Today's crossword solution Award continued from page 1 his son John, who died in 1922. The award Ls given to individuals from all ac ademic disciplines, including visual and literary arts, as well as physical sci ences, with the idea of allowingscholars a chance to further their studies. Recip ients may use the award to promote their work in any way they choose. The Guggenheim list of fellows in cludes notable individuals such as Joyce Carol Oates, Ansel Adams, Langston Hughes and Henry Kissinger. Past University recipients include cre ative writing professors Ehud Havazelet and Dorianne Laux, and bi ology professor Monte Westerfield. Lorraine Davis, vice president of the Office of Academic Affairs, said winning the Guggenheim is an impor tant accomplishment for an individ ual and for the campus community because it confirms the strength of the University as an academic institution. “An award like this is a great achievement because it validates a fac ulty member’s work and shows they have demonstrated exceptional schol arship and creativity,” Davis said. Gina’s research has great signifi cance for the study of photosynthe sis. Ultrafast spectroscopy allows sci entists to look at how light is changed into chemical energy within the reac tion centers of cell membranes. Gina will receive #35,000 and plans to use the money to travel to universities in California and Mexico City, where he will collaborate with other researchers. Gina said he’s looking forward to working with a di verse group of scientists. “One of the scientists I’ll be working with is Armenian, another is British, and of course I’ll work with Mexican scientists in Mexico,” Gina said. “The scientific community is really model ing a global collaboration.” Gina is an accomplished chemist, but one of his true loves is teaching. Mary Rohrdanz, a graduate chem istry student and Gina’s research as sistant, said he is an effective teacher because he understands how the minds of his students work. Rohrdanz has worked closely with Gina for the past five years. “What makes Jeff a good teacher is that he wants to make sure his students understand concepts before he moves on,” Rohrdanz said. “He is not only a good scientist, but a good human being. ” Before coming to the University in 1996, Gina taught at the University of Chicago for eight years. Though he will take time off in the coming months to take his ideas south, he says he plans to continue teaching. “What teaching does, other than the pleasure and satisfaction of Lindsay Suave Emerald Professor Jeffrey Cina researches atom movement during chemical processes. working with young people, is that it grounds you in your own research,” said Gina. “When I teach something like basic chemistry, it allows me to see the depth of the subject.” Contact the reporter Saturday, April 26 1:00-5:30 pm MU Quad Oregon State University WL FREE Food & Performance Sponsored by the Internationa! Students of Oregon State University For special accommodations please call 541-737-6348 by April 23, 2003 ASUO continued from page 1 student leaders, there are many av enues for studying up on each can didate’s platform, as well as personal background and information. Copies of the ASUO Voter’s Guide are still available around campus, and can didates will more than likely be cam paigning in the streets during the gener al election. Voters can also expand their knowledge by reading transcripts of candidates’ interviews with the Emer ald and the resulting election stories. Read the Emerald’s election cov erage by going to www. daily emer, clicking on “News” and then “ASUO ELECTIONS.” The general election virtual voting booth opens at 9 a.m. today and runs through 5 p.m. on Wednesday. Students who want to exercise their constitutional right to vote can log onto DuckWeb from any com puter with Internet access. To vote for candidates, students simply need to connect to DuckWeb with their User ID and Personal Ac cess Code. From the Main Menu, voters must then click on the “Stu dent Menu.” Then, click on the “2003 ASUO General Election” link. Voting electronically via DuckWeb entails computerized vote tallying, so election results will be determined al most instantaneously after voting closes at 5 p.m. on Wednesday. —Jennifer Bear You voted once, but did you vote twice? Vote today on Duckweb,at I And the candidates are: 016331 * President/Vice President Maddy Melton and Eddy Morales Christa Shively and Greg Min Bae * Senate Seat #1, Programs Finance Committee Adrian T. Gilmore Alyce Chong * Senate Seat #2, Programs Finance Committee Mena Ravassipour Joe Jenkins * Senate Seat #3, Programs Finance Committee: Beth Overgard Colin Andries * Senate Seat #4, EMU Board Gabe V. Kjos Rodrigo Moreno * Senate Seat #7, Athletic Department Finance Committee Andrew Faust Laura Schulthies * Senate Seat #8, Athletic Department Finance Committee Anthony Demothenies Atnanatious Kuchulis Jesse Harding * Senate Seat #13, A&L/Journalism Stefan Myers Alicia Lindquist * Senate Seat #15, Social Sciences Adam Turcott Kevin Curtin Jordan Marx * Senate Seat #16, Science Jonah Lee Gabrielle Guidero * Associated Students Presidential Advisory Council Nick Hudson Sarah A. Koski * Student Recreation Center Advisory Board Noah Glusman * Programs Finance Committee, At- Large Toby Piering Cory Phillips * EMU Board, At-Large Slade Leeson Omid Kianersi April 21st - 23rd ASUO General Don’t Du