'ASTER services Good Friday Communion Services Saturday, April 19th Sunday, April 20th 7:00 PM 6:30, 8:00,9:30 and 11:00 am Children's ministries through Grade 5 Children's ministries through Grade 5 at 8:00,9:30 and 11:00 AM services. Easter Celebration Services Friday, April 18th 12 NOON and 5:30 PM Childcare through age 5 2| Raw Talent The Oregon Daily Emerald is always looking for young writers who want to learn and grow at a real newspaper. For information on how to freelance for the Emerald, call 346-5511. Family Representative Bill Rauch, American Cancer Society Vice President Dave Rogers and family attorney Bill Thomas present a $600,000 check for research from the American Cancer Society to Karen Guillemin, PhD. Caleb Fung for the Emerald UO professor receives grant for cancer study Biology professor Karen Guillemin received $600,000 to research a bacterium that causes stomach cancer Ali Shaughnessy Environment/Science/Technology Reporter A University professor has re ceived a grant to study the link be tween stomach cancer and a bacteri um called “Helicobacter pylori,” which could be a leading cause of stomach cancer depending on the strength of the strain. Biology Associate Professor Karen Guillemin received the $600,000 grant from the American Cancer So ciety to fund a three-year research project titled “Cellular Basis of Heli cobacter pylori Pathogenesis.” H. pylori is a bacterium that can live inside the human stomach and is a known cause of stomach can cer. Guillemin said that although the majority of people with stom ach cancer are infected with H. py lori, most people infected with H. pylori will not necessarily be diag nosed with cancer. Guillemin is focusing her three year project on identifying how the bacterium interacts with individual cells in the stomach to cause cancer. H. pylori is the first bacterium — not virus — shown to be carcino genic. Because it is a bacterium, H. pylori can be cured with an antibiot ic. Guillemin said, however, that physicians are currently only giving antibiotics to patients with active strains of H. pylori. Guillemin said she is hoping to identify the different strains of H. pylori, specifically which strains are more likely to cause cancer. She added that even if people are infected with H. pylori, they don’t necessarily need antibiotics be cause bacterium have the ability of building resistance to frequently used antibiotics. “If we can start to understand (H. rOO MANY BOOKS? We buy texts and other good books all year long a proud member of Unique Eugene pylori), then that can be useful for clinicians to type the strains,” Guillemin said. “Certain strains are more likely to cause cancer because they produce molecules that do more damage.” Guillemin started working on the project in September 2001, when she first came to the University. She also has taught an upper-division class titled “Bacterial Host Interac tions” and will be teaching a micro biology course in the 2003-04 school year. The grant was made possible be cause of a contribution to AGS from the estate of Dora Kellenberg er Hall. Kara Moore, a spokes woman for AGS, said that without the contribution from the Keflen berger Hall estate, the #600,000 would not have been given to Guillemin. Although AGS has given nearly #1 million to researchers at the University, most of that money comes from federal grants, not from personal contributions. “It was special because the gift from the family allowed us to give her the grant,” Moore said, adding that there are currently four other researchers at the University who have received funds from AGS. Guillemin said she is very dedicat ed to the project, although the grant will only provide funding through the next three years. “It’s a lifetime project,” she said. Contact the reporter atalishaughnessy@dailyemerald.com. During the Month of April Come Join the Fun! Berg'; fki/’hop | 13th & Lawrence' 683-1300 • www.bergsskishop.com ' r North Campus 579 E. Broadway 686-1166 South Campus i 2870 E. 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