First of all if elected I would do everything in my power to return the Men’s Club baseball team to Varsity status. We are currently the only Pac-10 school without a Men’s Varsity baseball team and that is just wrong. Secondly, I will work to ensure that all Women’s Varsity and Club sports have sufficient funding in order to be competi tive. Women’s athletics are an important aspect in represent ing our school’s diversity, and we must make sure that they are well taken care of, while at the same time not neglecting our men’s sports. Funding is and will always be a major concern of most, if not all, athletic clubs and teams. When dealing with budgetary decisions my policy will be to talk with each team in order to provide an appropriate alloca tion of funds designated for each group. If we do experi ence a budgetary shortfall, then I will work with athletic groups in reaching out to the commu nity in an attempt to find dona tions, and if that proves not to be successful then I will work on setting up fundraising events for teams. Through a combination of , paying close attention to budget decisions and allocation of funds, and listening to every . ones’ needs, I believe that we can create an Athletic Department full of competitive teams and players who have access to everything that they need in order to be successful. Anthony Demothenies Atnanatious Kuchulis No Statement r f Jesse Harding “Brock Huard steps back, looks to the corner of the end zone.Throws... ITS INTERCEPT ED!!! I DON’T BELIEVE IT , KENNY WHEATON!!! He’s gonna score. 25...KENNY WHEATON, 10, 5 TOUCH DOWN! The most improbable finish to a football game...!” - Jerry Allen (paraphrased) I’ll make this simple. Why vote for me? I flat out have more experience. I love the Ducks and I know how the sys tem works. I have worked with the ASUO and administrators. I will bend over backwards to keep our seats cheap for you! My experience: RHA presi dent (dorms), Pi Kappa Alpha president,ASUO Community Outreach Coordinator (COC), and co-chair of the Student Conduct Code Committee... oh yeah, I’m a 6th generation Oregonian... I was born green. GO DUCKS!!! Athletic Dept. Finance Committee Seat 9 Kevin Day Through my involvement on IFC and my current role on Senate and ADFC, I have gained the experience needed to suc cessfully be a leader on this campus. I feel it is important for this committee to have con tinuity from year to year, as stu dent ticket contracts are based on the previous years. This past year, I worked closely with the current ADFC chair to learn all I can about the committee as well as establish a base relation ship with our contacts in the Athletic Department. I believe that this makes me the best qualified candidate to fill this position. Not only can I bring my experience and leadership back to the ADFC, but also to the Senate.There are only two guaranteed returning senators to next year’s board. I can use my experience on senate to not only ensure that I serve pro grams fairly, but also to help new senators feel comfortable and capable in their positions. Senate will be much more effec tive and productive with more returning senators. Vote Kevin Day for Student Senate Seat #9 ADFC Patrick Sullivan As an ASUO Athletic Department Finance Senator I will make my best effort to ensure that all student inciden tal fees are used in the best interest of the students. I will attempt to ensure that the stu dents are getting the greatest benefit from the incidental fees they pay. To do this I would negotiate with the athletic department regarding the cost and location of student tickets. I would also try to ensure that there are sufficient numbers of seats available to students for all sporting events on campus, especially for those who seem to be high in demand, such as football and basketball, making it so that the die-hard fans of Duck athletics are not left with out a seat at all sporting events. As a Senator I will also ensure that all incidental fees are used efficiently. I will evaluate how they are currently being spent and tighten up the spending of the funds. Funds will be allocat ed based on which operations are being efficient, with those who do not operate efficiently and in the best interest of the students being allocated fewer funds so that they do not con tinue to waste the students’ money. I will also make sure that any excess funds are either spent on beneficial projects or returned to the students, ensur ing that the students’ money is not squandered and used against their best interest. Senate Seat #11 Undeclared STUDENT SENATE According to the ASUO Constitution, the Student Senate has two major functions! First, it is re sponsible for distributing more than 8 million dollars in incidental fees to three major pro grams: ASUO Programs, the Erb Memorial Union (EMU), and the Athletic Department. As part of this responsibility, it establishes budgeting bench marks or guidelines by November 30 for each of the three Finance Committees (ASUO Programs Finance Committee, EMU Board, and the Athletic Department Finance Committee) responsible for creating line-item budgets for the Major Program areas. Three Finance Senators are elected to serve on each of these Finance Committees. These Senators play an essential role in maintaining ongoing communication between the entire Sen ate and the Finance Committees as the commit tees develop the budgets for each area. The full Senate approves a lump sum budget amount for each Major Program area at the conclusion of the budget process in the spring. The second function of the Student Senate is to represent the UO students in the faculty-student University Senate and University Assembly, which debate and set general University policies. Sena tors also sit on student-faculty committees, run the Information and Grievance Table in the EMU