Entertainment Calendar ifMBUJ^-H.LLUJ'l H.Jfinill IWBUL'illiflCT V June6 Pocket Face, Basic Assumption, Alpha Charlie, The Rhythm Pimps (rock), WOW Hall, 291 W. Eighth Ave., 687 2746, $5 door 9:30 p.m. — The Ovulators, Oan Jones and The Squids (rock), Sam Bond’s Garage, 407 Blair Bivd., 431-6603, $3-$5 9:30 p.m. — Side Project Gazz/funk/mood with female vocals), Luna, 30 E. Broadway, 344-6948, $5 door 9:30 p.m. — The Visible Men (pop), Wild Duck Music Hail, 169 W. Sixth Ave., 485-3825, hop), McDonald Theatre, 1010 Willamette St, 345-4442, $16 advance, $ 18 door 8 p.m. — Benefit Poetry Slam featuring Buddy Wakefield (poetry slamajamma), Foolscap Books, 780 Blair Blvd., 681 -9212, sign up between 7:30-8 p.m., $3-$10 8:30 p.m. — Damien Jurado, Rocky Votolato, Adam Voith, Mike Barnhill (singer songwriters/spoken word), WOW Hall, 291 W. Eighth Ave., 687-2746, $5 door 9 p.m. — Harry Manx (blues), Luna, 30 E. Broadway, 344 6948, $12 door 9:30 p.m. — 4-Word (raggae), Sam Bond’s Garage, 407 Blair Blvd., 431-6603, $3-$5 Sunday, June 8 9 p.m. — Switchfoot (hard Christian metal), Wild Duck Music Hall, 169 W. Sixth Ave., 485-3825, $8 door Monday, June 9 10 a.m. — Furniture Design Show (art exhibit), LaVerne Krause Gallery, Lawrence Hall, 346-2057, free Tuesday, June 10 8 p.m. — Bluegrass Jam (open jam), Sam Bond’s Garage, 407 Blair Blvd., 431-6603, free Rocky continued from page 8 chapter of the story. Everyone want ed Rocky to win that first fight with Apollo Greed. This sequel fulfills that desire in grand fashion. “Rocky II” harkens back to a sim pler time, though I doubt gender roles were ever as clearly defined as Stallone would have us believe. This is a world where men are men and women... well, women, it seems ex isted to validate a man’s dreams. But it’s hard to resist the squeaky clean ideal that a man is only as strong as the love of a good woman. Ah, if only life were that simple. “Rocky II” picks up right where the original movie left off. Balboa recovers from the pummeling he suffered and is told an eye injury will keep him from ever fighting again. That’s fine with Bal boa. He simply wants to marry Adrian (Talia Shire), make a little money and raise a family. He tries to be a pitch man for after-shave but can’t remem ber his lines and applies for office jobs. But it’s hard for people to take him se riously. One interviewer asks, “Why don’t you fight, Rocky? I hear you’re a great fighter.” Rocky’s naive response? “Well, fighting’s great but I’d like to get a job sitting down like you.” Rocky can’t deny his true calling and, against the wishes of Adrian, begins training for his rematch with the champ. However, without the support of his wife, Rocky’s heart just isn’t up to the challenge. Then the ultimate melodramatic tragedy befalls our hero: Adrian falls into a coma during childbirth — you’ve gotta love that. Rocky holds a bed side vigil until she awakens and she tells him to do one simple thing: “Win.” And so the music swells and the Italian Stallion is ready to kick some ass. But does he? Rocky wins the fight. (Sorry if that ruins it for you) But I have to wonder if he really deserved it any more„lhan Apollo. I mean, Apollo basically beats the shit out of him for 15 rounds. The two fall to the mat in the final moments of the match. It’s a heart-stopping moment that sees Rocky rise to his feet first to claim the title. But does that nec essarily make him the better fight er? It is said that Rocky wins with his heart but Apollo displays as much, if not more, heart than Rocky. He comes out and fights 15 skillful rounds, beats Rocky to death and then happens to get up a split second behind the Italian Stallion. So can it truly be said that Rocky wins? I suppose these are questions left to the movie gods of history. “Rocky III” is also a worthy — al beit a tad cheesier—successor to the first two movies. Rocky gets a litde ar rogant and must rediscover humility on his way to a tide fight with Mr. T — I’m sorry, I mean Clubber Lang. Then “Rocky IV” changed every thing. In that one, Balboa was literal ly fighting a machine — the walking Russian steroid known as Drago. The film and character, became upstaged by Stallone’s arrogance and bullshit flag-waving politics, not to mention James Brown. Don’t get me wrong. “Rocky IV” is a fun movie — actually, for all the reasons it’s tacky. “Rocky V” is just a steaming pile of shit. Contact the senior Pulse reporter atryanbornheimer@dailyemeraId.com. vou „ wont m y OPINION? V Ves! The Oregon Doily €merold values oil of our readers' opinions. Well even pay you cash if you tell us what you think about us. 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THliWEEK AT JOHN HENRY'S WEDNESDAY DANCE HALL DJ'S EARLY SHOW -NICE TIME: BOB MARLEY ARCHIVES 8PM FREE EVERY THURSDAY 9:?0 PM Si fto'i niicjHI i1 &W©*PM CAMARO$MITH THE COURTESY CLERKS HELLENBACKS SUNDAY PLANET QUEEN GLITTER/GLAM DJ NIGHT &A LIVE HIP HOP fSSf W/ STRANGEFOLKS MONDAY TUESDAY 8 PM CHEVRON RING CICADA ■»* J |NG io PM CAVEAT cicada BA$1< assumption ED COLE AND THE COLLEGE GIRLS OF TORA BORA Mrs 77 WEST BROADWAY (NEXT TO LAZAR I BAZAAR) ?42-??58 WWWJOHNHENRYS