Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 2003, Page 6, Image 18

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    munication with students will
help me represent student
interests and work with stu
dents to allocate your fees.
With state budget cuts affect
ing the University, it is impera
tive that students voice their
concerns. As a student leader I
will continue to demand stu
dent input and creative solu
tions to minimize the effect on
students. We must demand
affordable access to education.
Student senators must be
capable in representing the
interests of students before the
entire University while effec
tively allocating the student
incidental fee. Vote for the can
didate with the proven commit
ment, leadership skills, and
experience to do this. Vote Mike
Sherman for ASUO Programs
Finance Senate Seat #3.
Chris Sittner
No Statement
Beth Overgard
The ASUO Programs Finance
senators make important deci
sions about the allocation of the
money that each of you pay
into a collective fund through
incidental fees. The students
that you choose to represent
you should be the most impar
tial group available so that mon
etary decisions can be made
In a conversation with a
close friend, I asked how I
could be best described.
Accompanied by a giggle were
the words “band geek, politi
cian.” Ha! It was a humorous
response, but one I take very
seriously. And just for the
record: yes, I have been to band
camp and leadership camp. _
Musicians and politicians
have many similar characteris
tics although neither party may
like to radiate that fact. Being
described as these two types
was a great compliment. They
are both dedicated, motivated,
hard-working, trustworthy,
dependable, outspoken, and car
The finance senators should,
in my opinion, possess all of
these qualities. While all of the
candidates running are surely
suitable officers, I feel I can
operate with all of the afore
mentioned qualities and can
contribute to the elimination of
bias within the committee.
Former Governor Kitzhaber, in
a letter of recommendation,
described me, Beth Overgard, as
one who is “sincerely commit
ted to excellence in leadership,
responsibility to community,
and education.” Please give me
the opportunity to prove my
commitment to you!
Please vote for me, Beth
Overgard as Finance Senator,
seat 3.
Colin Andries
Over the past couple years I,
Colin Andries, have had the lux
ury of witnessing the growth of
this fine institution. As the
University and its budget has
grown the role of the Student
Senator and especially the
Programs Finance Committee
(PFC) Senator has taken on
additional importance. It is
imperative that members of the
PFC analytically, fairly, and
responsibly distribute the funds
allocated from incidental fees to
University of Oregon students.
As a law student, I have the
traits and education to fairly
work with multiple groups and
their needs. I also have the abil
ity to look at an issue from
more than one angle, and find
the benefits and flaws to plans
presented before the commit
tee. Because I received a
degree in finance from this uni
versity just last year, I am in
tune with the campus as a
whole. I am a member of Delta
Sigma Phi fraternity, have been
involved with the Club Sports
program for the last four years,
and worked with other organi
zations on campus as well. I
feel my wide range of experi
ence with the university can
help me in effectively repre
senting all students.
In conclusion, if elected to
the ASUO Programs Finance
Senator Seat #3,1 will fairly and
justly represent all students in
an effort to provide the best
experience possible for every
one. Please vote Colin Andries
for Senate Seat #3.
EMU Board
Seat 4
Erb Memorial Union (EMU) Board detennines
the policies and long range plans of the Erb
Memorial Student Union. A House Committee
deals with allocation of office space, EMU lobby
space, and other issues associated with the build
ing. The Budget Committee prepares the budget
for the EMU and all of its programs (Cultural
Forum, ChildCare Center, Outdoor Program, etc.)
and presents it to the whole Board. Each Board
member must serve on at least one committee
and attend all Board meetings. The Chair of the
Board and the chair of each committee keep at
least 5 office hours per week.
The Board consists of 15 voting members includ
ing two Finance Senators serving two year terms,
one Finance Senator serving one tenn and four
members elected from the student body at-large
for two year tenns. (See list of positions available
above for specific position numbers and length of
term for this election.) Other members include
appointed representatives of the ASUO Executive,
ASUO programs, EMU programs, EMU classified
staff, and faculty. The three Finance Senators all
serve on the EMU Budget Committee along with
three other members of the Board plus the EMU
Business Manager as a nonvoting member. One
of the four at-large members is selected to serve
as Board Chair. The director of the EMU is an
ex-officio, nonvoting member of the Board. The
Board Chair currently receives $ 150/month for 8
months. The Budget Committee Chair and the
House Committee Chair each currently receive
$ 125/month for 8 months. All other members
receive $95/month for 8 months. Each member
works about 8-10 hours per week. Work-study is
also available for these positions.