Lobby, approve ASUO executive appointments, and hold regular office hours each week. The Senate is composed of eighteen members, fif teen of who serve for a two-year tenn and three who serve for a one-year term. The permanent structure of the Senate includes the following: three Senators who serve as members of the ASUO Programs Fi nance Committee (2 two year seats and 1 one year seat), three Senators who serve as members of the EMU Board (2 two year seats and 1 one year seat), and th ree Senators who serve as members of the Athletic Finance Committee (2 two year seats and 1 one year seat). These nine Senators are known as the “Finance Senators”. The remaining nine Sen ators are elected by major to represent academic departments and are referred to as "Academic Sen ators” (all two year seats). Experience in ASUO programs and in accounting or budgeting would be helpful, but it is not neces sary. The stipend for positions is about $ 175/month from September to May. These posi tions are expected to work about 15-20 hours per week. The Senate meets once a week. Rebecca Shively I am running for senate be cause after spending the last two terms as anASUO intern and sit ting on OSPIRG’s state board, I’m eager to stay involved in student politics. I enjoy being familiar with the issues that most directly effect students, and I would like to learn more about the inciden tal fee allocation process. I am currently a freshman, and a pledge in the Pi Beta Phi sorority. As someone who loves this cam pus and someday hopes to work in public policy, I look forward to this opportunity to represent U of O students and the things that matter to them most. Senate Seat #12, AAA No Candidates Senate Seat #13 A & L/Journaiism Stefan Myers “Dear Voter, My name is Stefan Myers I am a Junior here at the University of Oregon. I am majoring in journalism with an emphasis in Public Relations and I am running for Academic Senate Seat #13. Let me briefly tell you why I feel I am quali fied for this position. After High School due to financial restraints I enrolled at Clackamas Community College where I was hired as the Legislative Senator for the Student Government. The fol lowing year I was elected Study Body President and worked dili gently to build a strong student club/union system while increasing access for low income students through strong childcare and textbook grant programs. I sat on the Board of Education and President’s Council making sure that the student voice was heard in every capacity. Here at the University of Oregon I am cur rently the ASUO Legislative Associate. Where in addition to lobbing for students of higher education, I also organized numerous voter registration and education campaigns and a lobby trip to Washington D.C.. In closing, I feel that I am quali fied for this position and am ready to make a positive differ ence for Journalism students and the rest of the University ol Oregon student body.” Ashlee Stefani Students at the University of Oregon pay incidental fees, which are distributed among student programs, the EMU and the Athletic Department.The responsibility of the ASUO Senate is to allocate this money to these deserving groups.The increase in tuition and the grant cutbacks next year will require that the ASUO budget stretch even further. Thus allocating these resources efficiently is more important than ever. Since there will be more competition to fund these pro grams, it is imperative to be cost-efficient. I am making a commitment to engage proac tively with these programs to understand their goals and financial needs.This means get ting to know the programs out side of their monthly budget meetings.The degree to which money is limited is unprece dented, and I will work to ensure that students receive their dollar’s worth. If elected to the Academic Senate, I will strive to work directly with the student groups by providing support for their cause and encouraging the physical and cultural develop ment of the student body. I am open-minded, impartial and hard working. Vote Ashlee Stefani for Academic Senate, Seat 13. Alicia Lindquist Hello, I am Alicia Lindquist and am a junior in the School of Journalism. I became interested in running for senate seat 13 when I realized that as a jour nalism student, what was Senate really doing for me? We are a large group with many diverse people, opinions and ideas, so who is helping us get our voice heard? The answer I came up with of course was “I don’t know!’’Well I am ready and will ing to change that and take on this responsibility to represent the Journalism and Arts schools. I am currently the Panhellenic President and was on Panhellenic Council last year as the Risk Manager. I know that I have the leadership skills as well as the listening skills to help students in these majors and bring their voice to Senate. As you know Senate allocates a lot of money to many different student groups and I want to make sure that every group gets heard and helped if possible. I am confident in my abilities to help all of you and do a good job while on Senate. However, this position is really about what you want me to do for you and not about my resume. So come and tell me your ideas and what I can do to help. Remember to vote for the voice and you will see progress! Senate Seat #15 Social Science m : mm Adam Turcott My name is Adam Turcott and I want to be your ASOU Senator. I am pursuing this posi tion because I believe in the University of Oregon and I believe we can work together to keep the University among one of the best. Due to recent budget cuts we are now forced with a dilemma, but I will fight to keep the programs we have at their full strength. It is true that I am not an ASUO insider, but I feel that this is a great advantage to the organization Vote by DUCKWEB • Vote by DUCKWEB paid for by ASUO Elections