Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 29, 2003, Page 6, Image 6

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    Plan Your Spring Party With Us!
Hundreds Of Domestic & Imported
Beers Available
Cups, Ice,Taps, & Keg Coolers Available
Last Minute Service
Eugene's Premier Compa
Of Female Impersonators
Shows Every Friday Night @ 1 Opm
Center lor the
Performing Arts
8th &
Saint Do?
$10 advance, $12 door
■Friday ■
Northwest Royale
TV:6i6, DFive9, Grynch
Hard Rock
8:00 pm
$6 door
■ Sunday ■
Horror of Party Beach,
Beach Girls € the Monster
6:30 pm, pre-show at 7:00, first feature at 7:30
$4 door, S3 beach attire
■ Thursday, June 5 ■
PAX217, Number One Cun,
Falling Up, Paul Wrifht
Christian Rock
7:00 pm
$8 advance, $10 door
All Ages Welcome • 687-2746
Future Music Oregon
Jeffrey Stolet, director
A concert of experimental
electroacoustic music,
featuring guest artist and
composer Burton Beerman
and dance artist Celesta
Haraszti. PLUS: new works
from the FMO studios by
UO composers Marisol
Jimenez, Mike Winter,
Troy Rogers, Christopher
Moore, and a video work
by Eiyzabeth Meade.
Saturday, May 31 8:00 p.m.
Room 198, UO School of Music
TICKETS: $5 General Admission, $3 Students & Senior Citizens;
available at the door. Room 198 is wheelchair accessible
going overseas? catch the Oregon daily emerald
on the world wide web: www.dailyemerald.com
Green Garter
continued from page 5
“It makes it really fun, up-tempo
and different from the more traditional
pep band that you might see,” she said.
Senior music performance major
and bass trombone player Luke War
ren agreed.
“I think it surprises a lot of peo
ple,” he said. “It’s nice to explore
different genres of music and apply
that to our group.”
Senior music education major Josh
Head, who directed the Green Garter
Band for three years and has played
with the band for six years, added that
the group provides an invaluable op
portunity for its members.
“It’s not an experience you get
anywhere else,” he said. “I get to
transfer what I’ve done playing just
jazz or classical music to pop mu
sic. It’s really cool.”
Silva, who plays the alto saxophone,
said arranging pop music for an instru
mental band offers many challenges,
especially because most of the songs
originally centered on vocals.
Although Arthur, Head and Silva all
said the band requires intense, time
consuming work, they all agreed that
the main component is fun. The group
travels together every spring, and band
members said they get along well, de
spite a few squabbles along the way.
“We try to be kind of a family,”
Silva said.
Arthur said the ensemble also offers
an escape from her daily workload.
“This band is kind of a release and a
relief from the whole classical mental
ity at (the music) school,” she said.
“It’s quite an adventure.”
The band is currently auditioning
members for fall term to replace those
who are graduating. The group en
courages non-music majors to apply.
Requirements include one season of
marching band experience as well as
full-time student status.
The Green Garter Band will hold its
first annual Spring Dance on Saturday
at 8 p.m. in Agate Hall, with tickets
priced at $5 general admission or $3
with a student ID card. The event will
also showcase the newly-established
Yellow Garter Band, along with an
auction where dance attendees can
buy a slow dance with any Green
Garter Band member. Proceeds will
help the band pay for recording costs
for their yearly album. The group will
also perform a concert on June 4 at 8
p.m. at Beall Concert Hall, with tick
ets priced as above.
Contact the Pulse editor
Brew fest
continued from page 5
Falconer’s friends came up with
the idea for the Sasquatch Brew
Fest to honor the memory of the
late brew master, who was the first
employee ever hired by the Wild
Duck, six years ago. The Founda
tion, created in Falconer’s name
and administered by his family,
will provide scholarships to various
professional brewing schools to
further the craft.
Jensen said the festival is an appro
priate way to honor Falconer, who
was highly regarded by coworkers
and those in the industry.
“Glen has defined the style and
creativity of our beer,” Jensen said.
Take a Ride
on the
ebrate the Grand
the New Boat
Baker Park!
Saturday, May 31
Dedication at 11:00 a.m.
Non-motorized Boat
Parade at 11:30 a.m.
Launch is located off Day Island
Road, across from Cuthbert
Boa|ing & Fishing
Vendors & Exhibits
Watch the parade from
DeFazio Bridge!
For more information call,
682-4814 or 682-4907.
“He is responsible for the attitude
of the beer at the Wild Duck.”
Falconer answered to the nick
name Sasquatch, and the name
was passed on to a popular micro
brew served year-round at the Wild
Duck. In addition, the brewery has
added a newly created
“Sasquatch” statue to its restau
rant. The sculpture was tailored
from a recovered old growth red
wood stump and carved by Yachats
artist Dylan James.
Friday's piulti-course evening
begins with a cocktail hour at 6
p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets
are on sale now at the Wild Duck
main bar for $35. Saturday's
events begin at noon and will con
tinue until midnight.
Tickets are sold at the door for
$10 and include entrance, a festi
val glass and two taste tokens (a
single token buys a half glass). Ad
ditional tokens will cost $1 each
throughout the festival.
In addition, Eugene will host a
couple of other beer festivals in the
upcoming months. McMenamins
on High Street will ring in the sum
mer equinox with an outdoor
event on June 21. The Lane Coun
ty Fairgrounds’ Beer Summit, orig
inally scheduled for this weekend,
was postponed until Nov. 22.
Contact the Pulse reporter
at markbaylis@dailyemerald.com.
continued from page 5
Heh heh. I’ll never let him forget that.
But Justin and Kelly will never
have the longevity to make nostalgic
parodies. They’re already outdated.
We have a new American Idol and
American Alien. When are Ruben
and Clay going to get their sexy
movie? Here’s my plot synopsis:
“Tired of his life wrestling ‘gators
in Alabama, the cuddly Ruben Sand
wich decides to take a high stakes
vacation to Sin City. Meanwhile,
aliens from Pixtor 9 reveal them
selves to wide-eyed Clay Mation in
his North Carolina home as his lost
parents. To make up for their years
of absence, they’re off to see distant
relatives Siegfried and Roy in lovely
Las Vegas. Will this odd couple find
fortunes ... and each other?”
Contact the Pulse columnist
at masonwest@dailyemerald.com.
His views do not necessarily represent
those of the Emerald.