Newsroom: (541) 346-5511 Suite 300, Erb Memorial Union P.O. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403 Email: Online Edition: Friday, April 25,2003 --Oregon Daily Emerald Commentary Editor in Chief: Michael J. Kleckner Managing Editor Jessica Richelderfer Editorial Page Assistant Salena De La Cruz Editorial Quacks to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Sensenbren ner, R-Wisconsin, who said April 17 that the USA PATRIOT Act will be made permanent “over my dead body.” It’s a re lief that at least one elected official has questions about how the act is being used, and U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft should be offering answers. Smacks to Rev. Franklin Graham, son of famed preach er Billy Graham, for demonizing Islam and then hosting Good Friday services at the Pentagon. So much for Amer ican government’s neutrality toward religion. No, tell us how you really feel. Quacks to Keizer resident Gary Boyles, who filed suit against the Salem-Keizer School District for forcing his son and daughter to watch commercial advertising on Channel One during school hours. Hurrah for Boyles! Not only are the commercials a sick form of brainwashing to hoist on kids, but Channel One’s programming isn’t so special, either. Smacks to the Lukes potentially being split up because of the NBA. There ought to be a law that would make Rid nour and Jackson a Draft package-deal, and our hearts break to think of having only one curly-haired bailer on campus next year. Quacks to the ASUO Executive for all of their work on leg islative issues and their recent award for it from the United States Student Association. Representing student voices to demand more funding, more access and a better education is one of the most important things student leaders can do. Smacks to the mainstream media (especially televi sion) for resuming their usual soap-opera style coverage of murders and pop culture within seconds of Saddam Hussein’s statue being toppled in Baghdad. Never mind in-depth features on international relations or the causes and consequences of war, every detail of the Laci Peter son case must be told over and over again! Quacks to Golden State Warriors center Adonal Foyle, who started Democracy Matters, a nonprofit, nonparti san organization encouraging college students to get in volved in politics. Here’s an NBA player being a great role model and giving back in a way that can make a huge dif ference to the future of our democracy. Find out more at Smacks to the Chinese government for covering up the extent and nature of the SARS outbreak. Saving face and handling issues internally is well and good in many cases, but this was a matter of much greater importance than any one government. Shame on them. Quacks to the ASUO elections being over. We value stu dent government more than do most students, probably, but still, it’s nice that the hot air front has passed, and our new leaders can begin the task of preparing for their jobs. Plus, we’re stoked that the University has a first-genera tion college student for an out lesbian redneck student body president. Smacks to Richard Perle for making the rounds of news talk shows in the past week, angrily telling France and Germany that the sanctions against Iraq should be lifted and declaring his disgust that commercial greed would trump international policy. It is hard to imagine a person who could be more hypocritical in taking this stance; Per le has loads of commercial interests that profit from war. Shame on him. Editorial policy] This editorial represents the opinion of the Emerald editorial board. Responses can belli sent to letters to the editor and guest commentaries are encouraged. Letters are limited to 250 words and guest commentaries to 550 words. Authors are limited to one submission per calendar month. Submission must include phone number and address for verification. The Emerald reserves the right to edit for space, grammar and style. Editorial board members Michael J. Kleckner Editor in chief Salena De La Cruz Editorial page assistant Jessica Richeiderfer Managing editor DJ Fuller. Columnist Jenna Cunningham Student representative ■mii .""'vd wmmBfssft «'