Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 06, 2003, Page 19, Image 19

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    To place an ad,
call (541) 346-4343 or
stop by Room 300
Erb Memorial Union
Room 300, Erb Memorial Union
P.O. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403
E-mail: classads@dailyemerald.com
Online Edition:
At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD
SCHOOL APPROVED. 30-year the
sis/dissertation background. Term
papers. Full resume service. Editing.
_Laser pr. ON CAMPUS!
PC Notebook For Sale!
500 MHZ, 128 Megs Ram, DVD
Rom, Win 98, works great! $450
obo. Call Peter 912-1906.
"Give Me Five!"
Run your “FOR SALE” ad (items
under $1,000) for 5 days. If the
item(s) doesn’t sell, call us at
346-4343 and we’ll run your ad
again for another 5 days FREE!
Student/Private Party Ads Only • No Refunds
Macintosh G3 computer, extra mem
ory, ViewSonic 16in. monitor, $695.
Call 344-8389 or 915-9591.
ODE Classifieds.
DVD’s: buy, sell, trade, rent
Emerald City Comics
770 E. 13th • 345-2568
Hey, looking for a cheap bed? Twin
bed: comfy, good condition. $60
obo. Call Brian: 686-2463.
WANTED QUALITY used sports and
exercise equipment. We buy & sell
new & used. Play It Again Sports.
2598 Willamette St., 342-4041
Beyond London & Paris:
Traveling to Central or Eastern
Destinations included; Prague,
Kiev, Budapest and Riga, just to
name a few. Special discount air
fares available from Beatty Group
Inti, an Oregon based Travel Com
pany. For a quote contact Alex at
(800) 285-6215 or e-mail
Bartender Positions
Make up to $300/shift. No exp. re
quired. 800-806-0085 ext. 1250.
Want to make the world a better
place? Start with the family! Pa
rents are their children’s first and
most important teachers and role
models, the relationship created
between parents and infants dur
ing the early years has a profound
impact on later growth and devel
opment, self-esteem, school per
formance and life achievements.
Birth To Three provides parenting
education and support services for
families with young children, call
349-7793 to find out how you can
get involved.
The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no
liability for ad content or response. Ads are
screened for illegal content and mail order
ads must provide a sample of item for sale.
Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be
true, probably are.
Respond at your own risk.
Psychologist, mathematician, biol
ogist, accountant... everybody
likes babies! Take a break from
your studies and volunteer to help
Birth To Three care for babies
and toddlers during parenting edu
cation classes. Some opportuni
ties available to work with Span
ish-speaking families. Call 349
7793 for more information.
Diagnosed with ADD/ADHD?
Complete simple visual task- earn
$15, about 30 min. Call Mika: 346
4903 to schedule a time.
Sales: Women’s clothing. 15-32
flexible hrs./wk. Must be mature,
self directed and have superior
customer service skills. Resumes
to: Ipnosi 1022 Willamette.
Wildland Firefighters Exciting Out
door Summer Job. Apply before end
of term to schedule class: 1322 N.
30th St., Springfield, 10am-4pm.
746-7528. No experience needed
training provided.
expressive oris for leadership and so<
This hands-on workshop will mcoqjorate
communication skills for creating
movement, journal writing and improve
skills in creative, interactive and pla
experience necessary, 3-5pm « ben uni
>u develop
■ drawing,
b develop
fNo prior
spomoted by the eib, memorial union and pepsi cola of eugene
Horoscope by Linda C. Black
Today's Birthday (May 6). Friends help
you acquire valuable skills and come up
with new ideas. Don't tackle a difficult
project alone. Call in a few favors you're
To get the advantage, check the day’s
rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most
Aries (March 21-April 19) _ Today is a
5 _ No matter how hard you try, some
times you just can't win. Don't be dis
couraged if that's the case. Try again on
Taurus (April 20-May 20) _ Today is an
8 _ Look into ways to make your money
grow while minimizing risks. Err on the
side of being too financially conserva
Gemini (May 21-June 21) _ Today is a
5 _ Use what you've recently learned to
improve the way that you work. Make
your own life easier and bring in a little
more cash. If you forgot the lesson, ask
a feisty friend.
