Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 2003, Page 11, Image 23

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    4.6 Conflict of interest prohibited. No member holding
an elected position on the Student Senate, the
ASUO Programs Finance Committee, the Athletic
Department Finance Committee, or the EMU
Board may vote on the budget of any ASUO or
EMU program in which they hold a paid position
during their term in office, will be bolding a
paid position during the year the fiscal
budget is in effect. This section shall be con
strued so as to prohibit conduct that creates the
appearance of a conflict of interest, as well as an
actual conflict of interest.
In accordance with Robert Rules of Parliamentary
procedure it is a conflict of interest for students to
vote on the budgets of requests or allocations in
which they will receive direct pay from.
Shall the ASUO constitution be changed to include
the following language?
5.13 The ASUO president shall establish a written
agreement for each salaried, appointive position
in the ASUO Executive Office prior to hiring for
the position, setting forth its duties and responsi
bilities in accordance with the ASUO
Stipend Model.
Clarification that the ASUO position is paid in accor
dance with the Stipend Model which was approved
by the vote of the Student Senate May 2000.
Shall the ASUO constitution be changed to include
the following language?
5.17 The President shall establish and publish his or
her own criteria for fulfillment of duties within
one month of taking office.The President shall
also perform all duties as required by this
Constitution. Articles of impeachment may be
brought against the President by a 3/4 vote of
the seated student senate. Upon such vote, the
Constitution Court shall try the case and reach a
decision by majority vote. Articles of impeach
ment brought before the Constitutional Court
shall clearly set forth the grounds for removal of
This is in clarification in accordance of Robert Rules.
Shall the ASUO Constitution be changed to include
the following language?
5.4 The ASUO President shall appoint persons to
vacant positions of the Constitution Court, the
Athletic Department Finance Committee,
the EMU Board (with the exception of
positions appointed by the EMU Board),
the Programs Finance Committee and the
Student Senate.These appointments shall be
made within a period of thirty (30) calendar
days of the vacancy and shall be subject to con
firmation by a majority of the Student Senate
within 7 (seven) calendar days of the appoint
For clarification, Student Senate Consists of Programs
Finance Committee, Athletic Department Finance
Committee, and EMU Board Members. We need to
clarify who the ASUO President does appoint, and it
is not clear throughout any rules.
Shall the ASUO constitution be changed to include
the following language?
5.6 The President or designee shall submit budget
recommendations to the Student Senate for each
of the three Major Programs: the EMU, ASUO
Programs, and the Athletic Department. These
recommendations are to be submitted at
the same time the EMU, ASUO Programs
Finance Committee, and Athletic
Department Finance Committee submits
their recommendations for their pro
grams to the Student Senate. The ASUO
president or designee shall submit budget rec
ommendations to the ASUO Major Finance
Committee for each of the ASUO program budg
ets at each of the Major Program’s budg
et hearings.
For clarification, the student senate votes on these
three budgets at the same time the ASUO gives the
recommendation; therefore, they need to be submitted
simultaneously. This will decrease confusion and
questions for groups during the budget year. Major
wording is changed due to the Clark document.
Miall the AMJu constitution be changed to include
the following language?
5.7 The ASUO President shall submit an accounting
of expenditures of all ASUO programs from the
previous fiscal year. (Referred to as
Postclose and produced by the ASUO
Accounting Coordinator and Controllers)
Explanation: The document should be stated because
people need to know what is considered “Accounting
of Expenditures
Shall the ASUO constitution be changed to include
the following language?
5.8 The ASUO President and the Student Senate shall
agree by January 15th end of fall term which
the total incidental fee budget shall be submitted
to the University President on or before April
1st. If they fail to agree, the Constitution Court
shall set the deadline. In the event that the
Student Senate fails to meet the deadline, the
ASUO President shall, following consent of the
Constitution Court, be responsible for preparing
the ASUO budget and submitting it to the
University President.
Statement of Explanation: Three years ago the OUS
required the Incidental Fee allocations to be due on
May 1st of each year. Therefore the ASUO must submit
the allocations to the University President on or
before April 1st. It must be agreed that a common
timeline will be established before the end of winter
term in order to insure that the budget can be com
pleted by April 1st.
