Flonase is approved to treat more triggers than any of these allergy medicines. Pollen Pet Dander Dust Mites Pollution Smoke Strong Odors Flonase* Nasonex* Zyrtec* Claritin1 Allegra* more than Nasonex more than Zyrtec more than Claritin more than Allegra F LONASE is approved to treat more triggers than these leading* allergy medicines. If you re like most people with nasal allergies, you suffer from more than just seasonal allergies.. .you may also suffer from indoor triggers or get nasal symptoms from smoke, strong odors, or pollution. But all it takes Is FLONASE to treat all those triggers. Not even these leading pills and nasal spray are approved to do that More reason than ever to talk to your doctor about FLONASE. Results may vary. If side effects occur, they are generally mild, and may include headache, nosebleed, or sore throat For best results, use daily. Maximum relief may take several days. Available by prescription only. GlaxoSmithKline " Available by prescription only, t Available over-the-counter. * “Allegra, Claritin, Zyrtec, Flonase, Nasonex, and Clarinex are When you get it all, all it takes is 1-800-427-52951 www.flonase.com (fluticasone propionate) Nasal Spray 50 meg among the leading prescription allergic rhinitis products.” Source: Scott-Levin’s Source™ Prescription Audit (SPA) from Verispan; October 2001-September 2002. The brands listed are trademarks of their respective owners and are not trademarks of The GlaxoSmithKline Group of Companies. The makers of these brands Please see important information below. are not affiliated with and do not endorse GlaxoSmithKline or its products FLONASE® (fluticasone propionate) Nasa! Spray, 50 meg For intranasat Use (My. SHAK£ G0fTLY BEFORE USE. Thetojgwing is a brief summary only; see tub prescribing intormatnn (or conyitete product CONTRAINDICATIONS FIONASE Nasal Spray is sxmtraindicated in paHenb wffi a hypersensitivity to any of its Die replacement of a systemic corticosteroid with a topical corticosteroid can be ararpamwl by siots ot adrenal insufSaency, and in aOdition some patients may experience symptom ot withdrawal, e.g., joint ante muscular pain, lassitude, ana depression. Patients prewusly treated for prolonged periods with systemic corticosteroids and transferred to topkial corticosteroids shoutflbe carefully monitored tor acute adrenal insufficiency in response to stress. In Btose patents who have asthma or other clinical conditions requiring long-term systemic corticosteroid treatment too rapid a decrease in systemic corticosteroids may cause a severe exacerbation of their symptom. The concomitant use of intranasal corticosteroids with other inhaled corticosteroids raid increase the nsk of signs or symptoms ot hypercortictsm and/or suppression of the nypoinajamic-pituitaiy-adrenal (HPA) axis. ■jSBjuyBisssasi senousror even fatal course in susceptible children or adults using corticosteroide. In children or adute who have not had these teases or been properly immunized, particular care should be taken to avoid exposure. How the dose, route, and duration (/corticosteroid administration affect the nsk of developing a disseminated inteebon is not known. The contribution of the undertying disease ante prior corticosteroid treatment to the risk is also not known. It exposed to chftenpox. prophylaxis with varicella zoster immune globulin (VZIG) may be indicated. If exposed to measles, prophylaxis with pooled intramuscular immunoglobulin IIG) ray be indicated. (See the respective package inserts tor complete VZIG beroradOTd9 rtomH,lon*11 develops, treatment with antiviral agents may Avoid spraying in eyes. PRECAUTIONS -rrrr -rr—. <■*!«„ a (eduction in 9™wlh velocity when adnrnstered to pediatnc patients (see PRECAUTIONS: Pediatric Use) , Rarety. mimejfete.riypgsensibvity reactions or contact dermafe may occur after the adl!"!!S3tl0l(,, Nasal W instances ot wheezing, nasaJ septum .. #ough systemic afects have been mininial with reranmended doses ot FLONASE used at higher than recommended doses or in rare individuals at recommended do*s, asteny corticosteroid gfecte such as hvp«rar8cism and adrenai suppression may appear, i «uflWffi Mg*™SE Nasal SprayjWd bediscocrfinued slowy consistent w® accepted procedures lor discontinuing oral cortcosteroid therapy. itfPtfegsal Candite infection or other signs of adverse effects on Die nasal mucosa. Intranasal corticosteroids should be used with caution, if at all, in patients wttb active or gu»sc^tLi^lousinfec^dOiefespifa^tract;untreated(o3%. where incidence, i Ms m vdach 536 patients (57 girts and 108 boys aged 4 to 11 'years, 137 female and ^mateadotescer*»id^iMwere1reatedw«iff0NASEI*KdSpray2O0mcgonce daily over 2 to 4 weeks and 2jcontro«ed clinical trials in which 246 pafaits 119 fen* and 12/ male adolescents aid adufts) were heated with RONASE Nasal Spray 200 meg once Wy ffi6 R'wrths. Also induded in the table are adverse events from 2 studies in which 16/chiWren (45 guts aid 122 boys aged 4 to 11 years) were treated with RONASE Nasal Spray 100 meg once daily for 2 to 4 weeks. or Perennial Attwgic Rhinitis Adverse Experience Vehicle Placebo (n=758) FLONASE 100 meg Once Daffy (n=167) % FLONASE 200 meg Once Dauv (n=782) % Headache Pharyngitis Epistaxis Nasal burning/ nasal irritation Nausea/vomiting Asthma symptoms Cough 14.6 7.2 5.4 2.6 2.0 2.9 2.8 16.1 7.8 6.9 3.2 2.6 3.3 3.8 Other tevase events that occurred in s3% but *1% of patients and that were more Mmmon with tlubcasone propionate (with uncertain relationship to treatment) included: tod in nasal mucus rig nose, abdominal pain, tfarrhea, fever, flu-like symptoms, aches ved Drag Clmwa! Practice: in adtffai to atverse events mas, the Mowing events have be® idee ' ' piopionate in cWcai piie, Beeaise toy unknown site, estimates ot frequency cannot_ fleam/: %pereensithjy reactions, including angioedema, ston rash, edema of the Jar, tee art Dnat Alteration or los of sense of taste and/or small and, rarely, nasal ^^^^nasal ulcer, sore tat, throat nutation and dryness, cough, hoarseness, QwrDrynessmdimtation, corymra»tlis,i)torreiaoculaff pressure, 2nd cataracts. OHWMff Saigle oral dosesjjp to 16 mg nave been studied Arrian volunteers with no acute toxic up to 80 mg daily for 10 days in votunteere and repeat “ -«-■- ^ ^ Ue(j ,yvwse and fluticasone proponate twice daihy tor 7 days Sngle oral doses up to 16 mg nave been s_ effects reported. Raieat oral tees up to 80 mg da up to 10 mg daily for 14 days in ere ot mid or moderate severity, and oral doses ,r reactions were WjP*! the maxkniiT®arirnwded"ifei,|yirtraS to* m.aifults.and >10,000 and >20000 Jmes, respectively, the maximum recommended daily intranasal dose in children on a mgtrn basis). GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 02002, GlaxoSmithKline. All rights reserved. May 2002 RL-1101 02003 The GlaxoSmithKline Group of Companies All rights reserved. Printed In USA 428NBS FL2846R0