Community tenter tar tfm Perfuming Arts ■ Monday ■ The Motet, with Alma Melodiosa AfroCuba n Jazz-Funk/ Flamencadelic Latin 8:oo pm, $10 door, $8 advance ■ Tuesday ■ The Nekromantix, LoboNe^ro, Black Rose Phantoms, Graveyard Shift Monster LTychobilly 9:00 pm, $8 door Atl Ages Welcome • 687-2746 AIR CONDITIONED! 492 E 13th 686-2458 For the week of Friday, July 11th! Sign-up for our weekly WebPage Update! At ■ Owning Mahowny confirms Philip Seymour Hoffman's reputation as one of the screen s consummate actors" | — Philip Wunlch, \ DALLAS MORNING NEWS _Minnie Driver Philip Seymour Hoffman OWNING MAHONEY One Week Only! 9:15 Nightly SUN MAT 3:00 NEXT: RAISING VICTOR VARGAS 1 “Has the feel of a great and rare children's movie" Jeffrey M Anderson, SAN FRANC ISCO EXAMINER WHALE RIDER 5:05, 7:25 & 9:35 Nightly SAT & SUN MAT 2:50 __ t soon: RESPIRO IPG-13 Must end soon I Don't miss this geml “The personalities in Spellbound are better than fiction, more fun than you'd ever guess It's a funny, suspenseful and completely engaging film.'' — Megan Manley, BIJOU GODDESS SPELLBOUND 5:15 4 7:15 Nightly SAT MAT 3:15 l. soon; SPANISH APARTMENT |G Study abroad continued from page 1 participated in the organization's pro grams. Ihe University offers about 80 study abroad programs, including the AI1A programs, in 50 countries. Mills said about 700 University students spend time abroad each year. While the group's employees are now University employees, AHA will keep its office in Portland and will operate independently from the Of fice of International Programs. Al LA's International's Executive Di rector Bob Selby said AI 1A was former ly unable to give students — especial ly those from universities outside the consortium — credit for classes they take while abroad. Now, students will now be able to get University credit. "We hope to vasdy expand our na tional audience," Selby said. 1 le added that AI 1A will benefit the University by bringing an extensive network of oth er schools, saying AI lA's high enroll ment numbers and support base will allow it to keep expenses low and sup port its programs for many years. AI lA's Director of Finance and Ad ministration Harmony George said the partnership also allows AHA to be more independent and work with committees at individual universities Jessica Waters Emerald Receptionist Irini Papantoniou works in the Study Abroad office, where coordinators help students plan overseas education. to develop new programs. "We hope to offer courses for a broad range of students who might have special interests," George said. She added the organization also wants to work with professors and departments to facilitate special study programs that cater to partic ular academic needs. According to George, AHA chose to seek a closer affiliation with the Univer sity because of proximity and a long, rich relationship with the University. George said the University has been AHA's biggest client, and the or ganization would benefit from the stability of being associated with an institution of the University's caliber. "We have worked long and well with the University and the Office of International Programs," she said. In the same vein, Selby said AHA recognizes the University's commit ment to international education. "It's identified right at the top of the list of the University's mission," he said. Contact the reporter at Economy continued from page 1 the non-state funding goes toward paying graduate stu dent research assistants and technical support staff. Lin ton also dted a U S. Department of Commerce report which showed that for every million dollars spent in academic research in Oregon, 47 jobs are supported. "That makes for quite a few jobs that $75 mil lion is supporting," Unton said. The University of Oregon Factbook states that the University is Lane County's largest employer and con tributes nearly $400 million a year to the Eugene economy through direct spending, employee payroll, construction contracts and student spending. Research at the University spurred the creation of start-up companies that help support 250 jobs at the Riverfront Research Park, Linton said, adding that the University is on the verge of creating sever al more companies that will contribute to Eugene's growing economy. "I think there is a growing spirit of partnership JM >rive acs^inc. flOREGON % J RESEARCH %% INSTITUTE Mark Moran, a 1971 University of Oregon Computer Science graduate, works for Electrical Geodesics, Inc., located in the Riverfront Research Park. Jessica Waters Emerald and cooperation with the University and Eugene," Linton said. "We're working more with local groups and businesses to increase recruitment and business within the area." The Milken report also cited economic diversity, high standards of living, and the presence of pri vate, government and university-based research laboratories as significant factors of healthy economic development. The report can be viewed at Contact the reporter at Plan Your Summer Party With Us! Hundreds Of Domestic & Imported Beers Available Cups, Ice,Taps, & Keg Coolers Available Last Minute Service Featuring An All New Selection Of Freshly-Baked Pizzas Philly Steak & Chicken Sandwiches Seasoned Meat & Vegetarian Lasagnas And All New Nightly Specials Full Cock.tAil Service Plenty OT Outdoor ^eAttruj Ore^oiv Video Lottery Co*v£i\ie>\t Cam^u* LoCAtiorvi 1417 VillArd, Eu^eive 3u*t 2 fSiock.* Ea^t Of Cam^u* ^41.335.0354 Premier Travel • Airfare Specials!!! • Tampa - $288.00*' Newark - $268.00* Cancun - $436.00* Hong Kong - $599.00* lav 'not induilcq. restrictions imp apply. Subject to change without notice. Kurail Passes issued on-site!!! h-mail: 1011 Harlow j 747-0909 |Student Travel Experts Mad DuCkLing TChildren's heatre With Sup/tarl from the Cultural Forum, the SunimerSession Office, and the ASUO. Join us on the lawn of the Robinson Theatre on the UO Campus! Limited free parking is available. Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more. All shows begin 11am $4 tickets for all ages Winnie the Pooh July 8-11 and 15-19 For information and reservations call C3 *£346-4192