Premier Travel 1 1011 Harlow i 747-0909 _ [Student Travel Kxpefts Today's crossword solution 015103 Sushi on the conveyor Variety of sushi, sashimi, and chef specials starting at $1.50 • Lunch special: • Box • Tempura • Teriyaki • Udon • Yakisoba • Katsu • Variety of sea food salad • To go available • and more Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30 - 2:30 Dinner Mon-Sat 5:00-10:00 Sunday Closed PM IVl'i'i'l Hflll 8th & Lincoln ■ Tonight Two Shows! ■ Victoria Williams, Marie Olson and Hie Creekdippers Folk 7:00 pa, $10 advance, $10 door Josh Martinez and Sleep are: Tlie tiricharones with D! Wicked, Lost £ Found Generation, Organic Assault Weapons Hip-Hop 10:00 pa, $t door ■ Saturday ■ Floater with Deflower Heavy Rock l:oo pa, $10 advance, $10 door ■ Sunday■ Mikah-9 Riddlore HipHop 9:00 pa, $1 advance, $10 door ■ Thursday, August 7 ■ Georye Kuo, Martin Pahiaui and Aaron Mahi Hawaiian Slack Key l:oo pa, $15 advance, $17 door CDmmunNu Canter tor f Performing Arts Heat continued from page 5 places to cool off and work out at the same time. Springfield offers the Willamalane Park Swim Center and the Lively Park Swim Center, which has a water slide and a large wave pool. Both are good places to enjoy cool water and chlorine. A simpler way to get cool is to go into a local grocery and stand in the frozen foods aisle for a while, al though it would be a good idea to move around and act like a shopper to avoid suspicious looks from store employees. Other large, air condi tioned commercial buildings include Circuit City, the Oakway Center, Tar get and Trader Joe's. For those with a literary bent, li braries make a good escape destina tion. The Eugene Public Library and the University's Knight Library are both large and air conditioned, with plenty of titles to keep readers occu pied until the sun goes down. Book stores are also good places for read ing, but don't have as much seating to accommodate those just trying to make it out of the sun. If leaving home isn't an option, then living quarters can always be re vamped to escape the heat. Air con ditioners can cost anywhere from $100 to $850, but will certainly make indoor life a little more tolera ble. Fans, which are much cheaper but less effective, are also a good thing to keep around. However one beats the heat this summer, it is always important to re member one thing: It's gotten up to 117 degrees in Phoenix, Ariz., so it could be worse. Ryan Nyburg is a freelance reporter for the Emerald. Montry continued from page 5 in the first one. But I can't — no, I refuse — to see another American Pie movie until somebody kidnaps the screenwriter and replaces him with someone with some sem blance of original thought. That, or perhaps a bottle of Jim Beam, will get me through yet another mun dane cinematic nightmare. • "Freaky Friday," starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan, fea tures an overly uptight mother and an angst-ridden, rebellious 15-year old girl who can't seem to relate to each other. So something miracu lous and magical happens that final ly allows both parties to be in the other's shoes for awhile, after which a realization takes place and they live happily ever after in mother daughter relationship bliss. Yeah, that's never been done be fore How about the first billion times they made it? Here's a hint to the filmmakers: Count your losses and give up. The movie sucked before, and it will surely suck now. So there you have it, four movies that are sure to sap the life from any viewer suckered into watching them. That is if you take my advice, irra tional and bitter as it is. Contact the managing editor at Oregon Festival ot American Music Now Hear This Series Zorn Classical 7:30 pm at The Shedd Cobra 2:30 pm at The Shedd Masada 7:30 pm at The Hull Saturday, Oct. 4 Tickets: 687-6526 OFAMatThe Shedd The Eve Center CLASSIFIEDS To place an ad, call (541) 346-4343 or stop by Room 300 Erb Memorial Union E-mail: Online Edition: Room 300, Erb Memorial Union, P.O. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403 HorOSCOPC by Linda C. Black TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (July 31). An ongoing argument about money could get in the way of romance. Instead of spending more, put in more work, and your relationship will grow stronger. You'll both have to change expectations, but it's a good exercise. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (March 21-April 19) _ Today is an 8 _ You should be in a pretty good mood, but dont let that make you sloppy. Not everything will go as anticipated. Try to figure it out before you're surprised. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) _ Today is a 6 _ Ybu still have a stack of chores to do, but you could take some time to relax. It would be better not to work too fast. You're liable to make a mistake that way. GEMINI (May 21-June 21) _ Today is a 7 _ Put money away for a rainy day, when you may feel like traveling. Heed criti cism from an insightful person, but reserve the right to decide for yourself. CANCER (June 22-July 22) _ Today is a 5 _ Follow your habits and your routine, and stash away as many goodies as you can. You might need them someday soon. Be as prepared as possible. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) _ Today is an 8 _ You may soon discover there's not quite as much in your coffers as you thought. This is good to know. It'll spur you to new heights of creativity VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) _ Today is a 6 _ The odds are good that things won't turn out exactly as you'd planned. This is your cue to get busy, not to have a hissy fit. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) _ Today is a 7 _ Again, you want to check ail facts before passing them on. Review your work for typos, too, and don't believe all that you hear. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) _ Today is a 6 _ tbu're in a delicate phase of the negotiations. Make sure you have the facts and figures to back up your claim. And ask for more than you’ll get. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) _ Today is a 7 _ Don't get overzealous. Remember, the details really do matter. This is a lesson you don't want to learn the hard way. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) _ Today is a 7 _ Don't start off on your adventure yet; there's something you haven't con sidered. A change that's beyond your control could inspire a revision. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) _ Today is a 7 _ The action could be fast and furi ous for the next couple of days. Don't make big decisions till you have all the facts. That might not be till next Monday. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) _ Today is a 7 _ By now you may have lulled yourself into a familiar routine. Don't let your guard down. A new discovery could require a quick change of plans. 100 LOST & FOUND Found athletic shoes on E. 18th. Ave. Call with description. 915-0854 FOUND- anklet near UO Health Center. Call to describe 346-4425 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 30-year the sis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! New Orthopedic Uueen Mattress Set. Still in plastic w/manufacturer’s warranty. Sacrifice $139.501-6599 KING mattress set. Bargain @ $225. NEW, still in package w/ manufac turer’s warranty. 501-6599 Mattress set, Full size, Brand New, still in package. SELL for $115. 501-6599 Is Aries due for a pay raise? | HOROSCOPE. ™ ODE CLASSIFIEDS. 190 OPPORTUNITIES FREE LONG DISTANCE!! In state & out of state unlimited call ing $49.95/mo. w/10 calling features. For more information(602) 549-9934 BUYER BEWARE The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability for ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide a sample of item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond at your own risk. Oft the mark by Mark Parisi