Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 2003, Page 8, Image 8

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Buffalo Exchange buyer
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News brief
Senate approves
funding for La Paz
The ASUO Student Senate approved
a $999 special request on Wednesday
evening to fund an event co-sponsored
by the Multicultural Center that will
feature La Paz, a group of “spoken
word” artists and musicians.
The senate also approved a re
quest from the Jewish Student Union
for a transfer of $503 from various ac
counts to fund SHOA Week. The
group also requested $100 be trans
ferred to its food account.
continued from page 5
dance are just a few. However, the
sound is orderly, rather than jumbled.
The band released “escuela” in
2001, and “gopal to starwin: live in
san francisco 2002” is the newest re
lease. Manipulations and loops make
for a slightly more homogenous
sound than Surrounded By Ninjas.
However, the tracks are nowhere
near boring, and they offer ample,
spacey relaxation.
Portland-based duo Surrounded
By Ninjas is listed second on 4th Rail
Productions’ press materials, but
this group is really the shining star
of the two. The duo released “Real
Time Modify” in February. The CD
continued from page 5
stop their work to go knock some
pins — taking it every bit as seri
ously as making a bike. I swear
he’s bipolar.
Of course, the Teutul roller coast
er would be meaningless if they
weren’t producing outstanding mo
torcycles against all odds. I’m afraid
of motorcycles as a rule — I fall off
continued from page 4
Former Secretary of State
Lawrence Eagleburger told the BBC
this week that if Bush were to expand
the war in Iraq to Iran or Syria, “We
would last in office for about 15 min
utes. In fact, if President Bush were to
try that now, even I would think that
he ought to be impeached. ”
State Department spokesman
Philip Reeker said Wednesday that
“there is no plan to attack Syria, Iran
or anyone else.”
But the administration has strongly
criticized Iran’s alleged attempt to de
velop nuclear weapons, particularly at
a nuclear power plant being built with
Russian help near the port city of
Bushehr. The U.S. has imposed sanc
tions against Russian companies and
The Japanese Student Organization
was approved for a request of #700 to
be transferred to its food account in or
der to pay for Sushi Night. Group
members said the purpose of the event
is to educate students and community
members about Japanese culture.
The senate also approved a #435
transfer from various accounts of the
Black Student Union to be used to
ward a dinner event.
Finally, a request was approved for
the transfer of #180 from the Lati
no/a Law Student Association speak
er account to its student affairs ac
count to compensate for an event
is a conglomeration of snippets ex
tracted from more than 30 hours of
music group members .Asher Fulero
and Joel Barber created during a six
month residency at Portland’s Good
foot Lounge.
It’s unlikely that audiences will ever
hear the same combinations played
live again, given the fact that Sur
rounded By Ninjas doesn’t have a sin
gle set piece of music. Each song is
completely improvised. According to
the CD liner notes, “all music con
tained herein was 100 percent impro
vised with no prearranged notions or
arrangements of any kind, and was
created 100 percent live with no over
dubs or post production.” This aspect
comes through even in recorded form.
The sound, produced with the aid
normal bikes enough to be scared
— but these machines make me
want to saddle up. They are sculp
tures on wheels with glimmering
chrome parts that seethe power.
Even their basic models are beauti
ful, but the show focuses on master
piece custom jobs requiring con
summate creativity and skill in
short amounts of time.
It’s Tim Allen meets “Days of Our
Lives”; “Full House” plus Firestone;
pressured Russia, China and Ukraine
to refrain from supplying technologi
cal know-how.
One Iranian scholar, who did not
want to be quoted by name, said
that if there is any military action
against Iran, it could be in the form
of an air strike against these nu
clear facilities. He doubted there
would be a full-scale invasion.
Instead of using military force, the
Bush administration plans to contin
ue supporting Iranian opposition
groups and broadcasting anti-gov
ernment messages into Iran. It will
also step up its rhetorical confronta
tions with the ruling clerics in an ef
fort to keep them off balance and, ul
timately, topple them,
administration officials said.
Bush’s rhetoric toward Iran has
not been as heated as it has been
held in March.
Members of the Oregon Student of
Color Coalition asked for the senate’s
endorsement for Senate Bill 10,
which would allow students whose
parents are not U.S. citizens but have
lived here for three years and have
high school diplomas to pay resident
tuition. The senate agreed to form a
resolution for debate before signing
its endorsements.
Andrew Elliott resigned from his
position as ombudsman. The senate
will nominate members for the posi
tion next week.
— Chelsea Duncan
of 14 different machines, is metallic,
fresh and infused with emotion —
another rarity for electronic grooves.
The tracks where Barber and Fulero
utilized voice recordings, from tele
vision and other sources, are most
adept at drawing the listener in.
“several.things.in.one,” and
“out.of.the.loop” are notable for this.
Another exceptional track, “sleepy
time.music.for.robots” is a soothing,
slow expanse of noise capable of in
ducing sleepy time even for humans.
Surrounded By Ninjas and kooken
& hoomen will do what they do best
at 9 p.m. Friday. Wild Duck Music Hall
is located at 169 W. Sixth Ave., and
tickets are $7 at the door.
Contact the Pulse editor
therapy with tools — it’s friggin’
awesome. The only thing that could
make it better is if Paulie and his
dad fell in love with a rich widow
(who is secretly a long-lost relative)
when she comes in to request a
bike. Next time on “American
Chopper”! Dun dun DUN!!!
Contact the Pulse columnist
at masonwest@dailyemerald.com.
His views do not necessarily represent
those of the Emerald.
against Iraq. Last July, after declar
ing Iran a member of the “axis of
evil” along with Iraq and North Ko
rea, he issued a statement hailing
the Iranian reform movement’s ef
forts to openly defy the government.
He accused the clerics ruling the
country of enriching themselves at
the expense of the people.
Iran is showing its usual concern,
said David Long, a Washington con
sultant and retired U.S. Foreign Ser
vice officer who served in the Middle
East. “The Iranians are concerned
that the cowboy from Texas will ex
pand the roundup to Syria and
Iran,” he said.
© 2003, Chicago Tribune. Distributed
by Knight Ridder/Tribune Information
Services. Chicago Tribune
correspondent Cam Simpson
contributed to this report
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