Centennial Blvd. name change prompts community reactions The City Council voted to rename the street where Autzen Stadium sits after Martin Luther King Jr. By A. Sho Ikeda Reporter Students and residents who live along Centennial Boulevard have many different reactions to the Eu gene City Council's recent decision to rename the street after civil rights ac tivist Martin Luther King Ir. After months of controversy and debate, the council agreed in lune to rename Centennial Boulevard, revers ing its earlier lune 9 decision not to re name the street. City traffic control employees said new street signs should be up by Wednesday or Thurs day of next week, but street posts will have both old and new street signs on them for one year. In response to the decision, Eugene native and University graduate Mar garet Chuman initiated a petition to persuade city councilors to reconsid er the name change. Chuman is a resi dent of Chase Village, which lies along Centennial Boulevard. "I think that there was a lack of in formation for the public and a lack of democracy," Chuman said. Chuman said she collected 109 sig natures of people who wished to keep the current name of the street. Despite thinking her efforts may have come too late to change the council's deci sion, she wanted her voice — and the voice of others — to be heard. "There wasn't much consideration of the public in the decision," Chuman said. Chuman believes Eugene should honor King with an appropriate me morial, but she disagrees with the choice of Centennial Boulevard. Jessica Waters Emerald Eugene Public Works employees Charles Lange (left) and Jeff Koziol replace the signposts on Centennial Boulevard to accommodate the new Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard signs. community rather titan passing by it, Kelly said. He added the name change was a symbolic act of respect toward Eu gene's black community. "Martin Luther King Jr. is a major 1 UU11IV LI Idl they should have chosen a roadway that doesn't affect so many address es," Chuman said. "The Beltline Highway would have been better choice. It's much larger and more prominent titan Centennial." Ward 3 City Councilor David Kelly said he de sired to rename a street after King rather than a highway. Jessica Waters Emerald This Centennial Boulevard signpost at Kinsrow Avenue is at one of the eleven locations that will boast the new Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard signs. American nero ana he deserves to be honored in every community," Kelly said. Kelly voted in fa vor of renaming Cen tennial Boulevard both times the coun cil voted on the issue. Andrea Eide, a sophomore bio chemistry major, was concerned with how the name change will affect her mailing ad dress. Also a resident of Chase Village, Eide said she was unclear whether she needed I think naming a street after King is better than naming a highway after him because a street goes through a to notify the postal service of a change of address. "I'm not sure now if my bills are go ing to arrive at my apartment or not, Eide said. Eide added that she did not think that the name change was very timely. "I don't see the sudden need to change the name now," Eide said. "1 don't see why the city waited till this year when they could have done this years ago." Steve Morozumi, programs adviser for the Multicultural Center, believes the city made the right decision. "This decision was particularly im portant because Oregon as a state and Eugene as a city have to make amends for their history of racism," Morozu mi said. Blacks have been the target of discrimination in Eugene and Oregon in the past, Morozumi said. Morozumi added that memorializ ing King would provide an education al opportunity for everyone in Eugene. "I think that honoring a great hu man rights advocate isn't asking much at all," Morozumi said. Contact the reporter at shoikeda@dailyemerald.com. Come check us out! www.universitycommons.com OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Clubhouse w/ game room Fitness center Ample resident and visitor parking Resort-like swimming pool Lighted volleyball and basketball courts Outdoor gas grills & bbq Decked out kitchens Cable/internet hookups Emergency alarm buttons Individual leases Roommate matching service On bus route to campus 1 ♦ .starting at $335 .starting at $405 .starting at $610 Premier TVavel • Airfare Specials!!! • > Tampa - $288.00* , Newark - $268.00* Cancun - $436.00* ' HOng Kong - $599.00* L ui\ not inclltilco. ivslriciums m;i\ jtpply. SiiHjycl U> ch.mgc w iiln.uit notice \ Kurail Passes issued on-site!!! 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