Gate V. Kjos
When looking at candidates
for this seat, there are two key
things that a voter should look
at when choosing next year’s
Senators and EMU Board mem
bers: Clear Defined Goals and
Goals: Whether it is through
the Cultural Forum, Greek Life,
Club Sports, the Craft Center
and many other aspects that
embody the EMU, students do
not realize that the EMU is one
of the only programs on cam
pus that touches almost ever
student on campus. I believe
that with increased communica
tion between the EMU Board,
the student senate, and the stu
dents — the EMU can become
the hub of campus life through
leadership and the programs
within the EMU. It is my goal to
continue the work of the pres
ent EMU Board to present a
sound budget and help others
on Senate understand the com
plicated structure of the EMU
budget. I plan on protecting stu
dent interests and creating a
forum for all students to get
actively involved in the EMU
and coalition building with
other groups so that their voice
is heard.
Experience:Through work
ing with a $45,000 budget as
Vice-President of the Residence
Hall Association and through
my involvement with numerous
campus organizations, I have
the experience to help create
an effective budget. As an ASUO
Intern, I have worked within
many organizations and have
interacted with many aspects of
the EMU Board, so I have a bet
ter understanding of how the
board works and their present
To be your voice, choose
Gabe V. Kjos for Senate!
Rodrigo Moreno
As students of the University
of Oregon, we have had the
opportunity to pay a lot of
money to see our voice under
epresented, at all levels of the
administrative structure.
Students for the most part do
not have a real say on what
goes on in this campus, partly
because of the administration’s
contempt for the students in
what now is a graduate factory
instead of a center for research,
and critical independent
thought; partly because a lot of
the times the people chosen for
this positions get elected by the
students to work for them
when in reality they take stu
dent government as an opportu
nity to enlarge their egos and
resumes while moving to act
based on what is more conven
ient for them or their political
aspirations neglecting or disre
garding the needs of the stu
dent body.
I think we should provide
the student population with
more scholarships, more fund
ing for independent student ini
tiative whether it be social
activities, getting a travel grant,
or developing a project or stu
dent orgartization or club as
well as with a real voice on
what happens in this campus
My objective in running for
senate is to counter the weight
in the desitions made in the
allocation of money from what
the administration wants (and
some senators pass to avoid
uncomfortable confrontations)
to what the students need
because student government
should not be a priviledge but a
duty and a responsibility to
serve the students.
So VOTE Rodrigo Moreno for
Senate Seat 4
Julian Pscheid
My name is Julian Pscheid, and I
am running for Senate seat 4.1 am
a junior and my major is computer
science, with business and math
minors.Currently I am holding a
position on the Interfraternity
Council and am seeking to expand
my involvement to benefit the
general student population by par
ticipating in the incidental fee dis
tribution process and actively rep
resenting the students of our
universityAs senator I will be fair
and impartial towards all student
groups.I will be committed to
serving all students and hard
working to convince you of the
sincerity of my purpose Vote for
Julian Pscheid.
EMU Board
Seat 6
Jerad Nicholson
No Statement
James George
“As a student here at the Uni
versity of Oregon, I have a vested
interest in the well being of our
campus community. The Erb
Memorial Union is the heart of this
campus and therefore student in
put is necessary to relay the needs
of the students to the Board of Di
rectors. As a student that uses the
EMU on a daily basis, I feel that I
have a good understanding of
what students want out of our stu
dent union.
As a Student Senator I would be
able to utilize the connections that
I have made while working in the
EMU to help aid me in conveying
the needs we have as students.
Knowing people throughout the
EMU will aid me in representing
all their needs as well as the needs
of the student population as a
If elected to the Student Senate
I would work with all students and
groups within the Erb Memorial
Union, to adequately represent the
needs we have as students. I am a
very hard working, dedicated per
son that will work for you. Vote for
James George.”
Athletic Dept.
Committee Seat 7
The ASUO Athletic Department (AD) Finance
Committee is composed of five members
including two Finance Senators serving for two
years, one Finance Senator serving for one year,
one member appointed by the ASUO President
for a one year term, and one member appoint
ed by the Athletic Department Team Council for
a one year term. The ,SUO Finance
Coordinator serves as i nonvoting member.
The chair of the AD Fi ,ance Committee is
picked from the elected members. Members of
this committee work 8 10 hours per week.
Senate members of tin :, committee receive a
stipend of $100/mont! for four months.
The AD Finance Com; ittee is responsible for
working with the Athletic Department to devel
op a recommendation for the incidental fee
allocation for the Athletic Department. This
recommendation is forwarded to the Student
Senate for final approval.
Andrew Faust
No Statement
Nathan Hunt
No Statement
Laura Schulthies
No Statement
Athletic Dept.
Committee Seat 8
Vincent Martorano
I am running for the Athletic
Department Finance Senate seat
#8 for a number of reasons.
Vote by DUCKWEB duckweb.uoregon.edu • Vote by DUCKWEB duckweb.uoregon.edu
paid for by ASUO Elections