Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 24, 2003, Page 6, Image 6

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Philosophy major Max Goins sits among belongings crammed into his Walton
Complex room. With no state minimum for room size requirements in residence halls,
students often end up in rooms smaller than they are accustomed.
continued from page 1
education, recreational opportuni
ties and student housing. In the
"Dorms Like Dungeons" category,
the University came in 15th place.
Other schools with low-scoring
dorms included the University of
Washington and UCLA.
Housing Director Michael Eyster
knows about the size limitations of
the residence halls and the problems
they create.
"I've seen prospective students
and their parents take a look at a
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Office of Student Life
room here and say, 'Whoa, I can't
live here," Eyster said. "That's defi
nitely a problem."
Eyster said that when the newest
residence halls were built in the
1960s, students did not use com
puters, which often require a lot of
desk space.
"We're here to help students do
better academically, and having a
desk with barely enough space for a
computer and a book ... that creates
a dilemma," he said.
Eyster said the residence halls at
the University still provide a positive
living environment on campus, how
ever. He noted that larger student
buildings containing more than
1,000 students can create bad experi
ences. As a student at the University
of Nebraska during the 1960s, Eyster
said he witnessed poor residence hall
conditions firsthand.
"My building held 1,000 students
and was 12 stories high," Eyster said.
"It was very impersonal and so peo
ple became very inconsiderate toward
each other."
During the 2002-03 school year,
more than 3,000 students lived in on
campus housing, according to the
University Housing Web site.
Eyster said he hopes to create a
healthier learning environment with
the planned "Living Learning Cen
ter." The new housing project will
accommodate more than 400 first
year students and will be the first
new on-campus housing built in
more than 40 years.
"I'm not interested in meeting the
standard for dorm rooms, but ex
ceeding them," Eyster said.
Contact the reporter
at shoikeda@dailyemerald.com.
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