and myself, because I feel I can bring new blood and high spir its to the ASUO. When elected students will stay inside the loop with my monthly. This newsletter will keep the Students of the U of O informed of all the business that goes on in the ASUO; no longer will stu dents be kept in the dark. As an ASUO senator I also plan on attending the meetings of the groups that receive funds from the ASUO regularly to make sure your money is being spent properly. One of my goals as Senator will be to draw more diverse speakers to the University. Big name speakers will draw the attention of all students and keep them up on current politics and knowledge. The University of Oregon is a great place, but it can be even better. Vote for Adam Turcott ASUO Senate, he,s one of your own. Kevin Curtin Our University should be a place where new ideas and public debate thrive. I have the skills to help make this happen. Due to my leadership experi ences, I understand the impor tance of effective communica tion. I have the drive to actively communicate with my con stituency and fight for their views and concerns in the Senate. I have a working knowledge of our student government due in large part to an internship that I had with the ASUO. I am Co-Chair of a statewide federa tion of students working on things such as voter registration and education. If elected Senator, I will work to protect the allocation of the incidental fee from misuse. The incidental fee should go toward programs and groups that bene fit the campus as a whole and add to the richness of ideas. I will fight hard to make sure that the student voice is heard. Please vote Kevin Curtin. ff Dan Occhipinti The students of the University of Oregon need and deserve the most from their Senate representatives. With over eight million dollars in funding to distribute, it is essen tial to have the right people working their hardest to make this campus a beacon of light for our community, indeed for the entire state. As the owner of a local busi ness, I know all too well the demands of fiscal responsibility. As a double-major undergrad with a 4.14 cumulative GPA, I also know the meaning of hard work and dedication to a goal. However, the most important thing any representative can do is to listen to their constituents. In this regard, I invite anyone to e-mail or call me and share with me any ideas or concerns they might have involving the Senate or the University at large. After all, when it comes down to it, I am working for you; and it is your needs and your desires that dictate the decisions I will make. If elected, I will combine an impartial approach with critical thinking and a proactive agenda to make this campus a better and safer place in the coming years. Student groups and organizations will get every measure of assistance they require to enliven and accentu ate the University for us all. Go Ducks!!! Vote for Dan Occhipinti. Jordan Marx If elected I would fulfill a responsibility of just, honest, and practical management of the student fee system. Approximately $500 is taken out of each student’s pocket each year. This large sum of money is best managed with an approach of centrism and mod eration. Ideology, while inter esting in a history or political science text, is not a just and fair way to manage the student fee system. We must remember the emotions and feelings of the students involved with govern ment process, while being mindflil of budgetary limits. If elected my decisions will be based not on the ideological nature of student groups, but on the unmet needs these student groups fulfill. I am a Political Science Major and Business minor. My previ ous experience is diverse, beginning with involvment in OSPIRG. But I later became involved with the Residence Hall Association student govern ment to devote more of my time to benefiting the campus environment. There I learned good management skills, the art of negotiation, knowledge of budgets and was named the R.H.A “Member of the Year” for 01-02. I’ve been a Resident Assistant for the past four terms, and have been involved with 30-40 campus programs. Programming ranged from edu cational events on cultural diversity and sexual assault pre vention, to socially oriented hall pizza parties and movie nights. These experiences have given me the necessary preparation to lead with efficiency, modera tion and justice. So all you Social Science majors elect Jordan Marx to Senate Seat 15! Senate Seat #16 Science Jonah Lee Students on campus should be aware of the dynamics of our University. The millions of dollars and, more importantly, the thousands of students that make our association so special have an influence that will affect all of us. Progress should develop where bettering our system operates in a manner where voices are not just heard, but where student opinions are central to the direction of our community. The Academic Senator has responsibilities that help negoti ate funds and more significantly represent a student body. With our constant richness in diversi ty and the upcoming minds of our students, yesterday is differ ent than today. Understanding the needs and fighting for fair solutions are a priority. Being a student leader and being involved in many differ ent aspects of what University of Oregon has to offer, I am aware of the potential we pos sess and the efforts to reach them. The goals of our commu nity can stem from the needs of a single student. I could list off the number of