Cancer (June 22-July 22) _ Today is an
8 _ A person who doesn't agree with
you may end up showing you respect.
You'll achieve that through your
demeanor more than through the words
you choose.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) _ Today is a 6 _
Worries keep you from making a bold
move, but perhaps that's for the best.
Put it off for a day or two and maybe
you'll change your mind.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) _ Today is an
8 _ Things seem to be going well until
you run low on cash. Be aware of your
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) _ Today is a 5
_ Career obligations could get in the
way of a sweet romantic moment. Call if
you're going to be late, for heaven's
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) _ Today is an
8 _ Although your energy level is high,
there's an awful lot to be done. If you
back up a hunch with solid facts, you'll
really impress a skeptic.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) _ Today
is a 5 _ Someone you love may be
slightly tweaked until you explain your
plan. You want to save up for the future,
perhaps even your future together.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) _ Today is
an 8 _ You may be just a tad on edge,
so count to 10 before snapping. You're
not the only one who's tense, and you
can help calm the others.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) _ Today is
a 6 _ An item that's only in your way is
useful to somebody else. Don't worry
about getting paid for it. Just get it out
of there.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) _ Today is
an 8 _ There's more than enough to
keep you busy _ busier than you want
to be. If you can postpone romance for
a while, you can build up a tidy sum.
Change the life of a child this sum
mer. Staff needed for camp near
Portland. Michael, 503-231 -9484
Work for the Emerald!
The Oregon Daily Emerald, an inde
pendently-run student newspaper,
seeks talented students to join its
staff for the 2003-04 school year. A
variety of positions are open, includ
ing editor and reporting positions in
news, entertainment and sports;
photo editor and photographer; de
sign editor and graphic designers;
copy chiefs and copy editors; free
lance editor; editorial editor, colum
nists and illustrators; an online editor
and a webmaster. We provide indi
viduals with a wonderful environ
ment to hone journalistic skills and
all positions are paid.
Qualified applicants will be enrolled
at the University of Oregon for the
03-04 school year. Applicants need
not have previous experience, al
though similar professional or edu
cational experience is recommend
Applications and job descriptions are
available in Suite 300 of the EMU
and online at
www.dailyemerald.com. Submit no
more than five work samples. All
materials must be submitted by may
14 by 5 p.m.
Great Part Time Job
Retail & phone sales of raw glass
materials. Great location & friendly
environment with flexible work
hours. Must be: available summer,
responsible, computer savvy, have
good communications skills. Glass
blowing knowledge helpful. Send re
sume to thurley@callatg.com or
bring to T & M Glass Supply 259 E.
5th Ave. 3rd Floor
Si puedes leer este anuncio, tienes
amor por las familias Hispanas y ha
blas Espafiol, necesitamos tu ayuda
voluntaria para trabajar con bebes y
nifios durante la clase de educacion
para padres @ Birth To Three grupo
Crecer. Tambi6n necesitamos ayu
da para preparar comidas Mdxica
nas y una persona que quiera ser
auxilia en la clase de los padres. Se
hablan varios dialectos debido a que
nuestras familias de habla Hispaha
vienen de distintas reqions de Mexi
co, Sudamerica y America Central.
Para mas infomacion, llama al t6le
fono 349-7793.
Onsite manager. Apartment complex
next to U of O. Perfect for student.
Send resume to onsite manager
86299 Lorane Hwy, Eugene, OR
KWVA Eugene, 88.1 FM Campus
Radio is now accepting applications
for all Senior Staff positions for the
2003-2004 Academic Year. Posi
tions include: General Manager, As
sistant General manager, Program
ming Director, Music Director, News
Director, Promotions director, Pro
duction Director, Underwriting Direc
tor and Web Page/Newsletter Editor.
Applicants need not be students,
however students will be given pref
erence. no experience is necessary,
please see job descriptions for infor
mation regarding specific positions.
