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Prices good■through:"’ 3CKW3 Trademarks propcrn ol theif respective companies (‘rices siibjcci to thane J Iraq intelligence committee nixed The Senate turns down a bill that would have created a commission designed to investigate intelligence cited during the State of the Union By James Kuhnhenn Knight Ridder Newspapers (KRT) WASHINGTON — With Republi cans closing ranks around President Bush, the Senate on Wednesday voted down a Democratic proposal to create an independent bipartisan commis sion to investigate the administra tion's use of secret intelligence to jus tify war with Iraq. Ihe vote came as George Tenet, the director of the CIA, completed nearly four hours of closed-door questioning by Republican and Democratic sena tors and as the White I louse fought back against charges that it manipu lated spy data to wage war against Saddam I lussein. The Senate killed the independ ent-commission proposal 51-45 in a party-line vote. Republicans accused Democrats of playing politics and argued that the I louse of Represen tatives and Senate intelligence com mittees already are conducting their own inquiries, albeit behind closed doors so far. Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan„ the chair man of the Senate Intelligence Com mittee, reiterated his vow to hold pub lic hearings on Iraq intelligence matters in September. In the past few days, Democrats have grown increasingly aggressive in their criticism of Bush's management of the war and occupation of Iraq. They've been motivated by the mili tary's failure to find weapons of mass destruction in the country and by the White House admission last week that the president's State of the Union speech in January shouldn't have as serted that Iraq tried to obtain urani um in Africa to revive its nuclear weapons program. U.S. intelligence agencies had warned for months before the speech that they couldn't verify that allegation, although Tenet acknowl edged last Friday that he approved Bush's inclusion of it in the speech, in which the president credited his source as British intelligence. De mocrats suggest that the inclusion of the unsubstantiated allegation be trays the Bush administration's zeal to go to war whether the facts justi fied it or not. The proposed independent com mission, sponsored by Sen. Jon Corzine, D-N.J., would have exam ined whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, whether it had links to al-Qaida and whether it possessed systems to deliver chemical, biologi cal or nuclear weapons. "We need to understand whether this is part of a broader pattern, a se lective release of information or just a series of unfortunate snafus," Corzine said of the uranium claim. "I'm tired of making a mountain out of a molehill," countered Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska. "Ibis is not Water gate. It's not even truthgate.... This is an attempt to smear the president of the United States." While most Republicans accused Democrats of exploiting events in Iraq for political gain, some said the ad ministration's use of intelligence was worth a detailed examination by the intelligence committees. "It is important to understand what transpired," said Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, a member of the Senate intelligence panel. "Future presidents, when they're making a de cision based on intelligence, (the cur rent controversy) could raise ques tions about the veracity of that intelligence. We never can allow that to happen. It goes to the height of our national security. However it came about, we need to know about it." Tenet's appearance before the Sen ate Intelligence Committee was his first on Capitol Mill since he took re sponsibility last week for the inclu sion of the uranium reference in Bush's speech. "The director was very contrite, he was very candid, he was very forth coming," Roberts said afterward. Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Vir ginia, the Democratic vice chairman of the committee, described the ques tioning as "very rigorous." (c) 2003, Knight Ridder/Tribune Information Services. Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune Information Services. Why pay for one dish when you can sample 24 for 1 low price? Choose from: Broccoli Beef Sweet and Sour chicken Fried Rice Lo Mein noodles Orange chicken Soups Appetizers and more Gou>e« Ckma Buffct 1525 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, OR 97402 541-343-2828 11:30am-9:00pm Daily Next to Campus ALL YOU CAN EAT (every night $7.99 includes drink and ice cream') come eat buffet-style or order to go 24 Szechwan and Mandarin dishes to choose from