Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 2003, Page 10, Image 22

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    Omid Kianersi
No Statement
Joshua Rapp
The EMU Board takes on a large
responsibility with the task of allo
cating funds from a multi-million
dollar budget to the various pro
grams on campus.There are two
sources that contribute to these
funds: revenue that is produced by
the EMU and incidental fees
which students pay each term.
As a student at the University of
Oregon,I want to see that the
money I am contributing to the
budget,by paying incidental fees,
is allocated fairly and serves its de
sired purpose. If I am elected to
the Board, I will serve with ambi
tion and competency,drawing
from my past and current leader
ship experience, to ensure that
money paid by the students is uti
lized fairly and effectively. My top
priority will always be the best in
terest of the students.
Building Fee Com
No Candidates
Ballot Measures
Shall the ASUO Constitution be changed to include
the following language?
12.13 Por-the purpose of implementing the amend
in 1994, the member;* of the Student
•nate and-BVHJB-elected to fill two year scats
'eeted in odd numbered years "Shall serve only
-ne-year. These seats will bo placed on the ballot
»r re elec tion in 1995.
Expla nation:As these only apply to a specific timeline
that ,v ice has passed they no longer apply to the con
stitm n.
Shall the ASUO Constitution be changed to include
the following language?
12.14 Seat One of the Programs Finance Committee
will be elected in odd numbered years. Seat Two
shall be elected in even numbered years. Each
Programs Finance Committee member elected in
this way shah -serve a term of two years. For the
purpose of implementing the amendments in
1995, the member of the Programs Finance
Committee elected to Seat One in 1996 shall
serve only a one year term .This seat will be
placed on the ballot for re election in 1997.
Explanation:As these only apply to a specific timeline
that since has passed they no longer apply to the
ASUO constitution.
Shall the ASUO Constitution be changed to include
the following language?
12.4 Any incidental fee paying member of this
Association is eligible to vote for Candidates
seeking elective office, except in the elections of
Academic Student Senate eats, in which only
members of the appropriate constituent group
may note for their representative.
Shall the ASUO Constitution be changed to include
the following language?
12.5 The ASUO President shall appoint an Elections
Board Chair and, no later that November 1st
February 15 each year, appoint four members to
the Elections Board upon recommendation of
the Elections Board Chair. The Chair and Board
are subject to confirmation by a majority of the
Student Senate.The Elections Board shall be
responsible for promulgation of election rules
and procedures, and for the overall direction of
the elections.The Elections Board shall interpret
the Election Rules on request and shall have the
authority to hear complaints of violations.The
Elections Board shall have the authority to act as
hearings officers and form a Hearings
Committee that must include but is not limited
to three Elections Board members. All rule inter
pretations and Hearings Committee decisions
may be appealed by the Constitution Court.
Statement of Explanation:
In an effort to have better prepared elections with
higher student turnout, it is better to have a more
prepared Elections Board by appointing them earlier
in the year. It also needs to be earlier in case a spe
cial election needs to happen during fall term.
Shall the ASUO constitution be changed to include
the following language?
2.4 Access to activities supported in whole or in
part through mandatory student incidental fees
shall not be denied for reasons of sex, race, reli
gion, age, sexual orientation, marital status, handi
eap, disabled, political views, national origin or
any other extraneous considerations. Activities
limited to living units legally segregated by sex
may be limited to sex.
Explanation:According to University of Oregon’s dis
abled services, the word disabled is politically correct
and encompasses a larger population.
Shall the ASUO constitution be changed to include
the following language?
4.1 All students of this association shall be eligible
to hold elective or appointive office under this
Constitution. All students elected or appointed,
serving in ASUO governance, programs or com
mittees, shall be required to enroll in and com
plete each term at least the number of eight
credit hours required by the University to main
tain half-time status, except as provided under
section 2.1 of this constitution, during their term
of office.
Explanation: The office of Human Resources and
University Payroll requires that in order to receive
pay a student must be enrolled in a minimum of
eight credits in order to receive pay through a stu
dent position.
Shall the ASUO constitution be changed to include
the following language?
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