We’re just around the corner from Starbucks and are open daily from Sam to 10pm f Sorority Recruitmentl October 3rd - 8th Orientation begins October 3rd at 5pm in Columbia 150. Fraternity Recruitment October 3rd - 8th Recruitment begins at Splash Waterpark Transportation provided, meet Oct 3rd, 9pm, at the Greek Life Office. Be a part of the largest student group on campus. o Get Involved! Friendship - Leadership ■of Oregon Scholarship - Community Service For info and to register go to: http://greeklife.uoregon.edu C A F F |*M WWW GLENDI Greek & Mediterranean Cuisine Lunch & Light Dinners Catering (541) 485-3391 o 5TH STREET MARKET | EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Advertise in the ODE classifieds. Call 346-4343 ■ or place your ad online at www.dailyemerald.com njjtiiversitp of (^)reqon Affirmation of Community Standards The University of Oregon community is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and the development of integrity. In order to thrive and excel, this community must preserve the freedom of thought and expression of all its members. The University of Oregon has a long and illustrious history in the area of academic freedom and freedom of speech. A culture of respect that honors the rights, safety, dignity, and worth of every individual is essential to preserve such freedom. We affirm our respect for the rights and well-being of all members. 0147331 We further atnrm our commitment to: • respect the dignity and essential worth of all individuals • promote a culture of respect throughout the university community • respect the privacy, property, and freedom of others • reject bigotry, discrimination, violence, or intimidation of any kind • practice personal and academic integrity and expect it from others • promote the diversity of opinions, ideas, and backgrounds that is the lifeblood of the university (VO Senate Resolution U.S. 9900-9, April 2000) An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This publication will be made available in accessible formats upon request. Feeling lost, confused and out of touch? Read the Oregon Daily Emerald to get your bearings! -^NEWS, SPORTS, JOBS AND MORE! Your newspaper—ITS FREE—it's all over campus