Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 09, 2003, Page 17, Image 16

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continued from page 13
“(Music) is a way to express my
self and everyone needs something
like that,” she said. “It’s fulfilling.”
She also sees it as a way to give
back to the community. She plays at
retirement homes, churches, wed
dings and other social functions.
She said learning to play well is a
constant process where one must
incorporate changes.
“Life shifts every day, so you have
to shift with it to keep the music
flowing,” she said. Her favorite piece
is the Organ Symphony by Camille
Music Adjunct Instructor Bar
bara Baird, who has been Whit
more’s organ teacher for about
three years, said she is a solid per
former, who demonstrates maturi
ty in everything she does.
“She has set the bar for my studio
class,” Baird said. “She’s been an
outstanding student.” She added
that Whitmore was highly regarded
by her peers as well as other profes
sors in the music department.
Whitmore said she will be at
tending Northwestern University
in Chicago in the fall, where she
will pursue a graduate degree in
music. She said she hopes she will
be able to take up her other pas
sion in the future and perhaps be
come a math teacher.
Even with her intensive academic
schedule, Whitmore still made time
for other pursuits. She was the pres
ident of the Golden Key Internation
al Honor’s Society, a peer adviser
and teaching assistant in the math
department, and a member of the
music society Mu Phi Epsilon. She
has also been involved with the Mor
tar Board and the Ancient Order of
the Druids.
Math Instructor Kathy Trigueiro
has supervised
Whitmore in
her position as
peer adviser.
“She has al
ways done
more than
she’s asked to
do and she’s
very good with
the students,’ -—
Trigueiro said. Whitmore
She added that
“sweet” was a good way to describe
Whitmore, and not only was she an
outstanding math student, but also
a really good organist.
Whitmore will graduate with
other music students in the School
of Music commencement ceremo
ny at 3 p.m. Saturday at the Beall
Concert Hall.
Contact the freelance editor
at ayishayahya@dailyemerald.com.
continued from page 13
5. The Oregon Commentator
and I have had a love/hate relation
ship since late in my freshman
year. As soon as I pulled a stunt
worthy of their attention by piss
ing off the entire hippie population
of the University, I was the staple
butt of many jokes and jibes. I
couldn’t have been happier. And
that’s why I lost them.
As soon as they catch wind that
they’re not getting to you, they let
off. That, and Pat Payne got hired.
Curse him for stealing my spotlight!
Just to set the record straight, there
is no bad blood between me and the
Commentator. I’d like to think that
in another life, I could have been
one of them. Hate on, my broth
ers. .. I mean sisters.
6.1 can’t swear in the newspaper.
I’ve snuck in “bastard” or “sucks” a
few times and managed to quote
people swearing, but never have 1
had full license to express my true
self. Unlike most journalists, I do
not think that newspapers exist to
preserve the sanctity of the Ameri
can language. They exist to be read.
If the people are debasing English,
then I say we go down with the ship.
My general policy is if they can say
it on “South Park,” I should be able
to say it here. So as my legacy to the
Emerald, I say, fucky hick fuck fuck.
Ha HA! That's for employing me for
four years!
Contact the Pulse columnist
at masonwest@dailyemerald.com.
His views do not necessarily represent
those of the Emerald.
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