Shall the ASUO Constitution be changed to include
the following information?
6.14 The Programs Finance Committee, on
behalf of the Student Senate shall sub
mit, within their budget, Student Senate
shfttt a budget for an unallocated reserve of not
more than 1.5% of the total incidental fee budg
et, using funds other than surplus from carry
over and over realized enrollment.
For Clarification, the unallocated reserves are budget
ed within the PFC’s budget, therefore, PFC shall sub
mit their budget to Senate with the unallocated
reserves included. Confusion can occur when not
knowing what allocated reserve is being talked
about. With many more reserves being created, they
will all need to be clearly labeled.
Shall the ASUO Constitution be changed to include
the following language?
6.22 The Student Senate in conjunction with the
President, ASUO Programs Finance Committee,
Athletic Department Finance Committee and
EMU Board, shall establish and publish the budg
et process schedule by , the end of fall
term, including the deadlines for the budgets to
be submitted to the Student Senate and then to
the ASUO President.
Statement of Explanation: Three years ago OUS
required the Incidental Fee allocations to be due on
May 1st of each year. Therefore the budget process
schedule must be established by the end of fall term.
If you waited until January 15th , the committees
need to already be two weeks in until the process in
order to make the April 1st deadline.
Shall the ASUO Constitution be changed to include
the following language?
7.4 The ASUO Programs Finance Committee shall
establish and publish its own rule of procedure
and criteria for non-fulfillment of duties by
October 25th November lot.
Statement of Explanation: Three years ago the OUS
required the incidental Fee allocations to be due on
May 1st of each year. Therefore, the Programs Finance
Committee shall establish and publish its own rules
of procedure and criteria for nofulfillment of duties
by October 25th. If waited until November 1st, then
the PFC would or could ask programs to only have
one week to prepare their budgets, and it is too late
to make the April 1st deadline to the University of
Oregon President.
Shall the ASUO constitution be changed to include
the following language?
7.6 The ASUO Programs Finance Committee shall
assign a tag to each ASUO Program by October
10th 45th
Statement of Explanation: Due to the April 1st dead
line, programs need to know whom they have to
work with while they are in the process of creating
their budgets. The tags have to be figured out before
PFC budget packet is released to programs.
Shall the ASUO Constitution be changed to include
the following language?
8.1 The ASUO Athletic Department Finance
Committee shall be composed of five (5) mem
bers selected as follows: two (2) members elect
ed as Finance Senators for two year terms, one
(1) member elected as Finance Senator for a one
year term, one (1) member appointed by the
ASUO President for a years term, and one (1)
member appointed by the Athletic Department
Team Council for a one year term. The ASUO
Finance Coordinator will also serve on the
Committee as a non-voting member. The Chair
shall be chosen from the elected members in
accordance with their by-laws.
Explanation: The Athletic Department Team no longer
appoints anyone. This will also give the ASUO
Executive staff a voice in budget development.
Section 6.15 The ASUO recommended incidental fee
assessment for each of the following Major Programs:
1) ASUO Programs
2) The Athletic Department, and
3) The incidental fee portion of the EMU budget;
excluding replenishment for expenditures
from the previous year’s building reserves,
shall not exceed a 7% increase over the previous year’s
student incidental fee assessment, unless individually
approved by an initiative or referendum shall under
Section 14 of this Constitution. If placed on the ballot,
the measure shall specify the exact amount in both
percentage and dollars by which the 7% limitation will
be exceeded.
Explanation: The Oregon University System policies
and the Clark Document require that all building
reserves be fully funded. The required amount is
based on the actual cost of original construction and
increases at an annual percentage rate, which will be
capped at 1.5% in 2008. All auxiliary buildings on
campus (such as the EMU or Recreation Center) are
required to maintain a building reserve to be used
for maintenance and repair. If this measure passes,
any expenditures from the reserves would not be
included in the calculation that limits Major
Program Growth to 7% as required by section 6.15 of
the ASUO Constitution.
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