and student run organizations that help our diverse student body feel at home. With your support, I intend to keep education and student life at the top of the administra tions priorities. With your vote, I can help keep the PFC on track and working for the stu dents. Make your vote count; vote Damion Meany for senate seat #1! Trevor Sehrer No Statement Alyce Chong The Student Senate is responsible for the allocation of more than 8 million dollars to ASUO programs, Erb Memorial Union, and the Athletic depart ment. The role of a Programs Finance Committee senator is to act as a liaison between the Student Senate and the commit tee as well as allocating 4.5 mil lion dollars to 120+ASUO pro grams. These roles of the Programs Finance Committee Senator require the election of a fiscally responsible senator who has the experience and dedication to serve and advo cate for the culture and physi cal development of students. This past year on the Programs Finance Committee and Student Senate I have gained the experience needed to ensure that our incidental fee will be allocated effectively and efficiently. I would like to con tinue to protect our incidental fee through the commitment and consistency that I have demonstrated this year as a Programs Finance Committee Senator. Vote For Alyce Chong, PFC Senate Seat #1. 1 Hargobind Khalsa The purpose of the University of Oregon is to pro vide students with environ ments that are conducive to learning.While the classroom rarely fits this criteria, most of us will look back on our experi ence and find we learned pri marily through extracurricular activities.The Programs Finance Committee (PFC) is an organiza tion whose purpose is to foster relationships with student groups looking to enhance our atmosphere through athletic, cultural, and political opportu nities. I am qualified for this committee through my experi ence as an entreprenuer, as well as the ability to remain nuetral in allocating funds in accor dance with the law. More importantly, though, is that I genuinely enjoy the events made possible through the PFC and I will do everything in my power to help facilitate these activities. r Adrian T. Gilmore The purpose of my campaign is to provide quality and fair representation to my fellow members of the University of Oregon community. I am a first year law student here at the University of Oregon, and I feel this university provides many outlets for students to express their views and beliefs.This social exercise is essential to student life on this campus. I want make it my priority to ensure that student organiza tions have adequate funding and a chance to make their voices heard.The Programs Finance Committee is the main vehicle for providing such fund ing. Serving as an ASUO Senator on the PFC is the best way for me to help my community. I will provide unbiased represen tation to all of the students in this community. Through my life experiences and travels I feel that I can bring an understanding of dif ferent views and cultures to the table. It is the job of the student government to allow all view points to be expressed and heard on campus. If elected to ASUO Senate Seat #1,1 will pro vide an unbiased ear and voice so that all students can have the opportunity to be heard here at the U of O. Vote Adrian Gilmore for PFC Senate Seat #1 I a Rick Reed Do you know what your Senate is doing? Last year, the Student Senate doled out over 8 million dollars. Those 8 million dollars came from you, and you deserve to know where your money is going. I am running for Senate Seat 1. This position requires many hours of hard work and person al attention to spread our money fairly and responsibly among all 119 student groups submitting their budget to the Programs Finance Committee. Every year there are groups that slip between the cracks; groups that don’t receive any money simply because they do not receive the attention they need. I will ensure that your inci dental fees, your 8 million dol lars, are not spent needlessly. If you want a Senator who will fight for you, the individual, and someone willing to spend the time to ensure a fair distribu tion of the incidental fees, vote for me. Vote for Rick Reed. PFC seat 2 Kevin Odil You and every other student at the University of Oregon are paying something called and Incidental Fee.This fee is split up and put into three major areas; the Athletic Department, EMU, and into an account that is used to fund all of the stu dent groups on campus. Over the past few years these feeis has been increasing. I feel that there is no need for this to hap pen. With an increase in the number of students attending the University of Oregon there is more money in the pot with out raising fees. There has, in the past, been a problem with people on the finance committee also being members of campus organiza tions funded by incidental fees. When this happens there bias which leads to unfair spending and favoritism.There is no room for this type of bias and favoritism at all.The finance committee is there to help all student groups acquire the funding that they need in order to function