Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 2003, Page 6, Image 6

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Wyoming’s wind power
turns EWEB’s turbines
EWEB already has 2,220
customers signed up for its
wind power program and is
looking to expand enrollment
Lindsay Sauve
Family/Health/Education Reporter
Being environmentally
conscious is not just
about sorting bottles and
cans anymore; it’s about
power. People concerned about
clean water, air and land are mak
ing a full rotation in the way they
think about energy. And they don’t
have to look much further than
their local utility board to find al
ternative methods.
In 1999, Eugene Water and Elec
tric Board purchased 21 percent of
the Foote Greek Rim wind project
in southeast Wyoming and has
since been offering customers the
opportunity to receive a portion of
their energy from wind power.
The Wyoming site has 69 wind
turbines on 2,000 acres and is ca
pable of producing 41.4 megawatts
of electricity, which, is enough
power to run 10,000 homes.
EWEB receives 8.78 megawatts of
that power.
EWEB spokesman Lance
Robertson said about 2,200 resi
dents and businesses participate
in the wind power program, or 3
percent of users. This rate puts
EWEB in the nation’s top 10
/jgP utility companies who offer al
ternative energy sources.
53 Consumers can choose to
wr purchase 10, 25, 50 or 100 per
cent wind power. The rate for
non-wind power is 3.13 cents per
kilowatt hour while wind power
costs users 5.27 cents.
Robertson said the cost for us
ing 10 percent wind is small,
about $2 more per month during
the winter for single family
homes. He added about 200 con
sumers use 100 percent wind
power. The cost for using all wind
is about #17 extra per month.
“Lately we’ve been trying to
reach out to more commercial
businesses to try to get them in
volved in the wind program,”
Robertson said.
Dan Beilock at Red Barn
Natural Foods said his company
has been a part of the wind pro
gram since it began in 1999. In
2002, Red Barn used 13,000
kilowatt hours of wind power. He
said the extra cost is a small price
to pay for contributing to the
greater good.
“We use wind power because we
think it’s important to contribute
to self-sustained sources of ener
gy,” Beilock said.
Students can also feel good
about the food they eat at- the
EMU’s Holy Cow Caf6. Owner
Kathee Lavine said one-third of
their main kitchen, where they
prepare all the food that’s sold at
the EMU site, is powered by the
EWEB wind program. Holy Cow
has also been hooked up since the
program began.
“We did. it because it seemed
purchased 21
percent of the
Foote Creek
Rim wind
project in
which has 69
wind turbines
on 2,000 acres.
like a step in the right direction,”
Lavine said.
University physics Professor
Stanley Micklavzina, who teaches
a course about renewable energy,
said traditional methods of
creating fuel contribute heavily to
the pollution of the environment.
Burning coal or other fossil fuels
is one of the biggest causes of
air pollution.
"Lately weVe been
trying to reach out to
more commercial
businesses to try to get
them involved in the
wind program "
Lance Robertson
EWEB spokesman
Another common method is
hydro-electric, or dam-powered
energy, which Micklavzina said
can interrupt natural ecosystems.
Wind power, on the other hand,
produces no emissions or
Residents or business owners
willing to pay a little extra every
month to participate in the wind
program can contact EWEB
at 484-2411.
Contact the reporter
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