concerned with providing the University President with a sense of the diverse student population and the full spectrum of student opinion. The board meets at least twice each term and currently has no stipend. T\vo mem bers are elected at-large for two-year terms in alternating years. Other members include: ASUO President, Vice President, University Affairs Coordinator and representatives from campus media, EMU Board, Student Senate, Interfratemity Council, Panhellenic Council, Residence Hall Governing Council, and ASUO Programs. Other members represent interna tional students, law/graduate students, Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender students and non-traditional students ULi_^T: v /i Nick Hudson If elected toA.S.PA.C.,I will work towards building better rela tions between administration and the student body. There must be a voice that is able to fully repre sent all students. I am that voice. Students need to know someone is on their side. Someone who is willing to fight for students needs and concerns, like affordable edu cation or increased access to pro fessors. As President of Barn hart/Riley complex, I listen to the concerns of residents and affect real change. As ASUO Legislative Intern, I affect change on a state and federal level by lobbying for increased accessibility. If elected, you can count on experience. I will listen to concerns of students and advise President Frohnmayer on them. Students need someone to fight for their rights! Furthermore, there are three important issues I think President Frohnmayer should realize. They are: increase access towards edu cation, such as affordability; re cruitment and retention of minor ity students; and finally, creating better relations with the commu nity. There needs to be affordable education for all, not just a select * few. I am willing to stand up for the voices of the unheard when it - comes to affordability of higher • education. I also realize that there needs to be better programs to re cruit and retain minority stu dents. How are we supposed to gain different perspectives with out equal representation? There needs to be better relations with the community where many stu dents live. Students need some one they can trust and depend on. Experience.Accountability. Re liability. Vote for Nick Hudson! GO DUCKS! Sarah A. Koski How important are your opinions in the university sys tem? Do you want to see action replace promises? If so, vote Sarah Koski for the Associated Students Presidential Advisory Council. I believe that I am the most qualified candidate to represent your concerns. While on the council, I would meet twice a term with President Frohnmayer to convey what YOU are feeling. My two-year experience of working for the state of Oregon has provided me with the necessary tools to communicate effectively and in a competitive setting. As an honors college stu dent, I have learned the impor tance of critical thinking in terms of developing multilateral solutions. My work in political science and international stud ies has also assisted me in understanding the importance of public opinion, while my par ticipation in numerous campus activities has diversified my per spective on student life. VOTE SARAH KOSKI for the Associated Students Presidential Advisory Council. My voice is the best choice. Richie Carpenter The Associated Students Presidential Advisory Board (ASPAC) is a student organiza tion that can lead to great posi tive change in the future of uni versity issues. Representatives on this board have a need to be open-minded, compassionate, and kept well informed of the contemporary issues that affect our university community. I believe that this is a position which I could fill admirably. An involved, energetic standpoint to the discovery of student opinion is what I offer; I would seek out both praise and griev ances with utmost integrity. Conscientiously taking these opinions to heart, I would strive to lobby vigorously for crucial changes to take place. It is vital that all concerns be earnestly debated so as to pro mote positive action. The pro found diversity of personal views at the university deserves to be expressed in political forum. Representatives have a responsibility to insure that this happens. I, as a member of the ASPAC would fulfill this respon sibility, to bring forth the ques tions and concerns of individu als from all backgrounds. Together, all change is possible. Vote for Richie Carpenter. Tucker Staley There are over 20,000 stu dents at the University of Oregon. There is only one President. Thousands of stu dents will never lay eyes on this man and fewer still will talk face to face with him. However, it is very important for the President to get input from the students because we, as students, are the life-blood of this institution. The administra tion must hear our opinions and know where we stand. I am running for the Associated Students Presidential Advisory Board in order to voice our con cerns to the administration. The students must be heard! Vote Tucker Staley for A.S.P.A.C. because sometimes you just gotta tell The Man how you feel. Alexander J. Gonzalez No Statement David Willey No Statement ASPAC 2-yr term midterm_ Jonahan R. Kloor No Statement Student Recreation and Fitness Advisory Board 3 Tuo-yr terms STUDENT RECREATION AND FIT NESS ADVISORY BOARD The board consists of nine members. Three of these positions will be appointed members. The ASUO president will appoint one member. The PARS director will appoint a member from a pool of students that work for the Recreation and Fitness