appropriately, not help one group more then another. Hopefully with your vote I will be elected to ASUO Senate seat 2 and change the way our incidental fees are handled. Just remember when you look at all the other candidates running for seat 2, check if they are a member of any organizations funded by our incidental fees. I am sure that you will make the right decision. VOTE FOR KEVIN ODIL Greg Diamond No Statement Mena Ravassipour My name is Mena Ravassipour and I am a General Science major with aspirations to attend medical school. Currently I am an Academic Senator (seat #11), and I would be honored and humbled to have the chance to represent you once again. I am running for Programs Finance Senator Seat #2,1 wish to allocate fund ing to the many student groups that are specifically aimed to assist the general student body. If elected, I will make it a point to represent every student who has a difficulty or dilemma, giv ing them a voice to feel com fortable in bringing their issues to the forefront. My goal is to be accessible to any student problems and any student group’s financial needs. I would take pride in having the responsibility once more, to cre ate opportunities for the indi viduals whom attend the University of Oregon; to be involved in the decision making process that will affect your schooling lives. I am ready to take on this re sponsibility for I have been deeply involved in student gov ernment during my entire school ing career. I have held countless office positions that demanded decisiveness and efficiency. You must make the decision that will ultimately create opportunities for yourselves. By choosing a worthy candidate who will listen to your needs and desires; you will be, in effect, choosing more opportunities for growth as a stu dent of the University of Oregon. Choose responsibly, choose op portunity; choose me, Mena Ravassipour as your Programs Fi nance Senator Seat #2! r Mike Martell The Programs Finance Committee budgets over $4 mil lion of student money. The job is both demanding and impor tant. As an elected finance sena tor I will work diligently and professionally to ensure the fis cal responsibility and the legali ty of all student incidental fee dollars. This past year I served on the Programs Finance Committee as the Executive Appointee; I have experience with the job and am up for the challenges of a second year on the committee. The committee this year did a formidable job and received much praise from both groups taking part in the budget process and onlookers of the budget process. I am very proud of this year’s com mittee and would like to par take in the budget process as a finance senator next year and improve upon an already suc cessful budgeting year. Please vote, Mike Martell. ill Joe Jenkins My name is Joe Jenkins and I want to work for everyone at the University. Before I came to Ore gon, I served for four years in stu dent government at my under graduate college. During that time,I learned that every organiza tion, no matter how small or how large, was integral to the college experience. Organizations pro vide forums for meeting friends, they increase diversity, and they provide valuable services to the school and community. I want to continue to help organizations by ensuring adequate funding to con tinue the enrichment of the Ore gon community. How can I do this? Aside from my experience sit ting many hours in meetings with organizations discussing budgets and the many hours debating and voting on organi zational budgets, law school has taught me how to listen to all sides of an argument and to be able to represent any one of those viewpoints regardless of my beliefs. This skill helps me separate the beliefs of an organ ization from my own and recog nize value in every organization regardless if I agree with them or not. This is required of any PFC member and I know that I can be impartial and fair. Beyond the duties of a PFC member, I am prepared to rep resent every student in my duties of a senator from passing resolutions of student opinion to making sure the administra tion listens to students’ con cerns. Thank you for your time and be sure to vote Joe Jenkins, PFC Senator Seat 2. PFC seat 3 Michael Sherman It is over $8 million of your money-the allocation of the incidental fee will determine and promote many of the extracurricular opportunities you have. As a current Programs Finance senator I have been dedicated to bringing you these opportunities by working with Law, Greek, cultural and other student groups to responsibly spend your incidental fees. My experience has developed my knowledge of student govern ment, leadership and communi cation skills, and commitment to students. In order to ensure the fair allocation of the incidental fee, I am committed to demanding fiscal accountability in the spending of your money. The PFC process is lengthy and complicated. To ensure the suc cess of this process, I have been devoted to working with our fellow students. My knowledge of this process along with hard work, professionalism, and com \ Vote by DUCKWEB • Vote by DUCKWEB paid for by ASUO Elections