Job descriptions and applications
are available outside of the ASUO
Office, Suite 4 of the EMU. Applica
tions are due b 5 p.m., Monday, May
12th and should be submitted to the
KWVA mailbox in the ASUO office,
Attention KWVA Board of Directors.
For additional information, contact
Charlotte NISSER at KWVA, 346
4091. KWVA is an EEO/AAA em
ployer. As always, KWVA is accept
ing applications for DJs and News
Great summer job! College Pro
Painters are currently hiring Job Site
Managers and Painters. You could
earn $3000 to $5000 plus awesome
bonus structure! NO EXPERIENCE
NECESSARY. Work outside on a
crew with a group of your friends
and learn useful job skills. 1-888
277-9787 or www.collegepro.com
D.D.S is hiring Co-directors for 03
04 school year. Pick up applications
at the ASUO office, Suite #4 EMU.
Applications due by May 14th, D.D.S
is an EOE/ADA/AA employer.
Camp Counselors- Teach Gymnas
tics, Tennis, A&C, & more at award
winning camps in PA. Apply @
961 Jefferson. Charming vintage
home. 2 bdrms, + partial finished
basement, spacious living room, for
mal dining. $900.
107 McClure 1 blk off River Rd.
Charming 2 bdrms, coved ceilings,
wood floors, near bike path, no pets,
3110 Oriole, Springfield. Newly ren
ovated 2 bdrms. New white vinyl
windows, forced air heat, hard wood
floors, new interior-exterior paint,
carport & detached shop, W/D, no
pets $750.
915-3101 or 334-4625
Very nice, 100 yr old restored small
studio house (no bdrm). 3 blks to
campus. NO DOGS, cat ok. $525 +
sign deposit on lease. 579-1568.
5 bdrm, 2 bath. Hardwood floors,
gas heat, nice backyard w/deck.
Great Neighborhood. $1,095.
1135 E. 36th. 343-6000
5 bdrm, 2 bath, close to campus,
2282 E. 15th. Available 9/03.
$350/room. 503-851-1835.
Lg 2 bdrm, 1.5 ba Townhouse fur
nished. W/D & D/W. On busline.
Pool. No smkg/cats ok. Avail. 5/12
8/15. Rent $600 + utl. 729-2965.
1630 Ferry St. $400. Avail. 6/15
No petsl Call 741-0320.
Take over my lease: 1 month free in
a 2 bdrm near Autzen. Available
June 16. $395/mo. 343-1823
Live with 1 other girl this summer
near Autzen. $325/mo. First month
free. Nicola 344-8417,
Large, clean, quiet 1 bdm. 1 1/2
block UO. Walk-in closet, separate
vanity & bath, covered parking. Re
serve now for summer & fall. Call:
$50 off 1st month’s rent. Female
roommate needed. Avail, immedi
ately. $325/mo. W/D, D/W. Clean &
quiet. Call Kendra, 683-1965.
Very nice restored 1920’s 1 bdrm
apt. in small 3 apt. building. 4 blks to
UO. Part util. paid. Cat ok, parking.
$495 + fee/deposit. 579-1568.
1 & 2 bdrms. Hardwood floors,
new carpet, everything new! Start
ing at $395. Only 2.5 miles from
campus. Accepting reservations
for fall. 344-4619
Oak Creek Apts. 2 & 4 bdrm town
houses, Excellent Move-In Special/
Free rent! 344-6540.
90 commons dRivE • 338-4000
mis is ThE LiFe iN coueGe LiviNG!
• wAsheR/dRYeR
• dose TO
• on bus RouTe
• eLecTRomc
• PRivaTe
coPieR, aND Fax
• decxed out
• BasKeTbaLL/
• STaRTing at $335
• RoommaTe
maTCHing seRvice
• 10 & 12 mo.
2 bdrm 1/2 block from campus.
Hardwood floors, parking, quiet, pa
tio. 344-4619
Spring Ridge Village
1411 A Street
1 Bedroom Units
South Hills Village
143 S. 15th Street
1 *2 Bedroom Units
Call TODAY for Special!