Center. The final appointed mem ber will be selected by the P.E. Director from current or former students of physical educa tion classes. The appointed members will serve for a one-year appointment. The remaining six positions will be elected at large by the student body. Elected members will serve staggered two year terms, three elected in even-numbered years, and three elected in odd-numbered years. Terms of service begin April 1 and conclude March 31. The Board will meet once each month excluding summers. The Board will be responsible for review of policies related to facility use for recreation, user policies, budget matters related to student incidental fees, and also be responsible for representing the Recreation and Fitness Center to the University community and the promotion of student recreational needs. Courtney Warner The Student Recreation Center is a vital and important aspect of our campus which is extensively used by students.To continue the upkeep, manage ment, and overall excellence of the Recreation Center a strong advisory board needs to be implemented. The Student Recreation Center Advisory Board is responsible for review of policies related to facility use for recreation, user policies, budget matters related to stu dent incidental feel. I would also responsible for represent ing the Recreation and Fitness Center to the University com munity and the promotion of student recreational needs. If elected to the Student Recreation Center Advisory Board, I will negotiate with the Student Senate in order to reach the optimal results regarding issues concerning the Student Recreation Center. I am enthusiastic, hard working, opti mistic, responsible and am excited about the potential opportunity to work with the Recreation Center for the stu dents of this University. Vote For Courtney Warner for Student Recreation Center Advisory Board. Win With Warner PFC At-Large 1-yr term Joe Snyder No Statement PFC At-Large 2-yr term midterm Toby Piering Allocating the incidental fee to campus programs here at the Uni versity of Oregon is a complicated job that will become ever more challenging as attendance increas es and new programs arise. After two terms as anASUO Intern,I have been able to observe the Pro gram Finance Committee as well as the hearing process and am confident that I possess the skills needed to make the budget process both smooth and success ful. I also have ample experience working with the budgets of past clubs and organizations that I have been involved with, including my high school’s budget committee. It is my intention to keep the student incidental fee at its cur rent level, avoiding any increas es that would raise the cost of attending the University of Oregon. I would also like to enhance the communications flow between students, campus programs, and the PFC, ensuring that committee rules are known, understood, and fol lowed, in an effort to avoid any funding problems for campus programs. I stand unaligned with any particular political group or cause. I can assure you that I will represent the entire U of O student body as a whole, being just and unbiased towards all campus programs. Vote for Toby Piering for Program Finance Committee and it will be a vote for stu dents and a vote for campus programs. Cory Phillips No Statement EMU Board At-Large 2 Two-yr terms Ethan Firpo The Erb Memorial Union is one of the centerpieces of our cam pus As the body responsible for al lotting money to many of the es sential student programs,it is necessary to have people on the EMU Board that have some sort of vision as of what is important to students,and what is beneficial to the student community. I believe I have the right vision. As a member of the EMU Board, I will seek to make sure that a wide range of ideas is constantly circu lating through the EMU, working to attract speakers and encourag ing the organization of teach-ins. I will make efforts to have this cen terpiece of our campus a center for meaningful thought, as well as a center for the day to day life of the student body. I will work to make sure that the programs that are important to the student body that the EMU funds get appropri ate treatment, and I will work to make sure the EMU budget is one that reflects the student body’s wants. Thank you for your considera tion and, hopefully,your vote. Ethan Firpo EMU Board At-Large 1 Tivo-yr term midterm Slade Leeson As students at the University of Oregon, we pay the university mil lions of dollars in tuition and inci dental fees every year. It’s impor tant to make sure that money is distributed in a fair and equitable way, a way that benefits everyone. A large chunk of every year’s budget goes to the EMU,and the EMU Board is responsible for not only allocating that money, but for plotting the course the EMU will take in the coming years. The stu dent body of this university needs competent representation on this board, if it is to account for their in terests. This is even more critical now, in a time when the board will need to work with a constricting budget. I believe that my positions as Walton Complex Government president and as a reporter help ing covering EMU finance com mittee meetings for the Daily Emerald give me experience and perspective not available to the av erage candidate for the board. If elected, I will represent the aver age student with hard work, im partiality, and a willingness to find a good,compromise solution. I hope that you’ll give me,Slade Lee son,your vote for EMU Board Member. Omid Kianersi No Statement Vote by DUCKWEB • Vote by DUCKWEB paid for by ASUO Elections