Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 09, 2003, Page 11, Image 11

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    Rocking into
Local venues, including WOW
Hall, will provide musical
events for students and their
families for the weekend
Aaron Shakra
Pulse Reporter
For graduating seniors, all the old
rock ‘n’ roll song staples regain their
greatest significance since high
school ended. Alice Cooper’s
“School’s Out” immortalized lyrics
such as, “School’s out for summer /
school’s out forever,” which
poignantly signal that yes, the end
is finally here. (Well, for some, at
least until graduate school.)
However, the most appropriate
line perhaps comes from The Beast
ie Boys, who said: “You gotta fight /
for your right / to party.” But fight
ing might not be necessary.
There are numerous events hap
pening around town this weekend
to quell graduating students’ (and
additional, perhaps unwanted, fami
ly members’) appetites for enter
tainment — or possibly, enlighten
ment. With so many things happen
ing, it will become difficult to pick
and choose.
The celebration is afoot the last
day of finals — this Friday — with
the ominous date of 13. This also
marks the eve of the full moon. Ap
propriately, “Black Gat Review: A
Benefit for Mother Kali’s and the In
dustrial Workers of the World ,” a
full moon celebration, will go down
at Foolscap Books, located at 780
Blair Blvd., beginning at 9 p.m. This
event will feature local poets and
musicians, with admission on a slid
ing scale of $3 to $10 dollars.
Mother Kali’s Books recently be
came a member of the Industrial
Workers of the World, and store
bookseller Ruby said coming to sup
port the event will help the business
stay open.
“It’s local people and local busi
nesses rallying together for sup
port,” she said.
WOW Hall, on the comer of Lin
coin Street and West Eighth Av
enue, will play host to no less than
four local bands: Rock ‘n’ Roll Sol
diers, Softcore, The Lovers (based
out of Portland) and The Big Venus.
Admission price is an economical
#5, with doors to the music hall
opening at 8 p.m. and show time be
ginning at 8:30 p.m.
WOW Hall publicist Bob
Fennessy said the price and
number of bands will make the
event noteworthy.
“The Rock ‘n’ Roll Soldiers are
one of the up-and-coming acts in
Eugene,” he said. “Softcore is prob
ably going to be on a major label
once they’re done recording.”
Of course, there’s no forgetting
that the summer movie season is
in full swing. Friday will bring con
tinued “big hitters,” the two
largest being “Hollywood Homi
cide,” starring Harrison Ford and
Josh Hartnett, and “Dumb and
Dumberer: When Harry Met
Lloyd,” not starring Jim Carrey
and Jeff Daniels.
Graduation evokes mixed emotions;
tears require much-needed Kleenex
I am full of
jumbled emo
tions and ap
parently, I’m
not shy about
hiding them.
Anyone who
knows me
knows how
dramatic lam StlScUl
at any big ravtnn
event. When I Liayiun
was little, my
mom used to tell people I was “sensi
tive,” but I knew I was just more in
touch with my feelings.
At the doctor’s office, if one of my
sisters got a shot and cried, I cried,
too. When my first pet rat left me for
the small animal graveyard at the
side of our house, my siblings sat
down and remembered the happy
times little Frosty had in our family.
And I cried.
During elementary school, I en
tered a spelling bee held at a shopping
mall in Portland. In the second round,
I misspelled the word “October” be
cause capitalization counted, appar
ently. I ran off the stage and cried.
One year, before Halloween, I de
cided to carve the best pumpkin in the
family. I worked so hard, but my
pumpkin looked misshapen. My mom
made me go upstairs to brush my
teeth, and I cried because it was so un
fair. When I came back downstairs,
my dad had “fixed” my mutilated
pumpkin. He’d carved a scowling face,
complete with tears rolling down its
pumpkin cheeks. My family howled
with laughter. I ran upstairs and cried.
I was a bridesmaid in my older sis
ter’s wedding last summer, and my
first thought when they announced
the engagement was, “I’m going to
cry and ruin the wedding!” For
months, I planned what I would
make myself think about during the
ceremony — something funny,
something boring. When the day ar
rived, I was strapped with my super
waterproof mascara. I stood up front,
right next to the justice of the peace,
and I cried.
I’m so bad about the tears that my
brother-in-law has nicknamed me
“Trickle.” He and my sister are hav
ing their second baby this summer,
and I get to be there for the birth. My
family thinks they’ll have to remove
me from the delivery room because
I’ll be more upset than my sister,
who’s pushing a baby out.
So you can imagine my fear and
dread regarding my upcoming
graduation. Not only am I afraid of
sniffling and hiccupping my way
through the ceremonies, but what
about leaving my friends, room
mates and the life I’ve known for
four long years? This could serious
ly bring a whole new level to my
emotional expression.
In the past, I have been able to
prepare myself for the exact mo
ment when I think I might lose it. My
younger sister even tried to teach
me a method for halting the tears be
fore they start.
But this is a whole new ball game.
I’ll finally be a University graduate
after June 14. My life, as I know it
now, will end. I have no prior expe
rience to prepare me for such a life
changing event.
All I know is that I’m really bad at
goodbyes. So if you need Kleenex,
I’ve got some.
Contact the copy editor
at susangayton@dailyemerald.com.
Her opinions do not necessarily
represent those of the Emerald.
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Oregon Daily Emerald
Softcore is one of the groups providing entertainment during finals week.
Whether students are graduat
ing, leaving for vacation or start
ing a new term of classes, Eugene
has numerous surefire ways to
kick off the season.
Contact the Pulse reporter
at aaronshakra@dailyemerald.com.
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