Commentary Act of discriminating cannot be justified— against any person Guest commentary I am a white, middle-class, church-going conservative Christ ian. There, I said it. Boy does it feel good to come out of the closet! I admit this with trepidation be cause I identify myself with a group of people who are becoming increasingly unpopular. Just as some of you are reading this, I have no doubt that the words “hate monger,” “hypocrite” and “Bible thumper” are going through some of your minds. Please put your prejudices aside and read this before you burn it. As a white male Christian, I’d like to point out that I have never once committed a hate crime, nor have I ever condemned anyone to hell. I’ve been called a “Bible thumper” nu merous times, but I can’t recall one single time when I actually thumped on a Bible. I don’t hate ho mosexuals or people who get abor tions — or homosexuals who get abortions, for that matter. In fact, I don’t even like to con sider myself a conservative. I like to think of myself as a “middle-of the-road” kind of guy. I’m labeled a conservative because Christians and conservatives are often lumped into the same category. I’m also labeled as a conserva tive by people who are so far left of the road that anybody in the mid dle of the road is obviously conser vative. I feel sorry for people to the right of the road because they’re obviously Nazis. I am writing this in response to the numerous articles that have been written lately dealing with the sensitive subject of hate speech and homophobia. All too often, perpetrators of hate speech are assumed to be Christian, and in some cases these idiots even claim to be Christian. Please do not consider these people prod ucts of Christianity. They have se verely twisted Christianity to jus tify their own personal biases. I am against discrimination of any kind. I know what it is like to be discriminated against. Because I am a student at Northwest Chris tian College, I am automatically a homophobe, a racist and a closed minded ignoramus. This kind of discrimination is often justified because it’s “discriminating against discriminators,” and therefore it’s acceptable. Discrimination is discrimina tion, no matter who you are dis criminating against. When it comes down to it, discrimination is judging people. I believe Jesus said it best when he said, “Judge not lest ye be judged.” What a nov el concept. Nathan Traylor lives in Eugene. Hate speech, intolerance hurt many groups at UO Guest commentary The recent demonstrations on campus regarding the May 9 guest commentary by Vincent Martora no (“Homosexual men should hide their disgusting acts,” ODE) were important and necessary to show support for the gay and lesbian community. Martorano’s comment that he has “no problem with gay individuals, as long as they stay in the closet” was about as plausible as the Feb. 4 commentary by Earl Gosnell (“’Nigger’ has several meanings used to show accept ance, kindness,” ODE) in which he argued that the term “nigger” can express endearment. There was no demonstration or letters of outrage when that com mentary was printed. There was only silence which spoke louder than any words could have. This is why I find Martorano’s disgust at the liberalism on this campus ridiculous. How many peo ple of color are in your classes? One? None? How many professors? How many professors here would feel “safe” in disclosing their sexual orientation to their class? I am amazed that those who are consistently marginalized on this campus are still persevering and are strong enough to have open rela tionships or can attend a mostly white university knowing that hate speech will be printed in the news paper that is supposed to represent the voice of all of the students here. My position as a white woman grants me privilege that others do not receive. Nothing made this more clear than last term when three other classmates and I did a social research project in which we went into local grocery stores to purchase fish. The non-white students in the experiment were followed in the store, ignored when they asked for help, mis treated when they finally received help and treated as if they were in visible until one of the white stu dents interacted with them. Grocery shopping is something that we all have to do. If the expe rience of participating in this life supporting activity was this trau matic and dehumanizing, then what is it like to be a student on this campus who does not “be long” to the majority and is singled out in guest commentaries? It is the responsibility, in my opinion, of the students on this campus to ensure that all groups are equally supported and that hate speech in our student-run newspaper is not tolerated. We cannot be complacent about this issue any longer. Celeste Burns is a senior sociology major. Raw Talent The Oregon Daily Emerald is always looking for young writers who want to learn and grow at a real newspaper. For information on how to freelance for the Oregon Daily Emerald, call 346-5511. GER 223 Germany: A Multicultural Society nredits \M .41955, Ki.'ifl Mill I 111 154 S1H, • Minn - .IiiUj IHtli. S.iskiii llintz. Satisfies. 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