Today's crossword solution ODE Classifieds... Worth Looking Into! Campus buzz Friday "Dialogue with the Deans" (discussion), 12-2 p.m., 276 Education, free, 346-1579. "Entertainment China: Ideology, Indus try, Aesthetics" (conference), 3-7 p.m., Gerlinger Lounge, free, 346-4007. Ramon Gutierrez (lecture), 3:30-5 p.m., Knight Library Browsing Room, free. "The Hook Formula" (mathematics semi nar), 4 p.m., 208 Dea*cJy, free. "The Jazz Cafe" (performance), 8 p.m., 178 Music, $5 general, $3 students. Bill continued from page 1 to pay dues of membership groups such as the Oregon Student Associa tion and the Oregon Students of Color Coalition, both of which have repre sentation at the University. Currendy, annual budget process es allow students to decide where in cidental fee money goes on campus, and each year hundreds of thou sands of fee dollars go to many or ganizations to pay for membership and other services at the University. Rep. Linda Flores, R-Boring, who sponsored the bill, did not return phone calls from the Emerald. ASUO State Affairs Coordinator Adam Petkun, who attended a public hearing on the bill last week, said the feeling against the bill was so “over UNIVERSITY OF OREGON session cwmo 23-.AUGUSm5.2003 Get Ready for Summer! Plan Your Classes Now! The UO Summer Session Catalog with Schedule of Classes is now available on campus. The catalog contains important information about courses and special programs offered this summer, registration, housing, and fees. Registration starts May 5. Our Pick up your copy today in the Summer Session office, 333 Oregon Hall, or at the UO Bookstore Telephone (541) 346-3475 wueuiuug uiai no uouuieu it would see a work session in the future. “The fee is so important to us be cause it allows for all thoughts and all expression on campus to be alive,” he said. “Without the fee, stu dents would just get the bare-bones academic experience.” Since its inception, the bill has drawn fire from many sources in col lege administrations and student governments in OUS, including ASUO President Rachel Pilliod, Uni versity President Dave Frohnmayer and OUS Chancellor Richard Jarvis. In a letter to legislators, Frohn mayer told members of the House General Government Committee that the student incidental fee process provides students at the University with “essential campus programs and services.” “The student incidental fee pro vides an essential learning experience for students, and is a process that has been managed effectively and respon sibly on the campus level,” he wrote. “I urge you to carefully consider House Bill 3600 and return the cur rent student choice model.” The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of students controlling the distribution of their student fees two years ago in South worth v. University of Wisconsin. Now, opponents of House Bill 3600 say it would violate that ruling. Unless the bill is granted a work ses sion in the Legislature, it will die when the current legislative session ends. Contact the news editor at War continued from page 1 by Islamic clerics, it has a strong re formist element that openly chal lenges authority. For the moment at least, the Unit ed States feels content in making the Tehran regime extremely nervous about the presence of American forces on its borders. That reality could help moderate the govern ment’s extremism and enhance the power of reformers in the country, analysts say. In Tehran, Iranian President Mo hammad Khatami reflected some of this concern in a news conference on Wednesday. He said his country would not accept a U.S.-installed regime in Iraq and will support Syria if it is attacked. But there was a caveat: “We will defend Syria, but that doesn’t mean we will engage in military confrontation,” he said. Turn to War, page 8 Oregon Daily Emerald P.O. Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald is pub lished daily Monday through Friday dur ing the school year by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co. Inc., at the Uni versity of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon.The Emerald operates independently of the University with offices in Suite 300 of the Erb Memorial Union. The Emerald is pri vate property. The unlawful removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law. NEWSROOM — (541)346-5511 Editor in chief: Michael J. Kleckner Managing editor: Jessica Richelderfer Freelance: Ayisha Yahya, editor News desks: Brook Reinhard, Jan Montry, news editor. Jennifer Bear, senior reporter—campus/federal politics, Aimee Rudin, senior reporter- city/state politics, Caron Alarab, safety/crime/transportation, Roman Gokhman, campus/city culture, Lindsay Suave, family/health/education, Ali Shaughnessy, environment/scienceAechnology Pulse: Jacquelyn Lewis, editor. Ryan Bomheimer, senior reporter. Aaron Shakra, reporter. Joe Bechard, Nika Carlson, Natasha Chilingerian, Ryan Nyburg, Mason West, columnists Sports: Peter Hockaday, editor. Adam Jude, senior reporter. Hank Hager, Jesse Thomas, reporters. 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BUSINESS — 346-5512 General manager: Judy Riedl Business supervisor: Kathy Carbone Receptionist: Sarah Goracke Distribution: Joel Domreis, Heather Lake, Matt O’Brien, John Long, Mike Sarnoff-Wood ADVERTISING — DISPLAY 346-3712 CLASSIFIED 346-4343 Director: Becky Merchant Sales manager: Michael Kirk Special publications and classified manager: Hilary Mosher Sales representatives: Tim Bott, Michelle Chan, Aaron Golden, Kim Humphries, Jenn Knoop, Lindsay McNamara, Mickey Miles, Valisa Nelson, Laura Staples, Sherry Telford, Jeremy Williams Assistants: Liz Carson, Katy Cooney, Katy Hagert, Erin O’Connell, Keri Spangler, Kate Workman PRODUCTION — 346-4381 Manager: Michele Ross Production coordinator: Tara Sloan Designers: Emily Cooke, Matt Graff, Andy Holland, Marissa Jones, Jayoung Park, Laura Paz, Kira Stoops