Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 22, 2003, Page 3, Image 3

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Artist Sanam Aarabi's photo in the Aperture Gallery was recently vandalized.
News brief
Vandal strikes
EMU art exhibit
A picture currently featured as
part of an art display at the EMU
Aperture Gallery was vandalized last
week shortly after it was exhibited.
The picture, which features a
Wotnan wearing a “No war” pin on
her'jacket,' was marked on May 15,
the opening day of the UO Cultural
Forum-sponsored photo exhibit.
Student artist Sanam Aarabi,
who took the photo, said an
unidentified person crossed out
the word “no” in ink and wrote the
wrote the word “war” on the mat
te next to the picture.
Liz Lessner, visual arts coordina
tor for the Cultural Forum, said she
was surprised that anybody would
feel strongly enough that they
would destroy art that took time
and money to prepare.
“I was shocked that somebody
would disrespect somebody else’s
work like that,” she said.
Aarabi echoed the sentiments,
saying that while the exhibit’s
meaning is whatever people take
from it, her overall intentions were
more to express culture in Eugene.
“I come from a different state al
together, and I find it really interest
ing that there is such a different
scene in Eugene,” she said.
Regardless of her intentions be
hind the photo spread, Aarabi ex
pressed concern about the maturity
of the vandals and worried that peo
ple may have thought the markings
were part of the show.
“At first, I was really surprised be
cause it seems like an action — no
offense to high school students —
that you would do when you’re real
ly immature and young,” she said.
No authorities were contacted
regarding the incident, and the
photo has since been replaced
with a fresh copy.
News brief
'Smoker* fights
good fight for YMCA
The annual “Smoker” boxing
event, sponsored by the Office of
Greek Life’s Panhellenic and In
terfraternity councils, raised at
least an estimated $3000 for the
Eugene YMCA.
“We had a big turnout,” said
Jackie Reed, the event’s public re
lations director. “The crowd was
excited, and the boxers were
The event featured 14 matches
— 10 male matches and four fe
male matches — Wednesday night.
“The women were quite impres
sive,” Reed said. “They had some of
the more exciting battles.”
Match winners were Adam
Walsh, Krista Gust, Conor Bradley,
Kara McManus, Kenny Taylor,
Yachin Hillebrand, Erin Williams,
James Gardner, Erin Fielder,
Richard Keymolen, Jason Clark,
Niall McCarthy, Brandon Oberlin
and James Kim.
All proceeds went to the YMCA
to help purchase a trailer for pro
gram trips.
Campus buzz
Finance department seminar, 10 a.m.
noon, 125 Chiles, free, 346-3558.
"Converting Lemons into Lemonade:
Optically Pure Amino Alcohols from
Commercially Available Limonaene
Oxide" (chemistry seminar), 2:30
p.m., 331 Klamath, free.
K-theory and resolutions (mathemat
ics seminar), 4 p.m., 208 Deady.
Student travel presentation, 5:15
p.m., 206 Lawrence, free, 346-2077.
Noah Seitz, cello (master's recital), 6
p.m., Beall Flail, free, 346-5678.
Brenda Lauffenberger, percussion
(senior recital), 9 p.m., Beall Hall,
free, 346-5678.
Today's crossword solution
It’s Here Now!
2003 Summer Session
Register for
Summer Classes
Book Your Summer in Oregon
Summer Session starts June 23. Pick up your free summer catalog
today in the Summer Session office, 333 Oregon Hall, or at the UO
Bookstore. You can speed your way toward graduation by taking
required courses during summer.
Check Out Our Website!
We invite you
to an evening with ...
the topic of his talk is
The School of the Americas and Iraq:
Reflections on US Foreign Policy
Roy Bourgeois founded SOA watch, the Gandhian-style movement to
close the SOA (now renamed the western Hemisphere institute for
Security cooperation, WHISC). The school has trained thousands of Latin
American soldiers In counterinsurgency techniques, Including torture,
that have terrorized civilian populations.
_Thors, Hoy 22, 7:00 pm_
Room 177 Lruirerce
For more information, call Peg Horton, 342-2014
Sponsors include: SOA Watch, Eugene Area; UO Multicultural Center; Committee in Solidarity with the Central
o American People (CISCAP); UO Amnesty International; Survival Center; Newman Center; Eugene Friends
| Meeting; Faith In Action; Progressive Responses; Justice Not War Coalition; Oregon PeaceWorks
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