VOTE TODAY IN THE BOOKSTORE LOBBY AND AT THE EMU Tuesday, May 6 and Wednesday, May 7 Bookstore Lobby and in the EMU 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Bring your current University I.D. Patrick Carr Clayton Jones E.K MacCall Rahmat Rahmat Scott Savoian Daniel Stutzbach GRADUATE 2-YEAR POSITION Patrick Carr As a graduate student pursuing concurrent masters degrees in Public Policy and Business Administration, I believe I have the determination, ability, and experience necessary to serve the membership of the UO Bookstore. Over the past seven years, five of which I have been spent in Eugene at the UO, I have been a customer of the bookstore and noticed improvements that have been made. I have also noticed opportunities for improvements that never materialized and believe the bookstore has a duty to the university to always take advantage of opportunities in the best interest of students, faculty, and staff. If elected, I plan on focusing on constantly improving the services, prices, and accessibility to UO faculty, staff, and students. In addition to these ongoing concerns I have three primary goals I hope to accomplish during the two-year term: -Further develop the on-line capabilities of the UO Bookstore, allowing for more efficient and cost effective purchases for students. -Build upon the financial success of the past few years, encouraging a broader range of services so to not become over dependant on the success and associated sales of athletic teams. -Represent the regularly underserved populations on campus, including graduate students, law students, and classified staff. Please vote for Patrick Carr for the graduate school position of the UO Bookstore Board of Directors. Thank you for your vote. Clayton A. Jones Fellow Ducks, my name is Clayton Jones, and I would like to represent your interests as a member of the bookstore Board of Directors. As a first-year student in the JD/MBA program, I will bring several important perspectives to the Board including: 1. Like most of you, I spend a lot of money on textbooks and other items at the bookstore and am committed to minimizing these expenses for all students. 2. As an MBA student, I will make every effort to ensure that the bookstore continues to provide the products and services that are important to our education and university community while working to decrease rising costs for all students. 3. As a law student, I will add a legal perspective to the many decisions facing the Board. I will push for innovative solutions to ensure the continued viability of the important services of the bookstore and encourage expansion of these services to meet the changing needs of all students. E.K. MacCall Over that last two years the University bookstore has experienced its two most profitable years in history. It is not coincidence that this success has coincided with the achievements of Oregon Athletic Teams, an increasing number of enrolled students and a much greater participation of faculty, students and local residents. It is my hopes as a member of the Board of Directors to continue the financial success of the bookstore in addition to maintaining its involvement with the University and the local community. As a graduate student in Lundquist School of Business, I look forward to using many of the skills that I have learned and developed over the past year and incorporate them into strategies that the bookstore can use to further its overall growth. It is not only financial growth that makes the University of Oregon Bookstore a special place but the continued development of student and faculty involvement. It is my hope that when elected to the board, I will continue this rich tradition of extensive community involvement that makes the University of Oregon Bookstore a nationally recognized community agency. Rahmat Rahmat Hello, my name is Rahmat and I am humbly asking you for the opportunity to serve you on the UO Bookstore Board. I am Physics PhD student (GPA 3.94), as well as a PhD Candidate in Management. Recently, I have been involved with the International Committee and the Executive Council of GTF Federation. I believe that the UO Bookstore should give more discounts and benefits to UO students. Based on my experience, I have a plan to achieve this goal. I will devote my time and energy to make the UO Bookstore more effective and efficient. I am committed to helping the UO Bookstore grow stronger and to ensuring the needs and concerns of all students are heard and met. Please vote for me to serve you on the UO Bookstore. Scott Savoian So, why should we choose you? • Fair Textbook Prices • 15 Years of Business Experience • Leadership While I’m currently a student, I have over 15 years of valuable business experience. I hope to leverage this experience to help make our bookstore the most successful student run bookstore in the country. The more efficiently we operate the bookstore, the lower we can keep the textbook prices! I also believe this experience will be helpful as we look to expand the bookstore. While operating efficiently is crucial, equally important is the atmosphere. The bookstore should be a fun place to work and a useful place to visit. I will ensure that all of your suggestions and feedback are considered and that our ultimate goal remains - to serve YOU! I am excited about the chance to represent you and would appreciate your vote! Daniel Stutzbach Prior to entering graduate school, I was employed as a Senior Software Engineer. My experience with modern technology, business, and optimization techniques could be a valuable asset to your bookstore’s Board of Directors. I strongly believe in representing all people, and have often been a vocal spokesman for the minority view. As a member of the Board, I would work to make the bookstore more responsive to its members. Despite the bookstores excellent record of returning money to the students and the school, I believe we can do better. ! am active in other non-profit organizations. For example, I am a Contributing Member of Software in the Public Interest, and served as a department steward in the GTFF. I’m also a lifetime member of Hostelling International and the Sierra Club. Experience with other non-profit organizations gives me insight into ways the UO Bookstore can best serve you, its members. I have a strong work ethic and a desire to enrich my community. If you elect me, I will bring my talents, skills, and experience to work for you. It would be an honor to work for such a diverse, wonderful group of people. I encourage you to grant me that privilege.