Ridnour continued from page 7A conceivably end up with any team, including Golden State, which has the 11th pick and is expected to lose starting point guard Gilbert Arenas to free agency. “That’s how I like to play,” Rid nour told the San Francisco Chroni cle of the Warriors’ up-tempo of fense. “It would be a good fit as far as that goes.” Finally, in what could be a home town selection, Sean Deveney of the SportingNews has the former Ore gon guard going to Seattle at No. 14. However, Deveney is not com pletely enamored with Ridnour on the whole. “The Sonics used Brent Barry as the point man last year, but in Rid nour, would be getting a guy who can penetrate and dish to the team’s perimeter shooters,” De veney wrote. “His defense is a weak point, though.” A number of teams are in need of a point guard next season, and how Ridnour does at the physical portion of the camp can weigh heavily, although it will not make up the whole equation. One com plaint about the Blaine, Wash., na tive is that he is undersized at this point of his career. But scoring 19.7 points a game for the Ducks this past season while dishing out 218 assists speaks won ders about Ridnour’s talent. Now, all he has to do is sit back and wait for the dominoes to fall. That may not be his desired posi tion, but it is the reality right now. Contact the sports reporter at hankhager@dailyemerald.com. Lorenzo continued from page 7 A So Lorenzo decided to redshirt the season with Stiegeler. This season, he came back. Event 7: Comeback kid Lorenzo’s comeback from his in jury was completed at the Texas Relays in April. He won the title at the prestigious meet in 2001 with a personal best and almost did it again this year. He did have a per sonal best of 7,911 points but fell short of winning the event by a mere 15 points. That happened after Lorenzo sat in third after the first day, 182 points behind the leader. This has become Lorenzo’s trademark. He did it at the NGAAs in 2001; he did it in winning the Pac-10 title this season. “A lot of it has to do with maturi ty as an athlete,” Lorenzo said. “I’m 25 years old. I’ve competed in high level competitions many times. In the decathlon, just like the marathon, you need a lot of de cathlons in order to be able to set tle down, stay cool and relax.” When he started running track as a high schooler in Buenos Aires, Ar gentina, Lorenzo was a javelin thrower and pole vaulter. Those are the two most technical events in the decathlon, and that’s why Lorenzo started as a decathlete. Both those events are on the sec ond day of the decathlon along with the 1,500-meter race, which is one of Lorenzo’s best running events. The second day holds Loren zo’s key to another NCAA Championship. Event 8: 8,100 points Lorenzo doesn’t have specific goals in mind when he enters a de cathlon. He says he just tries “to be as good as I can on that day.” But with that said, he concedes there’s a magic number in this week’s NCAA finale. That magic number is 8,100 points, which Lorenzo compares to a 10-second 100-meter dash. “Since the beginning of the sea son, I said that probably 8,100 points is going to win the national title, and that’s what I’m shooting for,” Lorenzo said. That may sound like a tall order for a man whose best is almost 200 points less than the mark he’s shooting for, but Lorenzo thinks he can get there for several reasons. First, he has two of the best decath letes in the nation driving him. Second, Lorenzo has improved his marks with almost every meet he’s competed in over his career. Now he needs to clear the ulti mate barrier. Event 9: He’s a brainiac, braai-niac Lorenzo came to Oregon just to run track. He was a decathlete. But when he got here, he discov ered the academic side of college was almost as important as the athletic side. So he threw himself into academics like he throws himself into training and came out with a future. Lorenzo took the MGAT exam, the entry exam for medical school. He will finish his Oregon career with a degree in exercise and movement science and hopes to become a sports-medicine spe cialist some day. But that’s not even the best of it. Lorenzo was recently named Phi Beta Kappa, an honor reserved for the best of the best students nation wide. He was only one of four Ore gon athletes to earn the award, and he treated it in typical Lorenzo fashion. “They told me I was elected, and I was like ‘Oh, thanks,”’ Lorenzo said. “They said ‘No, I’m serious, that’s a worthwhile recognition.’ And I said ‘OK.’” Event 10: Olympiad? Though he has two big steps di rectly ahead of him next week in the form of the NGAAs and gradua tion, Lorenzo faces his biggest step next year. He’ll make an attempt at the Olympics. Because he’s still an Argentinean, Lorenzo should have no problem making his country’s Olympic team. All he has to do is hit a mini mum standard, which he estimates at 8,000 points, and he’ll be off to Greece next summer to represent Argentina. What he does when he gets there, that’s a different story. But, like many people graduating college, Lorenzo is staring down a fork in the road. His fork is labeled “athletics” on one side and “aca demics” on the other. “I’ve got to this point in my life where I wish I had a crystal ball so I could see my future, see what’s go ing to happen to me,” Lorenzo said. “But I don’t, so I have to make sure I leave both doors open.” Fortunately for Lorenzo, those doors are wide open. Maybe he can do one on the first day and one on the second. But unfortunately, life isn’t a decathlon. Contact the sports editor atpeterhockaday@dailyemerald.com. Check OUt www.dailyemerald.com rtfrrri&ffririfi Today's crossword solution In Partnership with UO Bookstore! 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