fancy adjectives that say who I am, but actions speak louder than words. If elected to Student Senate, I will ensure representation and more than make an impact that exceeds the job description. Vote for Jonah Lee, Student Senate Seat #16. Gabrielle Guidero I am a hard working, respon sible student in the Sciences Department that will work for the needs of the whole depart ment. I understand the many directions that school can pull you and I can assure you that, if elected, I will put 110% into this position. As your senator I will be fis cally responsible with your fee money and work to hold fee funded groups accountable for their spending. I will focus on the academics, as an academic senator for the Science Department. As your ASUO Senator I will work for you, the students. If I am elected, I urge all of my constituents to come and see me or drop me a note and let me know how I can best represent the Department. Please vote for Gabrielle Guidero for Seat #16 ASUO Academic Senator, Science Department. Paul Griffes It’s an exciting time to be in college. And the University of Oregon offers excellent oppor tunities for students to pursue not only an academic learning experience, but also experi ences relating to all the differ ent cultural communities, organ izations and clubs on campus. Most of the extracurricular clubs on campus are funded through student incidental fees that all students are required to pay. The allocation of Student Incidental fees is often a con tentious one. I believe that it’s important that the Student Incidental fees be disbursed with an eye to benefiting all stu dents and that services which benefit all students (e.g. Legal Services) should take priority to those programs which benefit only a small part of the student population. Regarding student govern ment, I believe that it’s the job of the Student Senate to repre sent the interests and views of the students. My first priority as a student senator will be to make myself available to stu dents. Via office hours, phone and email I will keep lines of communication open to those whom I represent, so that I can better represent you on issues affecting the government of the ASUO. I will also urge the use of ballots to defer to the student body on especially important issues that may come before the student senate. I cite the recent University Assembly vote on an Iraq resolution as an example of an issue which should have been offered to the entire stu dent body to vote on. Senate Seat #17 Business Bethany Larson Being a University of Oregon Senator is a daunting task. Increasing enrollment translates directly into an increase in stu dent incidental fees, now around nine millions dollars. Each individual student has paid the incidental fee; therefore, appropriate allotment is neces sary in order to benefit all stu dents equally. The Student Senate is responsible for the allocation of the incidental fee to student groups, athletics, and the EMU. Allocation of this money takes integrity, responsi bility, and objectivity. As well as dealing with the initial budget, student groups will be requesting funds throughout the year from the budget surplus. Judgments whether to grant the funding will take research and knowl edge; for which the senator is personally responsible. Without the necessary research, a fair ruling cannot be reached. Senators must also hear and make resolutions on grievances from student groups. Each deci sion will be carefully thought through without the slightest sign of impartiality towards any group or person. As a senator I will devote my time and energy to making informed decisions, serving as an impartial judge to all student groups and causes which are affected by the incidental fees. As the business student senator I, Bethany Larson, will be hon est, just, knowledgeable, and aware. Vote for Bethany Larson for Seat 17 of the Student Senate. You will not be let down. Erik Fordyce No Statement No Quorum No Statement Senate Seat #18 Graduate/Law James Jensen Every year graduate students pay incidental fees to the University of Oregon. At the same time many of us are carry ing loans from our undergradu ate educations. Add to this the burden of tuition for graduate school. Furthermore, my fellow law students and I will incur a significant amount of fees when we take the bar exam. Clearly the financial burden on gradu ate students is significant. Consequently, graduate students should be getting the most out of the money that they pay in incidental fees. Graduate students simply can’t afford to waste any of their money. We need to see some direct benefits from the money that we pay in incidental fees. In addition to this, if ASUO takes in surplus funds it would not be unreasonable for gradu ate students to receive some form of a refund. As an ASUO senator I will work hard to fur ther the interests of graduate students at the University of Oregon. ASPAC 2-yr term ASSOCIATED STUDENTS PRESI DENTIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL The Associated Students Presidential Advisory Council (ASPAC) is an 11-member committee that meets at least twice each term with the University President. The objective of this board is to advise the University President on matters affecting the student population. Additionally, ASPAC improves student/administration rela tions and communications between students, student boards and programs. This board is Vote by DUCKWEB • Vote by DUCKWEB paid for by ASUO Elections