AFFORDABLE- ask about specials
Only 2.5 miles from UO
in Springfield
On bus line
Sorry No Pets
Spacious studio, $475. Laundry
on-site and off-street parking.
1431 &1/2 W. Broadway
Stewardship Properties 343-6000
Large campus 2 bdrm + loft. Park
ing, no pets. $650 summer, $750
fall. 1390 Patterson 344-8689
Townhouse style campus 2 bdrm.
Parking, no pets. $525 summer,
$625 fall. 1390 Patterson 344-8689
Centre Court Village
3667 Main Street
Springfield, OR 97478
Sorry No Pets
Bedroom Apt. Homes
All w/ dw & disposals
Free Expanded TV Cable
1965 Patterson St,
Greenwood Apartments
1 - Bedroom, $555.00
On-site Laundry, Near Campus,
Free Parking, Newly Renovated In
Contact Kathy 554-9694
Walk to Campus
No lease. 1 bdrm $425, 2 bdrm
$550 343-8545.
TWo bedroom • $585
On campus.
Call 344-2657. Talray Holdings
$200.00 Off Your 2nd Month’s
Firtree Apartments 1149 Ferry
1-2 Bedroom Apartments
Clean, On-Site Laundry
Newly Remodeled
Contact Ryan 345-8460/Jenning’s &
Co. 683-4219
1 bdrm loft avail, immediately. 2 blks
from campus. Pair-a-dice Apt #116.
$675/mo. Contact Kathy, Property
Manager/Jennings &Co. 683-2271.
South Gate 2 bdrm townhouse. Ex
cellent Move-In Special! Call Willis
West Hills Village
1459 City View
Eugene, OR 97402
Sorry No Pets
Bedroom Units
Guaranteed Rents
w/o Lease 1 yr.
Check us out.
Newer quads across from campus.
1827 Harris St. $225/lease. $315
month-to-month. all utils, incl.
www.CampusRental.com, 606-0413.
Nice! All utils, incl. 430 E. 15th.
$275. Call Chuck 915-3354.
2 rooms for rent in vacant house, for
summer. Close to campus.
$350/mo. each. Call Erik 337-3823.
Newly remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath
duplex reserving for fall: $900, sum
mer short-term: $600. no pets. 3995
E. Amazon. 953-7336.
Large, furnished 1 bdrm in vintage
house for summer. Balcony, parking,
walk to UO, $400./mo 338-4007
Female roommate wanted to share
cute 3 bdrm. home near UO.
$360/month. Call: 431-3478.
Roommates wanted for summer.
Fully furnished, w/d, utils included.
One mile from UO. $405 per person.
Call Nathaniel at 349-9287.
Female roommate needed ASAP to
share 3 bdrm house on Walnut St.
On bus line, W/D, large yard, hot
tub, parking. $325. + utils. 338-8684
Need room to live in and large se
cure garage for storage/drum build
ing. Minimal noise. 935-5023_
Sci-Fi Club Organizational Meetings
May 6. 7:30 p.m. EMU Umpqua Rm.
May 16.6 p.m. EMU Umpqua Rm.
Oregon Daily Emerald
Classifieds Online
Fraternities • Sororities
Clubs • Student Groups
Earn $1,000-$2,000 this semester
with a proven CampusFundraiser 3
hour fundraising event. Our pro
grams make fundraising easy
with no risks. Fundraising dates
are filling quickly, so get with the
program! It works. Contact Cam
pusFundraiser at (888) 923-3238, or
visit www.campusfundraiser.com
24-hour support for survivors & their
friends. Sexual Assault Support
Services, 343-SASS.
Full time summer employment
The University of Oregon
Telephone Directory
Sales experience a plus, but not necessary.
Enthusiastic, goal-oriented students
for well-paying summer job!
Internships possible
Must have dependable automobile.
Advertising sales
$300 to $400 a week - commissions
needs sales people.
Ask for Gary Voyles